Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 310: The furious Elder Greedy Wolf

"Boy, you are so disgusting. How dare you use our Poison Wolf Sect's money to hire someone to kick the scene at Poison Wolf Sect."

Elder Tanlang was furious. In his opinion, where did a young boy like Su Chen get so much money? He must have spent the money he got from selling Yutian Jade just now.

Elder Tanlang also forgot to calculate whether the money from selling Yutian Jade was enough to hire so many people, and said angrily, "You dare to go against our Poison Wolf Sect, you are really seeking death. I just happen to be here to kill you today."

Su Chen, on the other hand, ignored Elder Tanlang's clamor and just smiled leisurely and said: "I was worried about wanting to go to Poison Wolf Gate to play but I don't know where Poison Wolf Gate is. It's just right, so I'll ask you to show me the way."

"I don't know whether to live or die!" Elder Tanlang launched his attack at Su Chen again, but he was stopped by different people several times in succession and could not get even half a step closer to Su Chen, let alone teach Su Chen a lesson.

At this time, Su Chen had already walked up to the stall owner, grabbed the stall owner's neck, lifted it up like a chicken, and threw it to the ground. The stall owner screamed and all the bones in his body were shattered. Dozens.

"Those who dare to offend me, maybe I will give you a first chance, but there will never be a second chance." Su Chen said with a slight smile.

Elder Tanlang was so angry that he was trembling with anger. This boy dared to throw one of his people to serious injuries in front of him. This is absolutely unforgivable.

Veins were pulsing on his forehead. He suddenly gave Su Chen a cold look and said, "Boy, you're fine. Just wait for me."

With that said, Elder Tanlang ran out, but he did not run away, but went outside to find the Yulin Yuwei of Anyang City.

There are millions of people in Anyang City, and a large part of them are warriors. When so many warriors gather together, it is inevitable that there will be people who are looking for trouble. Street fights are inevitable every day, so the prince of Anyang County also specially set up a royal forest. The Yu Guards are equivalent to the patrol guards of Anyang City, maintaining order in Anyang City.

Now that Su Chen had thrown a person into serious injury in full view of the public, this kind of thing definitely fell into the category of provoking trouble, and it was also within the jurisdiction of the Royal Forest Guards.

"Master Chen, what should we do?" someone asked.

Su Chen smiled lightly and said, "It's okay."

Everyone present shook their heads secretly, including Cao Lin and the others. They all felt that Su Chen was a little too arrogant. It was not a small matter to openly hurt people in Anyang City, and he would definitely be questioned by Yulin Yuwei.

Not long after, Elder Tanlang returned to the Warriors Guild Hall with a group of Royal Forest Guards.

"Master Chen, that's him!" Elder Tanlang pointed at Su Chen and said to the group of imperial guards.

The group of Royal Forest Guards looked at Su Chen one after another. One of the leaders, who looked like a commander, said in surprise: "Huh? Master Su Chen?"

"Long time no see, Commander Chen." Su Chen smiled faintly. He knew this commander of the Royal Forest Guards, who was a confidant of the eldest prince.

Seeing the two of them chatting, Elder Tanlang on the side suddenly had a bad premonition. Su Chen actually knew the leader of the Yulin Feather Guard?

How can this be? These leaders of the Royal Forest Guards are all masters from Anyang County Prince's Palace. Their status is far higher than ordinary people. How could they have anything to do with a seemingly ordinary young man?

"Master Su Chen, what's going on?" Commander Chen asked, looking at Su Chen with even a hint of awe.

Su Chen pointed to the stall owner who was badly thrown to the ground and said: "He set up a stall on the street and sold me a stone for three thousand taels. After I bought it, I smashed a Yutian jadeite from the stone and changed hands. He sold it for 100,000 taels, and now he wants me to return the stone to him. He returned me 3,000 taels. If I didn’t agree, he asked someone to teach me a lesson. Of course I had to defend myself.”

"So that's it?"

When Commander Chen heard this, his face suddenly darkened. He looked at Elder Tanlang and said in a deep voice, "You guys are so brave. Mr. Su Chen is a close friend of the eldest prince. How dare you blackmail him?" Are you going to kill him?"


The eldest prince’s best friend?

Elder Tanlang was so surprised that he couldn't speak. He looked at Su Chen in disbelief. This young man who seemed to be just an ordinary boy from a poor family was actually the eldest prince's best friend?

You know, today's eldest prince is already the crown prince, and his status is far from what it used to be. If you dare to touch the eldest prince's close friends, isn't it because you think your life is too long?

"I remembered, isn't he Su Chen, who has been very popular recently? The alchemy wizard who is valued by the three alchemy giants at the same time?"

"Yes, it is said that the eldest prince also admires him very much. He is a famous person in Anyang City recently."

"You are talking nonsense. You were the one who made the first move just now."

Elder Tanlang pointed at Su Chen and shouted angrily. Just now, he clearly didn't touch even half of Su Chen's hair. It was Su Chen who took the initiative to go to the stall owner and hit him. But now he said it was self-defense. Is this any more? Heavenly justice?

"Did you see that I made the first move?"

Su Chen shrugged and asked everyone present.

Everyone understood, shook their heads, and said in unison: "We didn't see that Mr. Su Chen made the first move."

"You, you, you are so shameless."

Elder Greedy Wolf was so angry that his face turned pale. You must know that the Poison Wolf Sect is one of the most notorious forces in Anyang City. The members of the Poison Wolf Sect specialize in doing some dirty things that other forces disdain to do. They can be said to be disgusting. But even the elders of such a force said that Su Chen was shameless, which shows how angry Su Chen was.

"Boy, what if you are the eldest prince's best friend? Can the eldest prince protect you at all times?" Elder Tanlang said coldly.

Su Chen immediately turned to Commander Chen and said, "Commander Chen, you heard me. If something happens to me in the future, it will definitely be related to the Poison Wolf Sect."

Elder Greedy Wolf's eyelids twitched even more, and he gritted his teeth and spit out two words from his mouth: "Su! Chen!"

Commander Chen also felt that he had to say something, so he said to Elder Tanlang: "Elder Tanlang, please pay attention to your influence. This is not the place for you to act wildly in public."

Elder Greedy Wolf's nose was almost twisted with anger. Who was acting wildly? It was obviously Su Chen, but the Royal Forest Guards still favored him so much. Is there any justice left behind?

"Okay, since there's nothing else going on here, let's go first."

As Commander Chen said, he bowed respectfully to Su Chen before leading the others away.

Elder Greedy Wolf calmed down slightly. He looked at Su Chen fiercely and said, "Boy, don't think that if you can escape this moment, you can escape for the rest of your life."

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