Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 301 Poison Wolf Sect

Su Chen's eyes turned cold, and he didn't know how his figure moved. He moved outside the circle of followers in the blink of an eye. Then, Su Chen picked up one with one hand and threw all the followers out from the second floor in a few moments.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

The silver-robed old man was immediately furious, and the pressure of the powerful man in the Transformation Realm was immediately released without reservation.

Su Chen had no fear at all, and the pressure from the ninth level of the Condensation Realm was released, but it made the silver-robed old man's heart skip a beat.

What's going on? This kid is clearly at the ninth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm. Why does he give people the impression of being timid?

"Boy, please calm down."

The appraiser was about to burst into tears and quickly stepped forward to try to stop him, "This is the Qingdan Pavilion. Please show your respect and stop fighting on the territory of the Qingdan Pavilion."

Su Chen looked at the silver-robed old man indifferently and said casually: "I won't sell anything anymore."

Then, Su Chen reached out and grabbed the Silver Moon Beast's horn and heart on the counter, took it back into his arms, turned around and left Qingdan Pavilion.

For some reason, when the appraiser saw Su Chen leaving, he felt a very uncomfortable feeling in his heart, as if he had missed something important.

However, just because the horn and heart of the Silver Moon Beast were not sold to them, it seems that it is not a heartbreaking loss for Qingdan Pavilion. After all, Qingdan Pavilion has a big family and a big business, so this loss can be completely tolerated. Started.

As soon as Su Chen walked out of Qingdan Pavilion, he felt the aura of the silver-robed old man behind him.

Su Chen looked calm and did not stop until he reached a deserted alley, then he stopped.

"Come out, I saw you." Su Chen said.

Immediately, a person walked out from the darkness, and it turned out to be the old man in silver robe just now.

The silver-robed old man stared at Su Chen unblinkingly, and said with a ferocious smile: "Boy, the so-called ordinary man is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a jade. If you want to blame, blame it on you who happen to have the horns and heart of the Silver Moon Beast. I You must get these two things.”

As he spoke, the silver-robed old man's momentum shook, and the pressure of the second level of the Transformation Realm was completely released. The true energy condensed in mid-air into a huge hand and grabbed Su Chen.

"Boy, die."

The eerie voice of the silver-robed old man seemed to come from hell.

"One sword and fourteen waves."

Su Chen took out the Moon Sword and used the "Overlapping Wave Slash" that he had practiced to the fourteenth level of the sword.

boom! The big hand of true energy and the sword collided fiercely in mid-air, arousing waves of true energy.

What made the silver-robed old man extremely shocked was that the big hand of true energy he had condensed could not block Su Chen's sword blow. Under Su Chen's sword, he was destroyed with a devastating force.

"How can it be?"

This last unbelievable thought flashed through the old man's mind.

Then, the old man's chest was pierced by Su Chen's sword. His face was dull and he fell down on his back.

There was still a color of disbelief in the corpse's eyes, as if he couldn't believe that he was killed so easily.

Just now, Su Chen stopped when he reached a remote alley. The old man was even secretly happy in his heart, thinking that God was helping him when Su Chen came to such a remote place, as he could kill people more conveniently.

However, it was not until he was dying that the old man understood that Su Chen had turned to this remote alley not so that he could kill someone, but because it was convenient for him to kill someone!

Su Chen withdrew his sword expressionlessly. He was never polite to those who wanted to kill him.

"Poison Wolf Sect, Elder Silver Leaf?"

Su Chen also murmured to himself that the Poison Wolf Sect, he seemed to have heard Li Shitong mention once, was a powerful force in Anyang City known for its use of poison. In terms of the size of the sect, it was much more powerful than the Tieyi Sect.

"If the Poison Wolf Sect understands the interests, then from now on the road will be open and everyone will go their separate ways. But if the Poison Wolf Sect doesn't understand the interests, don't blame me for being rude."

Su Chen murmured to himself, his eyes filled with coldness.

He turned and left without looking at the body again.

A moment later, two figures jumped out from the roadside. They were shocked to see Elder Yinye's body lying on the ground.

"Elder Yinye was actually killed?"

"Who did it?"

"Go back quickly and report to the sect master!"

The two of them immediately turned around and sped away in the direction of Poison Wolf Gate.

Su Chen did not go back to Qingdan Pavilion, but went directly to the nearby Xingchen Pavilion.

Xingchen Pavilion is an auction house. Logically speaking, you can make more money by selling materials in Xingchen Pavilion. Before, it was just to give Sun Xuan face, so he went to Qingdan Pavilion to sell materials.

However, since the appraiser of Qingdan Pavilion did not want to offend either side, he not only wanted to purchase the horn and heart of the Silver Moon Beast, but also did not want to have a quarrel with Elder Silver Leaf, and then have an unpleasant quarrel with the Poison Wolf Sect.

Naturally, Su Chen wouldn't rush into it. Qingdan Pavilion was not the only one purchasing materials, so he might as well choose Xingchen Pavilion, which was more profitable.

When we arrived at Xingchen Pavilion, we were greeted by a young man with a warm smile: "Sir, what do you want to auction?"

Su Chen didn't waste any time. He quickly threw out the Silver Moon Beast's horn and heart and said, "Let's estimate the price."

When the boy saw the horns and heart of the Silver Moon Beast, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

Then, the boy turned around with the box and hurriedly disappeared into the corridor.

After a while, the young man came out and said, "Sir, our Qingdan Pavilion is willing to pay 180,000 taels of silver for the horn and heart of the Silver Moon Beast."


One hundred and eighty thousand taels of silver!

Even the guests around him couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and began to look at Su Chen in disbelief.

"Who is this person?"

"I know him. He is Su Chen who has been in the limelight recently."

"He is the one who is highly praised by the three great alchemy masters. He seems to have participated in the Autumn Hunting of the Royal Palace not long ago. These two things should have been obtained by him in the Autumn Hunting of the Royal Palace."

"It's true. The Silver Moon Beast is a third-level monster in the realm of transformation. How could it be hunted by him?"

All kinds of discussions continued to sound.

Su Chen ignored it at all and said to the boy in front of him: "Okay, let's make the deal."

The young man responded, immediately brought out 180,000 taels of silver notes, and traded with Su Chen on the spot.

Under everyone's envious and jealous gazes, Su Chen put away all the banknotes, but was not in a hurry to leave immediately.

"Let your person in charge come out and see me." Su Chen said to the boy.

"Yes, distinguished guest, please wait a moment."

The boy responded repeatedly, ran away immediately, and came out again within a moment. Behind him was a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties, wearing a long robe, with a beard, and a gentleman.

"Xingchen Pavilion steward Lin Yuan has met Mr. Su Chen."

Lin Yuan said and hugged Su Chen.

"I have a prescription here that I want to sell to you, Xingchen Pavilion."

Su Chen didn't bother to beat around the bush and said straight to the point.

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