Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 302 Astronomical Numbers


Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment and immediately realized the opportunity.

Who is Su Chen? Will the elixir prescriptions produced by someone who is respected by the three major alchemy forces be bad?

No, it can't be bad.

Lin Yuan immediately realized that this was an opportunity. He had been in charge of the Xingchen Pavilion for more than ten years. Recently, the position of deputy pavilion master became vacant. He wanted to compete for this position, but he had the same idea as him. There are several other stewards.

Now if he can acquire a novel elixir recipe and create economic benefits for the Star Pavilion, it will undoubtedly greatly increase his chances of winning the position of deputy pavilion leader.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan was also very excited and asked: "I wonder what kind of elixir it is?"

"That's it."

Su Chen didn't waste any time and took out the written recipe for Moon Dew Pill from his sleeve. However, some key materials and some key refining steps are hidden in it. Even those who see it cannot learn it secretly.

Lin Yuan took the prescription and browsed it over, his expression slightly changed.

Obviously, with his level, he couldn't judge how valuable this prescription was.

"May I ask Mr. Su, what is the effect of taking this Moon Dew Pill?" Lin Yuan thought for a while and asked.

Su Chen said calmly: "Moon Dew Pill is a pill for Yuan Condensing Realm warriors to restore their true energy. Within half an hour after taking it, a total of 50% of the true energy in the Dantian can be restored."


Restore 50% of your true energy within half an hour?

Lin Yuan couldn't help but gasped. You must know that the true essence restoration elixir currently on the market can at most restore 30% of the true essence in the Dantian within half an hour. However, the elixir that Su Chen took out could only restore 30% of the true essence in the Dantian within half an hour. It is said to be able to restore 50% of true energy.

In other words, if a Condensing Yuan Realm warrior can possess a Moon Dew Pill during battle, his combat effectiveness will be greatly increased.

You must know that the battle between warriors is constantly changing, and often a small difference can change the situation of the battle, let alone an extra 20% of true energy.

In an instant, Lin Yuan realized the great value of this Yuelu Dan prescription.

In Anyang City, although the strong ones at the Transformation Realm are at the top, the warriors at the Condensing Yuan Realm are undoubtedly the backbone of Anyang City.

In Anyang City, there are a large number of Ning Yuan Realm warriors active, and this Moon Dew Pill is prepared for them. It is conceivable that if they learn that there is a pill like Moon Dew Pill, they will definitely be excited.

"I dare to ask Mr. Su, what about the cost of the Moon Dew Pill?" Lin Yuan asked cautiously. Although the Moon Dew Pill is good, if the cost is too high, the price will be too high. Many Condensation Realm warriors would not necessarily choose Moon Dew Pill due to economic considerations, so the value of this Moon Dew Pill prescription would be greatly reduced.

Su Chen smiled: "In terms of cost, I can only say that the cost of this elixir will not exceed the cost of the true essence restoration elixir currently on the market. Of course, in terms of selling price, it will not exceed it at all."

When Lin Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but gasped again.

The elixir that restores 50% of the true essence actually costs the same as the elixir that restores 30% of the true essence and sells for the same price!

If this were put on the market, wouldn't it make all the Condensing Yuan Realm warriors go crazy?

They will definitely give up the previous True Essence Restoring Pill and choose Moon Dew Pill without any hesitation!

It is conceivable that when Moon Dew Pill is put on the market this month, it will inevitably cause an earthquake in the pill industry in Anyang City!

At the same time, it can also bring huge economic benefits to Xingchen Pavilion!

Lin Yuan's heart was extremely hot when he thought of this. He looked at Su Chen expectantly and said, "Master Su Chen, I don't know how you plan to sell the recipe for this Moon Dew Pill? Will it be divided into shares or a one-time buyout?"

If it is a share, it means that all the proceeds from the sale of Moon Dew Pills in Xingchen Pavilion will be distributed to Su Chen in a certain proportion. If it is a one-time buyout, then Xingchen Pavilion will spend a lump sum of money to buy the pill formula. From now on, Xingchen Pavilion's income will have nothing to do with Su Chen. But the money must not be too small, otherwise Su Chen will look down on it.

"Let's buy it out in one go."

Of course, Su Chen knew that the split would be long-term and the total amount of money he would receive would be greater. But for him, it would take several years to get the equivalent of a one-time buyout from the dividends. For him, it took too long. In those few years, he had already had countless better ways to make money. .

"Okay, then please ask Mr. Su Chen to make a price."

Lin Yuan said cautiously that asking for a price was a very critical step. He was also afraid that if he offered a lower price and Su Chen turned around and left, then he would really have no place to cry.

"One million taels."

Su Chen didn't hesitate and immediately quoted a price.

"One million taels! This, this, this..."

Lin Yuan was speechless. He was about to think that this was not a robbery, but then he thought about it and realized that this might not be a robbery after all.

Once the Moon Dew Pill is launched on the market, the revenue it will bring is so great that it can directly squeeze out all other similar pills on the market and form a monopoly.

Monopolizing the market will inevitably bring high profits and huge returns!

Just thinking about it makes people shiver all over.

Su Chen smiled faintly: "The price is one million taels. If you don't need it, I won't waste my time and leave first."

"Master Su Chen, please stay!"

Lin Yuan was anxious all of a sudden. Could he not be anxious? If the recipe for Yuelu Dan fell into the hands of his colleagues, then something really bad would happen. In the future, the entire Anyang County recovery elixir market would be in a hurry. They will all be occupied by this Moon Dew Dan.

If this kind of thing is allowed to happen, Lin Yuan, not to mention not being able to become the deputy master of the cabinet, may not even be able to keep his current position as manager, and will definitely be severely punished by the master of the cabinet.

Although on the surface, the Moon Dew Pill is just an elixir for restoring true energy, Lin Yuan knows that this elixir for restoring true energy is a must for every warrior, and no warrior does not need it. Pills, unless he has inexhaustible true energy in actual combat.

Therefore, the market in this area is simply astronomical.

Now Xingchen Pavilion has the opportunity to monopolize this market. This is luck that cannot be encountered in eight lifetimes. If you miss it, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life.

"Master Su Chen, it's not that Xingchen Pavilion doesn't want to take this elixir, but one million taels of silver. It's really not a small amount, and I can't make the decision. How about this, I'll make the decision first and pay you three hundred thousand taels of silver. As earnest money, we have 700,000 taels of silver left, and we can discuss it after the Pavilion Master comes back, okay?"

Lin Yuan tried his best to retain Su Chen, even generously promising to give Su Chen 300,000 taels.

However, Su Chen shook his head.

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