Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 286 Selecting Cubs

"This is an iron law in the world of monsters. No one can change it. No matter how much the mother beast loves her little beasts, she can only watch them kill each other. Because this is the only way to ensure that she If a lineage of monsters cannot survive in nature for a long time, they will definitely be the lowest monsters, such as scavenging rats and gold-loving insects, which are at the bottom of the food chain. "

What Su Chen said is the most common situation in the world of monsters and beasts. There are exceptions, of course, but they are rare.

Gu Qianyin was shocked and said: "So it turns out that the more powerful and advanced monsters are, the rarer they are. It turns out there is such a reason."

Princess Xiling beside her also had a thoughtful look in her beautiful eyes. She never expected that Su Chen knew so much.

However, when she thought about how Su Chen had accurately healed Mr. Jiang's injuries when they first met, Princess Xiling felt that it was not surprising that Su Chen knew so much.

Seeing Su Chen's confident and eloquent appearance, his whole person seemed to be exuding a kind of brilliance, which made Princess Xiling's eyes tremble slightly unconsciously.

Gu Qianyin was silent for a moment and suddenly said: "In fact, human warriors are not like this. They also kill each other every day to compete for resources. The only difference between humans and monsters is that they are not limited to the scope of a nest, but One city, one place, one country. But in reality, they are just killing each other.”

Su Chen had a look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect Gu Qianyin to see the problem so thoroughly, from the rules of the world of monsters to the phenomena of human warriors.

With such a perspective and such a height, she is worthy of being Fairy Qingyin, a giant in the Yunyuan Empire in the future.

Su Chen nodded and agreed with Gu Qianyin and said: "You are right. Human warriors' competition for resources is no less inferior to that of monster beasts. They even use more cruel methods than monster beasts and use all possible means. ”

Gu Qianyin's little face turned red after being praised by Su Chen. She thought for a moment and then said: "So, have we saved these four cubs? If they continue to live next to their mother, they will only survive at best. The next one will come, and if we take them out and raise them, maybe all four will survive.”

Su Chen said: "That's not necessarily true. The nature of a monster is to long for great strength. If you don't train it hard enough and its strength is not as strong as it should be, then it will not be happy. Only you Only by cultivating it vigorously can its strength exceed its original height, and it will be happy.”

As they spoke, the three of them looked at the four cubs competing for food in the bamboo basket. One of the cubs was particularly energetic. It was the largest and the most ferocious in fighting for food. It snatched several pieces of roasted animal meat. Most of it.

Su Chen pointed at the spirited cub and said, "If nothing else happens, this cub should be the one in the litter that should win and survive in the end."

"indeed so."

Gu Qianyin nodded in agreement.

However, at this moment, Gu Qianyin's eyes fell on another cub in the corner of the bamboo basket. This cub is the smallest, and its fur is a bit messy. It looks sick, with its eyes half-closed, and does not compete for food like other cubs.

This appearance was in sharp contrast to the largest cub.

The compassion in Gu Qianyin's heart was unknowingly aroused. She bit her red lips and glanced at the largest cub, then pointed at the smallest and sickly cub and said, "Then , I will raise the smallest one, I only want this one, and you can choose the other cubs. "

Gu Qianyin thought that if she chose the smallest cub, she would definitely be opposed by Su Chen. After all, no matter how you looked at it, this cub was the worst among the four cubs. Even if you don't choose the one with the biggest and most energetic head, you shouldn't choose it. No matter how you choose, you can't choose it.

Gu Qianyin originally didn't want to choose this cub, but she didn't know why. When her eyes came into contact with this cub, a maternal instinct was aroused in her heart, and she felt that she had an obligation to take care of this sickly beast. A sad cub.

However, Su Chen unexpectedly had no objection. Instead, he looked thoughtfully at the sickly cub, showed a smile, and said, "If you are willing to raise it, then you must raise it well."

Gu Qianyin didn't expect that Su Chen didn't object. She immediately smiled and nodded heavily: "I will definitely do it."

With that said, Gu Qianyin said to Su Chen: "You and the princess can choose the remaining three cubs."

Su Chen shook his head: "I'm too lazy to take care of such a newborn cub, it's too troublesome. If the princess likes it, she will take all three away."

The plan to steal the cubs was proposed by Princess Xi Ling, and the drug was also provided by Princess Xi Ling. From this perspective, there was nothing wrong with her having a few extra cubs.

However, Gu Qianyin didn't expect that after Su Chen spent so much effort to save the two of them, he actually didn't want any of the Silver Moon Beast cubs he finally got.

In fact, the reason why Su Chen didn't want it was very simple, that is, he was really not interested. From his perspective, it must be of the bloodline of the heavenly beasts, or the four holy beasts, in order to be able to see it.

Although the Silver Moon Beast is very good, it is not enough for Su Chen.

What's more, when Su Chen went to save the two girls, he didn't think much about it. He just wanted to save people. He had no intention of taking credit and asking for more loot.

There was also a hint of complexity in Princess Xiling's beautiful eyes. She obviously didn't expect that Su Chen would generously give him the three cubs to raise after blaming her.

For a moment, Princess Xiling also felt in her heart that her previous behavior of ignoring Su Chen out of anger seemed to be a bit petty.

After all, it was my fault in the beginning. If I didn't tell Su Chen about wanting to explore the Silver Moon Beast's lair, they would naturally be unhappy.

Because Su Chen scolded him, he ignored him, as if he owed him the grace that a princess should have.

Thinking of this, Princess Xiling took a deep breath, let go of her previous awkwardness, and said with a smile: "Then, all the materials obtained from the Silver Moon Beast just now belong to Mr. Su Chen, and I will take none of them."

When she said this, Su Chen naturally had no objection.

The three of them continued on the road, heading towards the central area of ​​the hunting ground.

In this hunting ground, the closer it is to the middle, the higher the level of the monster will be. Of course, this is just a rough statistic, and the Silver Moon Beast just now is a special case.

Except for the Silver Moon Beast, most of the powerful monsters that have reached the realm of transformation are concentrated in the central area of ​​the hunting ground.

Therefore, the three of them went to the central area of ​​the hunting ground, intending to find some monster beasts in the realm of transformation to practice their skills with.

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