Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 29 Why are you shaking your head?

"Yes." Alchemist Qian nodded, "The first question is, why is there a step of heating the furnace before refining the alchemy?"

"The hot furnace is to heat the alchemy furnace in advance before refining the elixir. This is to allow the alchemy furnace to enter the state in advance to avoid the difficulty of merging the materials during the formal elixir refining." Jiang Minghao quickly answered.

Alchemist Qian nodded with satisfaction: "Second question, why are fire attribute talents so important to alchemists?"

"Because an alchemist must first be able to control fire, the alchemist must have fire-attribute talents in his body. If he does not have strong fire-attribute talents, it is absolutely a fantasy to become a qualified alchemist." Jiang Minghao quickly answered. .

"The third question..."

Master Qian asked questions one after another, and Jiang Minghao could basically answer them. Even if there were unfamiliar ones, he could still answer them with a 70% accuracy.

Alchemist Qian was very satisfied and said, "One last question."

"Which one is more suitable for refining the magic pill, the eight-leaf potato root or the blue wolfberry?" Master Qian asked.

Jiang Minghao became nervous. This question was difficult. He searched for relevant information in books in his memory, analyzed it in his mind for a long time, and finally made up his mind to answer: "It's Lan Zhuzi!"

"Why?" Master Qian asked.

"Because...because blue tea seeds have a calming and soothing effect, and can neutralize the slight toxicity of the main ingredient of the God Transformation Pill, which is the God Transformation Grass." Jiang Minghao said.

Hearing this, Master Qian shook his head and said, "Wrong."

"Huh?" Jiang Minghao was immediately dumbfounded.

"Don't panic, although you got the answer wrong, this question is very difficult, and I didn't expect you to get it right." There was a rare smile on Master Qian's cold face, "For the previous question, you All answered well and passed the exam.”

Jiang Minghao breathed a sigh of relief, and Jiang He on the side quickly said: "Minghao, why don't you quickly perform the apprenticeship ceremony and formally meet the teacher!"

Jiang Minghao quickly knelt down, put his forehead on the ground, performed the apprenticeship ceremony, and said: "Student meets teacher!"

In this way, Jiang Minghao officially became Master Qian's registered disciple.

After paying homage to his teacher, Jiang Minghao was still a little curious and asked, "Teacher, why is the answer to the last question just now not Lan Zhuzi?"

Alchemist Qian showed a hint of appreciation, and seemed to be a little pleased with Jiang Minghao's thirst for knowledge, and then said eloquently: "The eight-leaf potato root is more suitable for refining the magic pill. Because although Lan Zhuzi has peace of mind It has a calming effect, but it conflicts with the medicinal properties of jade grass. Refining the two together will make it difficult to condense into a pill. "

"Although blue pistachio seeds can neutralize the slight toxicity of Huashen grass, eight-leaf potato root also has this effect. Although the effect is worse than blue pistachio seeds, compared with the shortcoming of blue pistachio seeds that it is difficult to condense elixir, eight-leaf potato root has the same effect. The shortcomings of leafy potato roots are nothing.”

"The students have learned a lesson!" Jiang Minghao was fascinated by what he heard.

"As expected of the official alchemist of the Alchemy Guild, he is indeed full of knowledge."

"It is said that Alchemist Qian is one of the alchemists with the highest attainments in alchemy among the Qinghe City Alchemy Guild, except for the president, Master Mo. Now that I see it, it is indeed the case."

Everyone in the banquet hall also praised him one after another.

Jiang Minghao's eyes were full of excitement. Alchemist Qian was so knowledgeable that he became his registered disciple. It was only a matter of time before he became a trainee alchemist.

Just when Jiang Minghao felt proud of the spring breeze, his eyes accidentally glanced at a table next to him, and he saw Su Chen sitting next to the table. He was holding his cheek and listening to Master Qian's talk while shaking his head. Shake his head.

Although Su Chen's movement of shaking his head was very subtle, it was caught by Jiang Minghao at once.

At that moment, Jiang Minghao wanted to embarrass Su Chen, so he said loudly: "Su Chen, why are you shaking your head? Do you have any objections to the alchemy knowledge taught by my teacher?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes immediately focused on Su Chen.

Even Master Qian's gaze was sharply directed at Su Chen, and he couldn't help but frown when he saw that Su Chen was just a teenager.

Alchemist Qian is a serious person, and his biggest taboo is that someone disrespects the art of alchemy. Now a teenage child dares to shake his head in front of him at the knowledge he told about alchemy, which made his face darken for a moment. .

But what Master Qian didn't know was that Su Chen was also very helpless at this moment. He just held his cheek and took a nap. When he was about to fall asleep, he tilted his head, which Jiang Minghao said was shaking his head.

At this moment, facing the looks from all directions and the slightly worried look of Xu Yin not far away, Su Chen said calmly: "I didn't shake my head."

Jiang Minghao sneered and said, "It's too late for you to deny it now. Many people saw you shaking your head just now. If you don't believe me, ask the people around you if they saw it."

Several people next to Su Chen nodded. The way Su Chen tilted his head while taking a nap just now was indeed like shaking his head.

Jiang Minghao said with contempt on his face: "Su Chen, my teacher is teaching alchemy knowledge. Are you here?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was in an uproar: "What? How old is he Su Chen, how dare he not take Alchemist Qian seriously?"

"Even if he has some talent in martial arts, disrespecting the alchemist on this occasion only shows that he is shallow and ignorant, and it is difficult for him to become a great person."

"Alchemist Qian is a distinguished guest of our Jiang family. Does he want to harm our Jiang family by doing this?"

Jiang He quickly stood up and said to Alchemist Qian: "Master Qian, this person is just a distant relative of the Jiang family. He is a little confused and bumped into Master Qian. Don't be offended! I will be strict after the banquet is over." Discipline him!"

When Master Qian heard that the other party was not thinking clearly, his expression softened a lot, and he nodded and said: "In this case, I will naturally not argue with him."

Jiang Minghao said proudly: "Su Chen, my teacher is very magnanimous, why don't you apologize to him quickly? If you want to be more sincere, I think it's better to kneel down and kowtow to apologize."

Su Chen glanced at Jiang Minghao indifferently. This guy was really a complete idiot. All he could think about was how to embarrass himself. It was a waste of time to talk to him.

Su Chen recalled what Alchemist Qian just said. Although Su Chen was napping at the time, his super soul power gave him the ability to do two things, so what Master Qian said came to his mind verbatim.

"I'm afraid it's not me who wants to apologize, right?"

After recalling what Alchemist Qian said, Su Chen smiled lightly and said.

"What?" Jiang Minghao almost thought he heard wrongly, "It's not you who wants to apologize? Who is that? Could it be that my teacher wants to apologize to you?"

"That's right." Su Chen nodded calmly, "If there is one person who must apologize today, it is indeed your teacher. He will not only apologize to me, but also to everyone present."


As soon as Su Chen said these words, everyone present became uneasy.

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