Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 323: Take my sword

Sure enough, Leng Shuang quickly calmed down after being briefly stunned, and said contemptuously: "You don't know what you can do."

Then, Leng Shuang exerted force on his wrists to turn the long sword in his hand.

But what he didn't expect was that no matter how hard he tried, his long sword would not move at all, as if it was growing on Su Chen's fingers, and it seemed like it was clamped by two iron pincers.

How can it be?

Where did this kid get such terrifying power?

Leng Shuang was shocked and suspicious, and then Su Chen said calmly: "I would like to advise you, put down the sword, so as not to suffer."

Leng Shuang naturally refused to let go. He was about to say something harsh, but suddenly he felt an electric current-like force transmitted to his hand through the sword body. Suddenly, his entire right arm holding the sword became paralyzed, and he couldn't hold the sword at all. He dropped the sword to the ground with a clang.

Uh-huh! Everyone present looked over. It was really strange for a warrior to drop his weapon.

Leng Shuang's cheeks were burning with pain. The most important thing was that he couldn't figure out where the paralysis power came from.

"Su Chen, don't be too arrogant, do you dare to take another blow from me!"

Leng Shuang shouted while picking up the sword from the ground and said, "I want you to see the power of the "Tianxin Sword" that I have exclusively cultivated!"

Saying that, Leng Shuang immediately displayed an intermediate Xuan-level swordsmanship and martial arts.

The power of this swordsmanship and martial arts is not bad, but it is a pity that he encountered Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled faintly, quickly unsheathed his Moon-Zhancing Sword, and started fighting Leng Shuang with completely unorganized moves.

The more he beat him, the expression on Leng Shuang's face gradually changed from casual to horrified. The swordsmanship displayed by Su Chen seemed chaotic, but in fact it was extremely powerful. No matter which direction he attacked from, he could not break through.

On the contrary, Leng Shuang even felt that if he was even remotely threatening to Su Chen, he might be instantly killed by Su Chen's sword technique.

As a result, Leng Shuang lost confidence the more he fought.

At the same time, he also couldn't figure out what was going on. Wasn't Su Chen a small person in the Condensing Yuan Realm? How could he push himself, who was at the third level of the Transformation Realm, into such a miserable situation?


Su Chen drew his sword, and the sword energy was dazzling, as bright as the rising sun.

Leng Shuang's body was directly knocked away by the sword. Like a sandbag, it flew far away and fell to the ground with a bang.

Xue Yong's pupils shrank sharply. He could clearly see this scene. There was clearly a snow-white sword energy hidden in Su Chen's sword. Moreover, Su Chen's sword moves seemed random and changeable, but in fact they seemed to be quite mysterious.

However, as a person who does not understand the art of swordsmanship, Xue Yong cannot tell what the mystery is.

The scene of Leng Shuang falling to the ground made everyone at the scene open their mouths in surprise.

Su Chen actually defeated Leng Shuang, who was at the third level of the Transformation Realm, in a head-on competition!

This is really an amazing thing.

You know, Su Chen is only at the ninth level of the Yuan Ning Realm.

How could his ability to leapfrog challenges be so terrifying?

Puff puff……

Leng Shuang kept vomiting blood. Although Su Chen did not kill him with this sword, he was still seriously injured. The blood surged in his chest. When he opened his mouth casually, he spit out a large mouthful of blood.

"Okay, take him away, don't pile him up here like garbage."

Su Chen put away the Moon-Zhancing Sword and waved his hand like a fly.

Leng Shuang was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood. He stared at Su Chen bitterly and said in a cold voice: "Okay, I have you! Remember, this matter is not over! It is definitely not over!"

After Leng Shuang left, Xue Yong said with a worried look on his face: "Master Chen, that guy will definitely not give up. I'm sorry, I caused you trouble, you shouldn't help me."

Xue Yong felt very sorry for Su Chen. He was obviously the cause of the trouble, but in the end, he dragged Su Chen into the water as well.

Although Su Chen seemed calm and relaxed, Xue Yong felt that Su Chen would definitely not be able to fight against the will of Anyang College. When the time comes, if the college pursues the case, he and Su Chen might be in trouble together.

Xue Yong secretly made up his mind that if the college investigates the case, he must take all the responsibility on himself and will never implicate Su Chen in the slightest.

"What are you talking about? If you rely on your own strength to oppress others, I will definitely not help you. But you are fighting for the face you deserve and winning the dignity, and Hua Yunfeng deserves it, so I will help you ”

Su Chen shrugged and said.

"Okay now, Su Chen is going against the rules of the academy."

"Yes, can he be able to defeat the entire academy by himself?"

The people onlookers were talking and shaking their heads to see how Su Chen would respond.

But Su Chen, who was at the center of everyone's conversation, looked very relaxed, as if nothing had happened.

Suddenly, Su Chen, as if feeling something in his heart, turned his head and looked into the distance.

In the distance, several young people were seen approaching. The leader among them, wearing a green suit and carrying a long sword, was none other than Dean Wu's favorite disciple, Nangong Lin.

As for the others, they are students from Class A of other colleges.

"Su Chen, students should not arbitrarily interfere with the law enforcement team's law enforcement. Do you know your guilt for this matter?" Nangong Lin came over and looked at Su Chen condescendingly.

Su Chen looked at Nangong Lin and said, "Did Dean Wu ask you to come?"

"The teacher doesn't know about this yet. I'm here to represent the senior management of the college and let you know the mistakes you have made." Nangong Lin said calmly.

Su Chen smiled: "How do you plan to make me aware of the mistakes I made?"


Nangong Lin drew out his long sword, and the sword light shone: "Don't you like to show off your violence? Now I will give you a sword. If you catch it, just pretend that nothing happened. If you can't catch it, That's what you asked for, it has nothing to do with anyone."

This is going to make Su Chen stand in a state of life and death.

Su Chen's smile widened: "Without Dean Wu's consent, you asked other students to make life and death decisions without authorization. Nangong Lin, how do you think Dean Wu would view this matter if he knew about it?"

Nangong Lin's eyes suddenly showed a trace of evil spirit. Hua Yunfeng was considered his younger brother, and the two of them had always had a good relationship. Now Hua Yunfeng was suddenly destroyed by Xue Yong. I thought that the college law enforcement team would catch Xue Yong and go back to deal with it in a matter of minutes, but unexpectedly, they were blocked by Su Chen.

Therefore, he came here just to teach Su Chen a lesson, and also to let others know that no one can challenge the authority of the academy's rules.

At the same time, no one can touch his Nangong Lin's little brother. Anyone who does will have to pay a heavy price several times.

That's right, Nangong Lin wanted to capture Xue Yong, and then find a way to get the college to convict and execute him. This would be regarded as revenge for Hua Yunfeng.

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