Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 28: Master Qian’s Problem

Seeing him like this, Xu Yin could only suppress her worries, and the three of them walked to the Jiang family banquet hall together.

On the way, Su Chen heard Xu Yin coughing several times in succession and asked, "Auntie, your old injury has relapsed?"

Xu Yin covered her mouth and coughed again, shook her head and said, "It's okay. I'm used to this old injury. Let's go to the banquet hall quickly."

Su Chen nodded lightly. He had the memory of his past life, so he naturally knew that Xu Yin's injury was actually a cold poison that was extremely difficult to eradicate. Every attack was very painful, and as time went by, it would eventually endanger his life.

However, in this life, as long as the Hundred-year-old Yang Pill is successfully refined, the cold poison in Xu Yin's body will definitely be eradicated.

The three of them came to the Jiang family banquet hall.

The banquet hall was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and four tables were set up. As usual, the middle table is the main table, where the distinguished guests and members of the direct line of the Jiang family are seated, while the other three tables are for members of the collateral lineage.

At this moment, everyone had a beaming look on their face, and the entire banquet hall seemed lively.

"Third Master, congratulations on giving birth to a good son!"

"Young Master Minghao has an extraordinary talent. This time he has been favored by the alchemist of the Alchemy Guild. He will surely rise to prominence in the future!"

Jiang He's bearded face was full of smiles, and he looked extremely comfortable and cheerful, but he still said modestly: "To put it bluntly, Minghao is just average, not as good as Mingxuan."

Jiang Mingxuan on the side tried his best to suppress the trace of jealousy in his eyes. In the past, his martial arts talent was always superior to Jiang Minghao's, but today Jiang Minghao has completely suppressed his limelight.

You must know that the status of an alchemist is far higher than that of ordinary warriors. If Jiang Minghao can become an alchemist in the future, his future will be bright.

"Third brother, congratulations."

Xu Yin gave a lukewarm congratulation. Whether Jiang Minghao was good or bad had nothing to do with her. She just wanted to live her life well.

"Haha, the second sister-in-law is here, come and take a seat!" Jiang He smiled and motioned for Xu Yin and Jiang Tingyi to sit down at the main table.

However, just when Su Chen was about to sit at the main table, Jiang He stretched out his hand to block it: Hey, your place is not here! "

"Third brother, what do you mean?" Xu Yin raised her eyebrows. Is Jiang He planning to repeat his old tricks again?

Jiang He pointed to a table next to him: "Second sister-in-law, you misunderstood! I asked him to sit at the table of the side clan! This shouldn't be too much!"

This left Xu Yin speechless. Last time Su Chen was able to sit in the direct seat because of Jiang Feng's help. He couldn't let Jiang Feng help this time, right?

Xu Yin looked at Su Chen, but to her surprise, Su Chen looked indifferent this time: "Okay, I'll sit over there."

With that said, Su Chen really left the main table and went to sit down at the side clan table.

"Hmph!" Jiang He looked at Su Chen's walking back and let out an imperceptible cold snort from his nose. So what if Su Chen defeated his son? Today, his son is the protagonist and the focus of everyone's attention, while Su Chen is just an unknown person sitting in the corner.

"Good son, dad is proud of you!" Jiang He patted Jiang Minghao's shoulder, "Behave well and don't let dad down by hosting this banquet just for you. Tonight, you will be the focus of the audience!"

"Dad, I understand!" Jiang Minghao nodded heavily.

On the other side, Jiang Mingxuan frowned and said to Jiang Shan, "Dad, the third room really took all the limelight today."

Jiang Shan said calmly: "What are you talking about? Minghao is your cousin. The first bedroom and the third bedroom are integrated. Isn't the scenery of the third bedroom our scenery?"


Jiang Mingxuan wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Jiang Shan: "Mingxuan, you have to remember that before dad truly takes the position of head of the family, the first and third families will always be allies."

"Now we have clues about the Patriarch's seal. I believe we will be able to get the Patriarch's seal soon. If Minghao can really become an alchemist, he will be a great help to us in the future! Don't worry, the Jiang family's Sooner or later, the position of family head will be ours, and you are the future heir of the family head!"

"I understand, dad!" Jiang Mingxuan's expression softened a lot.

At this time, a servant hurriedly walked in from outside the banquet hall, walked directly to Jiang He, and whispered a few words to Jiang He.

Jiang He's expression immediately became full of joy. He quickly stood up and strode to the door of the banquet hall. He faced the door with a smile on his face and said: "Welcome Master Qian, the Jiang family is so prosperous!"

Master Qian was a thin middle-aged man in his forties. Faced with Jiang He's enthusiasm, he just nodded lightly and seemed not to take Jiang He's enthusiasm seriously.

But Jiang He didn't care. You should know that Alchemist Qian is the official alchemist of the Alchemy Guild, so it's normal to be arrogant. Even if they are in front of the county king, they still have some dignity, let alone themselves?

"Alchemist Qian, please take a seat quickly." Jiang He greeted.

Alchemist Qian was followed by two trainee alchemists, who also looked arrogant. The three of them came to the main table and sat down directly.

"Where is Jiang Minghao? Let him come out to see me." Master Qian asked directly after sitting down.

Jiang He quickly said: "Minghao, why don't you come out to see your master? Give him a toast?"

"Yes!" Jiang Minghao said loudly, and then he immediately came over with a glass of wine and said respectfully, "Master, I will give you a toast."

"Yeah." Alchemist Qian glanced at Jiang Minghao, and his cold expression softened a little. Although Alchemist Qian didn't like Jiang He's vulgar aura, Jiang Minghao did have some alchemy talent, which he cultivated for a period of time. , is expected to become a trainee alchemist.

At this moment, the banquet began in a lively atmosphere.

Jiang He and Jiang Minghao were obviously the protagonists of this banquet. Jiang He kept chatting with Alchemist Qian with a cheerful face, and there were endless compliments in his mouth. Although Master Qian didn't like it, he patiently went back and forth with Jiang He.

Su Chen looked at this scene indifferently and found it very boring. He simply closed his eyes slightly and wandered away.

Anyway, he is not sitting at the main table, so no one will care if he wanders away.

After three rounds of drinking, Jiang He's face turned red. Taking advantage of his drunkenness, he smiled and suggested, "Sir Qian, it's about time that the apprenticeship ceremony... is held, right?"

"Not urgent."

Alchemist Qian put down his cup and said: "Although I have taken a fancy to Minghao's alchemy talent, today, I still need to test Minghao on several alchemy-related questions. If he passes the exam, he can formally begin the apprenticeship ceremony."

"Don't be nervous. These questions are not difficult. They are all basic questions in alchemy." Alchemist Qian said.

"Master, don't worry, my disciple will definitely answer it!" Jiang Minghao was full of confidence. He had been studying alchemy books at home some time ago, and he thought there would be no problems.

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