Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 258: Fairy Girl

At this moment, the old man had completely put away his careless expression.

He looked at Su Chen thoughtfully and suddenly said, "I wonder where my little friend is from. I'm afraid he's not a native of Anyang County."

"Senior, I don't need to worry about this."

Su Chen smiled faintly and said, "Senior, all you need to do is tell me. If I use a Sanhe Pill, can you go to Yanbo Pavilion to help me find out the news?"

The old man thought thoughtfully, regained his previous calm expression, and said: "I actually have no use for this Three Rivers Pill here. However, it is not bad for collection."

As he spoke, the old man turned his palm and put the Sanhe Pill into his sleeve.

Then, the old man looked at Su Chen and said, "You go back and wait for the news. Yanboting's time limit for asking for news will generally not exceed three months. After three months, whether the person is alive or dead, wherever he is, he will tell you A definite answer."

"Then I'll thank you senior here first."

Entrusting the search for Jiang Hai to Yanbo Pavilion, Su Chen temporarily settled his worries.

At that moment, Su Chen stood up and left the quiet room.

When he came outside, when the eldest prince saw Su Chen coming out, he immediately perked up and asked, "How's it going, brother? Has the owner of Yanbo Pavilion agreed to help find out the news?"


Su Chen nodded.

"Great." The eldest prince also breathed a sigh of relief. He had been worried that Su Chen might not be able to bring out any good treasures, and the owner of Yanbo Pavilion would look down on him.

It's not that he looked down on Su Chen, but the owner of Yanbo Pavilion was famous for being picky. Many powerful people had entrusted Yanbo Pavilion with treasures that they thought were very precious, but they were all ignored by Yanbo Pavilion. reject.

This is because the owner of Yanbo Pavilion has his own set of standards for selecting treasures. Sometimes treasures that are valuable in the eyes of the world are not in the eyes of the owner of Yanbo Pavilion.

"By the way, brother Su Chen, what treasure did you give to the master of Yanbo Pavilion?" the eldest prince asked curiously.

Su Chen smiled slightly and said, "A pill."

"A pill?"

The eldest prince opened his mouth in surprise. It was a rare thing for a pill to impress the owner of Yanbo Pavilion.

It’s not that the elixirs are not good, but the level of elixirs that the alchemists in Anyang City can produce is limited. Many years ago, a third-level alchemy master sent his carefully refined elixirs to Yanbo Pavilion. As a result, Being refused to return by Yanbo Pavilion made the third-grade alchemy master's face extremely dull.

Since then, few people have used elixirs to pay Yanboting.

And now, Su Chen's elixir can actually impress the owner of Yanbo Pavilion?

No way? What kind of magical elixir should it be?

Full of curiosity and questions, the eldest prince, Su Chen and Gu Qianyin left the Yanbo Pavilion at night.

The fifth floor of Yanbo Pavilion.

The old man who sent Su Chen away changed his expression from just now and became a little restless.

It wasn't until early the next morning that the old man got up, hurriedly left the quiet room, and walked up to the seventh floor of Yanbo Pavilion in two steps at a time.

As soon as you enter the seventh floor, it turns out to be a hanging garden-like place, with green trees and flowers and birds. You can't tell that this is on the top of a tall tower, but rather like a beautiful jungle. generally.

In the center of the garden, there was a girl wearing a lavender gauze standing tall, leisurely feeding a few birds in the forest.

The dense mist in the early morning was like a layer of gauze, covering the girl's entire body, making her look like a dream, making her look as if she was a fairy in the sky.


The old man shouted at the girl's back.

The girl turned around, her face was as beautiful as a pearl under the moon, and the green lotus in the pond also had a holy temperament. No matter who saw it, they couldn't help but praise her, such beauty should only be found in the sky.

"Old Qiu, what's the matter?" the girl asked.

"Last night, someone brought an elixir over. I think the refining method of this elixir is very special. I have never seen it before, but I am not sure, so I would like to ask Miss to take a look at it."

The old man actually seemed somewhat respectful in front of this girl. It was hard to imagine that the owner of Yanbo Pavilion, who was very proud in front of outsiders, would do this to a junior.

The girl smiled softly, immediately adding a bit of agility to her beauty that seemed to be unearthly.

"Even Mr. Qiu can't be sure, and I'm afraid I can't either. Bring it to me and take a look."

Taking the small bottle from the old man's hand and uncorking it, the girl only glanced at the bottle, then showed a hint of surprise and said, "This is the Three Rivers Pill."

"Yes, it's Sanhe Dan. We used to think that the prescription of Sanhe Dan was very rare, and no one in Anyang County could refine it. Now it seems that we were wrong." The old man said.

The girl nodded slightly and said, "Perhaps we underestimated Anyang County."

Then, the girl poured the elixir into her palm and observed it carefully.

The more she looked at it, the more surprised her expression became. She couldn't help but exclaim: "This elixir is not just an ordinary Sanhe elixir. It seems to be refined using the long-lost refining technique 'The Bright Moon in the Sea'." Made.”

"The bright moon in the sea?"

The old man was even more surprised, "That is a lost ancient refining technique, how could anyone master it?"

"Mr. Qiu, who sent this elixir?" the girl asked.

"He is a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old." The old man replied.

"A boy of fifteen or sixteen years old?" The girl was a little surprised when she heard this, and then whispered softly, "Could it be refined by someone like his master or an elder?"

The old man's expression suddenly became vivid, sometimes he was thinking, and sometimes his eyes burst into light.

But in the end, all the light faded away and turned into a sigh.

"Alas, although the refining technique of 'Mingyue in the Sea' is good, it is still just a refining technique for refining low-grade elixirs. As for your illness, miss, you need at least six-grade elixirs to cure it, so for you It doesn’t help at all.”

If other people were to hear it, they would probably be extremely surprised. The highest-grade elixir that the Anyang County alchemist could refine was only a third-grade elixir. However, in the mouth of this young man, the third-grade elixir was just a "low-grade elixir." "Medicine" only.

And the sixth-grade elixir they were talking about had never appeared in the history of Anyang County.

The old man shook his head and sighed repeatedly, and most of his energy was gone.

The girl, on the other hand, seemed very calm and just smiled slightly: "Mr. Qiu, take your time. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. I'm quite happy living here."

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