Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 324: Embarrassing Result

However, Nangong Lin's visit this time was indeed a private act without Dean Wu's permission.

Therefore, he could provoke Su Chen into a life-and-death posture, but he could not force Su Chen into a life-and-death posture. Otherwise, if Dean Wu knew about it, he would definitely be unhappy.


Nangong Lin quickly put away the evil spirit and snorted coldly: "It seems that you don't dare to take my sword."

Su Chen said leisurely: "I can take your sword, but I'm afraid you will regret it."

Nangong Lin said coldly: "Why do I regret it?"

Su Chen chuckled: "Didn't you say that if I catch your sword, it will be treated as if nothing happened? If that is the case, wouldn't the revenge of your follower Hua Yunfeng be unavailable?"

"Ha." Nangong Lin chuckled as if he heard some big joke, "You mean, you can take my sword?"

"I hope you can keep your word." Su Chen said, drawing out his sword at the same time. He has always been a protective person, but now in order to protect Xue Yong, he has to work harder.

"Ignorant and arrogant!" Nangong Lin said coldly, and the long sword in his hand danced like a sword flower. Looking at the entire Anyang Academy, his swordsmanship is unmatched and he is the well-deserved number one among the younger generation. Not many warriors at the same level could catch his all-out sword, let alone someone at the ninth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

"In order not to say that I am bullying the small, I can suppress my strength to 30% of my usual strength." Nangong Lin said. In fact, 30% already looked up to Su Chen. If it were an ordinary Condensation Realm, Nangong Lin would not even have 10% of his strength. unuseful.

"No, you'd better go all out, otherwise you won't regret it later." Su Chen said with a smile.

"Arrogant idiot!" Nangong Lin slashed out with his sword, and the cold light was like water, and it was thrown towards Su Chen.

"It is indeed very strong." Su Chen's pupils shrank. Nangong Lin's sword was indeed very strong. A sword with 30% strength was much stronger than Leng Shuang just now. He was worthy of being the number one swordsman genius in Anyang Academy.

This sword, let alone a warrior of the Condensing Yuan Realm, even an ordinary second-level warrior of the Transformation Realm, would probably be cut in half in front of this sword.

"A sword weighs fifteen times."

Su Chen immediately used "Overlapping Waves Slash" and rushed forward with a sword energy.

"Large Wave Slash" and the power of sword energy are superimposed to deal super high damage.

clang! The two swords collided fiercely in mid-air.

Nangong Lin only felt a sharp pain in the tiger's mouth. From Su Chen's sword, an extremely strong shock force came from Su Chen's sword, which made Nangong Lin's heart tremble and feel extremely uncomfortable. His whole body was even more numb. Take three steps back.

"How can this be?"

Nangong Lin couldn't believe it. Although it was only a sword that was 30% of his own strength, it was caught by someone at the ninth level of the Condensation Realm, and the sword was so shocked that he took a few steps back. This fact was still extremely difficult for Nangong Lin to accept.

The people around him were also surprised to see this scene. They couldn't recover for a long time and couldn't believe their eyes.

"What's going on? Su Chen actually knocked Nangong Lin back three steps?"

"Even if Nangong Lin hits with 30% of his strength, this is still a miracle."

"Do you want to fight or not?" Su Chen chuckled. The opponent only used 30% of his strength to face him. This was a mistake in itself. Anyone who underestimated him would definitely be severely slapped in the face by the cruel reality.

Su Chen estimated that if Nangong Lin used 70% of his strength, it might be very difficult for him to take his move. But with a move that was 30% powerful, it was not difficult for Su Chen to take it.

Nangong Lin frowned. If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to see that at this moment, Nangong Lin's wrist holding the sword is trembling slightly, indicating that he is not at peace in his heart.

Because at this moment, Nangong Lin was already in a dilemma.

Keep fighting? But just now he had used 30% of his strength, but was knocked back by Su Chen. If he used more strength now, what would happen? If the Transforming Object Realm bullies the Ning Yuan Realm, should the big one bully the small one?

Don't want to continue fighting? But he himself said just now that if Su Chen could take his sword, it would be as if nothing had happened. He couldn't swallow what he said now, could he?

No matter what choice you make, the outcome will be embarrassing in the end.

Nangong Lin hesitated for a while, and finally found the perfect excuse for himself: "I came here today mainly to teach you a lesson, but if I use the big one to bully the small, or rely on the strong to bully the weak, then that's not my intention."

"So, let's get here today. As for Xue Yong's matter, I won't get involved anymore and will wait for the academy to handle it." Nangong Lin said hypocritically.

Su Chen just laughed, is this not your intention to bully the weak? Then why did you ask me to live and die just now? If I hadn't caught the sword just now, would I be a corpse now?

Nangong Lin had no intention of staying here any longer. The looks from the people around him seemed to be a kind of ridicule to him.

Soon, Nangong Lin left without looking back.

The law enforcement team was hindered in enforcing the law, and Nangong Lin also left frustrated. This should have been a big thing, but because Su Chen was involved, it seemed that big things had become trivial.

Over the next few days, everything seemed to be calm. No one mentioned the arrest of Xue Yong again, and no one said that Su Chen would be punished for obstructing law enforcement.

However, this is just an unspoken rule. As long as Xue Yong stays in Su Chen's yard or acts with Su Chen, no one will cause trouble for him. But if Xue Yong leaves Su Chen's yard or stays alone, it will be difficult to guarantee whether someone from the college will come to arrest Xue Yong.

In the final analysis, Xue Yong's crimes were not pardoned, and the college only gave Su Chen a face.

However, Anyang Academy, as a major force, has to give face to a student, which is unprecedented.

To put it bluntly, Anyang Academy is still wary of the eldest son behind Su Chen and the three alchemy giants.

In this way, Su Chen had two people to protect at the same time.

But Xueying is okay. As long as she lives in Anyang College, the Shangguan family will not dare to come and make trouble casually. Su Chen has already said hello to Ling Fang. As long as the Shangguan family dares to come, Ling Fang will use his sword skills. Treat them well.

As for Xue Yong, it's a little more troublesome, he has to be with him at all times.

Su Chen continued to practice, but now he no longer practiced martial arts. Instead, he repeatedly tempered and consolidated the nine true essence cores in his dantian to prepare for breaking through to the tenth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Three days later, Su Chen had to temporarily interrupt his cultivation process because Gu Qianyin and Li Shitong came together.

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