Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 285 The Rules of Monsters

Su Chen waved his hand and said to Princess Xiling: "Princess, please forgive me for being rude. I have a few words to say to you."

Princess Xiling blinked her eyes and said, "You tell me."

"You clearly know that Qianyin is a person with relatively simple ideas, and you still lure her to adventure in the monster's lair with you. Can you protect her? If there is something wrong, who is responsible?" Su Chen's words are also true. After holding it in for a long time, now that the danger was over, he started asking questions one after another.

Princess Xiling slowly blinked her water-like long eyelashes and said, "Master Su Chen, are you blaming me for not taking Qianyin on an adventure?"

Su Chen shook his head: "I don't have time to blame you, I just want to say this, just this time. If a similar situation happens next time, I won't be polite even if you are the princess."

With that said, Su Chen ignored Princess Xiling and took Gu Qianyin aside to treat the wound on his arm.

Gu Qianyin rarely saw Su Chen angry. At this moment, she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. She was a little happy, but also felt a little uneasy because Su Chen was angry with Princess Xiling.

Princess Xiling lowered her long eyelashes and remained silent, not knowing what she was thinking.

Su Chen took Gu Qianyin to the creek to treat the wound and apply the healing golden sore medicine.

Later, Su Chen returned to the Silver Moon Beast's body and took away the Silver Moon Beast's horn and heart. For this third-level monster in the realm of transformation, its horns and heart are its most valuable parts. They can be used as medicine and are worth more than one hundred thousand taels of silver.

If the trophies were to be ranked when going out, the horn and heart of the Silver Moon Beast alone would be enough for the three-person team to be ranked among the top three trophies.

After disposing of the body of the Silver Moon Beast, the three of them stopped lingering and quickly left the vicinity of the body to avoid the bloody smell of the body from attracting other large monsters.

Walking back to the campsite, it was getting dark at this time.

But because the three of them had been fighting the Silver Moon Beast for half the night, their physical strength was extremely exhausted. At this moment, they all sat down against the tree trunks, closing their eyes to rest and not speaking.

Gu Qianyin noticed that there seemed to be a strange atmosphere between Su Chen and Princess Xi Ling. The two seemed to be angry, and neither of them paid attention to the other, as if the other did not exist.

As a result, Gu Qianyin was caught in the middle and was in a bit of a dilemma. Logically speaking, she should follow Su Chen in everything. What's more, Su Chen was angry because he was worried that her, Gu Qianyin, would be in danger and get hurt.

However, if Princess Xiling is just left there and ignored, it seems a bit cruel to Princess Xiling.

In this way, under Gu Qianyin's dilemma, time gradually passed.

By the afternoon, the three of them had almost finished their rest and stood up, ready to start again.

Su Chen's expression was still indifferent and he didn't say anything to Princess Xiling. Gu Qianyin saw this, her heart moved, and she suddenly said: "Su Chen, let's take a look at the cubs of the Silver Moon Beast. Maybe they are hungry?"

Gu Qianyin proposed to see the Silver Moon Beast cub at this time, obviously to ease the atmosphere between Su Chen and Princess Xiling. After all, the Silver Moon Beast cub is so cute, maybe Su Chen will forgive the princess after seeing it.

The four Silver Moon Beast cubs were placed in a bamboo basket by Gu Qianyin. They all stared with big black eyes, squeezing around in the bamboo basket, making chirping sounds, and showing curious expressions to the three of them.

It has to be said that this Silver Moon Beast is indeed a monster known for its beauty. Even its cubs are very beautiful. The smooth, satin-like snow-white fur and the single horn on its forehead make this cub look stunning. The temperament is very noble.

Su Chen took a look and showed approval. He nodded and said: "The fur is snow-white, without any impurities, and the position of the horns is also very good. The blood purity of these four silver moon beast cubs should be high."

"Really?" Gu Qianyin looked happy and looked at the four cubs with a softer look.

The purity of a monster's bloodline is very important to a monster. It is roughly equivalent to a human's cultivation talent, which directly determines the growth potential of this monster.

Monsters with low blood purity have low potential and low future strength. Even if they are given more resources to cultivate, they will easily reach the upper limit. Monsters with high blood purity have high potential. As long as they are willing to spend resources, their future strength will be terrifying.

Moreover, human beings may be able to change their fate against the will of nature and break through the limitations of their natural cultivation talents by practicing the best martial arts and taking treasures from heaven and earth. But for monsters, blood purity determines everything, and it is difficult to change the day after tomorrow.

The blood purity of these four cubs is not low, which means that they have high growth potential in the future. If they are raised as their own demon pets, they will also be a good help to themselves in the future.

"Su Chen, do you think they are hungry?" Gu Qianyin asked.

"You must be hungry after not eating for so long." Su Chen said, throwing a few pieces of the monster meat leftover from last night's roast into the bamboo basket.

As expected, several cubs roared and immediately rushed forward to fight for it.

What Gu Qianyin didn't expect was that these cubs usually seemed to get along well with each other, but when there was food, they would fight for it fiercely, with a life-or-death attitude.

Seeing this scene, Su Chen nodded and said: "It is indeed a monster. Compared with human warriors, it is more cruel and pays more attention to the survival of the fittest."

Gu Qianyin didn't understand any of this and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Look at these four cubs. Even though they are born from the same mother, in fact, only one of them will survive in the end. This is still the most optimistic estimate. Maybe they will all die and not even one will be left. It’s not necessarily possible to come down.”

"Why is this happening?"

"It's very simple, because this is the rule of the monster world." Su Chen said, "The survival conditions of monsters determine that the resources they have are limited. These limited resources cannot be distributed equally, because if they are distributed equally, Everyone’s strength will be very low, and once they go outside, they will be quickly destroyed by other monsters.”

"Therefore, the law of natural selection determines that a litter of young beasts born from a female beast will often fight to the death for food resources. In the end, only one young beast will survive, and this little beast can get the benefits from the mother. In fact, I have said too much, because a female animal cannot only give birth to one litter of babies, so the winner of this litter may continue to compete with the winners of other litters. , only one of several litters may survive.”

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