Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 309 Gathering one hundred people

Su Chen didn't know who Cao Lin was at first, but he just thought that the other person had good cultivation, so he walked towards him.

However, Su Chen soon saw more things in Cao Lin, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

He walked straight to Cao Lin. Cao Lin raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Young man, what's wrong with you?"

"You smell like silver thread incense. Have you not been sleeping well recently?" Su Chen said straight to the point.

Cao Lin's expression suddenly changed slightly, and he looked at Su Chen with a bit of inquiry.

"how do you know?"

This sentence was directly conveyed to Su Chen's ears by Cao Lin using the martial arts technique of gathering sounds into lines.

"It is true that silver thread incense helps sleep, but your problem is not simply a lack of sleep, but a problem in your surrounding environment, which has caused your body to become disordered. You touch the sixth rib on your right side, Is it a twinge?"

Su Chen also used the martial art of concentrating sound to form a line and said.

Cao Lin touched it dubiously, and then his expression changed drastically. He could no longer remain calm. His eyes suddenly sharpened, and he looked Su Chen up and down.

"Who are you?" Cao Lin looked at Su Chen inquiringly, as if he wanted to see through him.

"A person who comes to issue a mission." Su Chen shrugged, "If you accept my mission, I will help you solve your problems and give you a blessing by the way."

"What mission?" Cao Lin immediately subconsciously looked at Su Chen's sign. After seeing it, his expression froze, "Going to Poison Wolf Gate to kick things off?"

"That's right, I'm going to find some bodyguards to accompany me, how about that?" Su Chen smiled lightly.

Cao Lin looked thoughtful. Among the warriors from a humble family without a family background in Anyang City, he was considered a very important person. His cultivation had reached the fifth level of the Transformation Realm. It should be enough to go to the Poison Wolf Clan to compete.

As for whether Su Chen could solve his problem, he was not sure, but since Su Chen could tell about the silver thread incense and point out his rib problem, there was a high possibility of solving his problem.

"Okay, I'll take this task." Cao Lin decided to take a gamble.


"Cao Lin accepted the commission?"

Because Cao Lin's words just now did not use the martial arts of concentrating sound into a line, many people present heard it.

"Did you hear that right? Cao Lin actually accepted the task of going to Poison Wolf Gate to kick some shit."

"Even Cao Lin accepted it, so what are we afraid of? Anyway, if the sky falls, there will be someone to hold it up."

"I regestrated."

"I'll sign up too."

Many warriors shouted. They were originally in a wait-and-see state. They felt that Su Chen's mission was rich in rewards, but they were afraid of taking risks.

But now that even Cao Lin has accepted the mission, their worries have suddenly eased a lot. Even if there is danger, Cao Lin will still support them.

Suddenly, the mission team expanded to thirty-three people, including five warriors in the realm of transformation.

"Come here with some more people, gather a hundred people, and we'll set off." Su Chen greeted.

There were more than a hundred warriors present, and they all wanted to go. However, many of them were stuck by Su Chen's cultivation standard. The minimum cultivation level required by Su Chen was the tenth level of the Condensation Realm, and he was from a poor family with no family background. It is not easy for a warrior to reach this level of cultivation.

Half an hour later, a team of one hundred people was finally gathered, including twelve warriors in the realm of transformation.

It is extremely difficult for warriors from poor families to cultivate to the realm of transformation, so it is good that Su Chen can recruit so many people. He did not make any more requests. So many people should be enough. Anyway, they are just protecting themselves on a trip to Poison Wolf. Just a door.

"Elder Greedy Wolf, that's him!"

At this moment, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked around and saw a person in the distance who had just entered the hall pointing angrily at Su Chen. It was the stall owner who was thrown away by Su Chen's slap just now.

Next to the stall owner, there is an old man in his fifties with red hair. The old man's aura is much stronger than that of the stall owner, and his cultivation has reached the third level of the realm of transformation.

This old man is none other than the Greedy Wolf elder of the Poison Wolf Sect.

The stall owner told him about the jade hidden in the stone, and promised Elder Tanlang that he would give him 80,000 taels of one hundred thousand taels of silver as long as it was accomplished, so Elder Tanlang followed him to the Warriors Guild to find Su Chen.

"Boy, the stone you bought for three thousand taels belongs to me, but Ao Jie mistakenly took it to sell at a stall. Now that I have discovered the mistake he made, I will pay you back the three thousand taels of silver. Return the stone." Elder Tanlang shouted with a fierce look in his eyes.

According to his plan, Su Chen would say that the stone had been sold to someone else, and then he could logically ask Su Chen to pay him back the money for selling the stone.

However, Elder Tanlang's wishful thinking could never come true so easily.

Su Chen smiled slightly and said: "I don't care if you sold it by mistake or fake it. In short, the stone has been sold to me now. If you want to buy it back, just take the money. Well, I won't ask you for more, just one hundred thousand taels." Bar."

One hundred thousand taels? What is the difference between this and not selling.

The veins on Elder Tanlang's face kept pulsing and he shouted angrily: "Boy, do you know who I am?"

"I don't care who you are, you are here to die just like Elder Yinye." Su Chen shrugged.

"Elder Silver Leaf?" Elder Tanlang frowned. He didn't know why Su Chen suddenly mentioned Elder Silver Leaf, but soon he discovered something and shouted angrily, "Boy, it's you!"

Elder Tanlang finally discovered that Su Chen was the one who killed Elder Yinye. Now Poison Wolf Sect is offering a reward for Su Chen. Who would have thought that he would be so bold as to come and rub the poisonous wolf sect's tiger beard!

"Boy, you are really looking for death at any time!"

Elder Tanlang shouted loudly and immediately punched Su Chen, vowing to kill this kid.

However, how could those warriors just hired by Su Chen let Elder Tanlang succeed so easily.

"go back!"

A figure jumped out from behind Su Chen and punched him back hard.

This punch made Elder Tanlang's blood boil, and his body fell back. He looked at the person who attacked him in surprise.

"Tan Yin? Why did you attack me?" Elder Tanlang actually happened to know the person who attacked him. He was a third-level warrior of the material transformation realm named Tan Yin, and the two of them had dealt with each other before.

"Elder Greedy Wolf, someone hired us with 10,000 taels of silver to go to Poison Wolf Gate to play, and you just happened to come. So, I'm sorry." Tan Yin shrugged his shoulders.

"Ten thousand taels to hire you to go to the Poison Wolf Gate to play? Who is so generous?" Elder Tanlang was stunned, and then he couldn't help but look at Su Chen with a look of disbelief. Could it be that Su Chen hired them?

Then, everyone looked at Elder Tanlang and told him everything.

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