Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 335: Lingtai Relics

When Gu Qianyin heard that this was grass growing on the bones, her face immediately changed slightly and she asked, "Where are the bones?"

Su Chen was too lazy to do anything, waved his hand and said: "Xue Yong, come and take this stone


Xue Yong responded naively, then stepped forward, pulled out the long sword from his waist, and began to dig up the ground around the stone.

Soon, he dug up the ground, and then Gu Qianyin and Li Shitong were surprised to find that under this "stone"

At the end of the digging, a whole skeleton appeared directly, and the "stone" just now was its skull.

However, because the skeleton was buried upright in the ground, with only one head exposed, it looked like a stone on the ground.

"Ah!" Gu Qianyin suddenly screamed, her pretty face turned pale when she thought that she had kicked this skull just now.

Su Chen gave her a strange look and said, "What are you afraid of? This person has been dead for at least tens of thousands of years."

Gu Qianyin blinked and was speechless for a while. She was not afraid that the bones of the dead would suddenly come back to life. She just felt that the bones were a little uncomfortable.

However, Su Chen would definitely not understand a woman's thoughts.

Li Shitong on the side cast a meaningful look at Gu Qianyin. At this moment, she suddenly felt a little sympathy for Gu Qianyin again.

Because in some aspects, Su Chen is just like wood.

Xue Yong carefully took out the bones and laid them flat on the ground. Su Chen and the two girls gathered around and observed the bones.

"Hey, this corpse's bones are as lustrous as white jade, and they are not rotten." Li Shitong said in surprise.

"This shows that his strength has reached the Lingtai level, and his whole body has been tempered by the Lingtai, so his bones will not rot long after death." Su Chen did not hide anything and said it directly.

"Lingtai realm?" The two women sucked in a breath of cold air at the same time, and their eyes immediately changed when they looked at the corpse.

"This corpse turned out to be that of a powerful person in the spiritual stage? Then how could he be buried here?" Gu Qianyin said in disbelief.

"This place should have been an ancient battlefield, and there was an ancient war. This person should have died in the war. Later, the earth's crust changed, causing the bones to be buried underground." Su Chen said.

"I see."

The two women nodded and looked at the corpse carefully. This was the corpse of a powerful person in the Lingtai realm. If they could find some treasure, they would make a profit.

However, to their disappointment, the bones were clean from top to bottom, and no treasures were left behind.

This is normal. If these are the bones of a person who died in battle, then the treasures on his body will most likely be taken away by the enemy after death, so naturally nothing will be left behind.

"Let's lay it to rest."

Li Shitong suggested, "After all, this is the corpse of a powerful person in the Lingtai realm. It's quite pitiful to be exposed to the broad daylight like this."

Gu Qianyin also agreed deeply, nodded and said: "Although the corpse was buried in the soil before, it was standing upright on the head and feet. It cannot be considered buried in the ground. Let's dig a hole and put it flat in it." ”

"Okay, let's dig a hole together."

Su Chen nodded, pulled out the Moon-Zhancing Sword and dug a hole, and the other three followed suit.

Except for Su Chen, the other three were in the realm of transformation. With their strength, they were not slow to dig a hole. After about a quarter of an hour, they dug a large hole two feet deep.

Xue Yong picked up the corpse and was about to put it into the pit when suddenly there was a crash and something rolled out of the corpse.

The four of them looked around and saw that the thing was as big as a lotus seed, like a white jade bead, emitting a faint golden light.

"What's this?"

Gu Qianyin looked at the thing hesitantly. He wanted to pick it up but thought it was something from a corpse, so he hesitated.

Li Shitong bent down to pick it up, held it in his hand, and exclaimed: "This is the spiritual platform relic!"

"Lingtai relics?" Gu Qianyin had never heard of it.

"I heard from the teacher that there are a small number of powerful people in the Lingtai realm. After death, their martial arts essence will be condensed into a relic. If someone can absorb and refine it, not only can they obtain the massive cultivation level in the relic, but also I have received his lifelong martial arts inheritance. However, the chance that the Lingtai realm corpses can be condensed into Lingtai relics is extremely small. I didn’t expect that we would encounter them.”

When Li Shitong talked about these things that he knew well, his eyes sparkled and he looked very excited.

"So, this Lingtai relic is the best inheritance left by the bones of the Lingtai realm great master?" Gu Qianyin asked.

"That's right, it's stronger than any weapon or pill."

Li Shitong said, looking at Su Chen, and said, "Su Chen, you discovered the bones of this Lingtai realm. This Lingtai relic should be yours."

Su Chen actually didn't think much about this spiritual platform relic, because part of this spiritual platform relic was a waste to him, and that was the martial arts inheritance inside. He has a high-level martial arts inheritance from the Dan Realm in his previous life, so how could he be so indifferent to the martial arts inheritance from the Yunyuan Empire.

However, after Li Shitong said this, Su Chen thought for a moment and reached out to take the relics from the Lingtai.

This spiritual platform relic also contains a huge amount of cultivation. Now that they are exploring the ruins, they don't know if there will be any danger later. There is no harm in improving their strength.

In this regard, Su Chen is still confident. With so much cultivation, if given to himself, it will definitely be of greater use than to others.

"You help me protect the Dharma, and I will absorb the relics." Su Chen said.

The other three people nodded and walked aside, leaving a small space for Su Chen.

Su Chen held the relic in his palm, sat cross-legged, and started refining it directly. A large amount of spiritual energy was quickly absorbed by him from the relic and entered his Dantian.

The nine true essence cores in the Dantian began to stir. Under the catalysis of the massive amount of spiritual energy, it didn't take long for a new light spot to condense, which was the tenth true essence core.

An hour later, the tenth true essence core was successfully condensed, which also marked that Su Chen had officially entered the tenth level of the condensed essence realm.

However, it was not over yet. The spiritual energy in the relic had not been used up. The massive amount of spiritual energy quickly pushed Su Chen's cultivation from the tenth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm to the peak of the tenth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

In this way, Su Chen's promotion is over.

Taking a deep breath, he stood up, feeling refreshed and full of strength.

"We broke through so quickly. The Lingtai relics are really magical." Gu Qianyin walked over and said with a smile.

Su Chen tapped his chin lightly, his eyes shining. He has reached the peak of the tenth level of the Condensation Realm, and is not far from the Transformation Realm.

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