Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 257 Interview

There are seven floors in this tower, which become narrower as you go up. At the top of the tower, there is a crystal ball that emits hazy light. In this dark night, it shines like daylight for miles around.

"The owner of Yanbo Pavilion must have an extraordinary status."

Su Chen only took one look and made this judgment.

Without him, this Yanbo Pavilion is too high, even higher than the palace of Prince Anyang. If Yanbo Pavilion had not had an extraordinary background, Prince Anyang would not have allowed such a building to exist on the outskirts of Anyang City.

The identity and background of the owner of Yanbo Pavilion must be beyond Anyang County.

Su Chen and Gu Qianyin followed the eldest prince into the Yanbo Pavilion. Immediately, a row of beautiful maids came to greet them and said with a smile: "Guest, why are you here at the Yanbo Pavilion?"

These maids are all tall and beautiful, and what is amazing is that they are exactly the same in height, fatness, and even body shape, but each has its own beauty.

What’s even more rare is that the cultivation levels of these maids are surprisingly consistent, they are all at the first level of the Transformation Realm!

Such a young person at the first level of the Transformation Realm would definitely be considered a genius in Anyang City, but here, she is just a maid greeting guests at the door.

It is conceivable that these maids are definitely not from Anyang County.

When they saw the eldest prince, there was no fluctuation in their eyes, as if the eldest prince was just an ordinary person.

The eldest prince was obviously not surprised by their attitude and said with a smile: "I brought a friend to see the master of Yanbo Pavilion. My friend has something he wants to ask for help from the master of Yanbo Pavilion."

With that said, the eldest prince took out a jade plaque from his arms and handed it to the maid.

The maid took the jade token, verified it for a moment, and said with a smile: "You are a distinguished guest of Yanbo Pavilion, and you are qualified to meet the owner of Yanbo Pavilion."

"Please come in."

The maid stepped aside and invited the eldest prince, Su Chen and Gu Qianyin to come in.

After entering the Yanbo Pavilion, the maid took the three of them directly to the fifth floor.

"The owner of Yanbo Pavilion happens to be resting in the pavilion today. Guests can meet him directly for detailed discussions."

The maid said as she led the three of them to a quiet room.

"However, the owner of Yanbo Pavilion likes peace and quiet and doesn't like too much noise. Therefore, only one of the three guests can enter, and the other two guests please wait outside."

The maid said again.

The eldest prince then said to Su Chen: "Brother Su Chen, please go in, we will wait for you outside."

Su Chen nodded and walked into the quiet room. Wherever he looked, the decoration was very elegant. There was a large chair in the middle of the room, and a white-haired figure sitting on the chair with his back to the door.

Hearing the sound of the door, the figure turned around, and it turned out to be an old man with a lean body and radiant eyes.

"sit down."

The old man looked at Su Chen and said.

"Thank you."

Su Chen was not polite and just found a chair and sat down.

A look of surprise flashed across the old man's old eyes, and then he chuckled: "Young man, when you come to Yanbo Pavilion and meet me, who can maintain an unchanging expression and no mood swings like you? You are still the first among your peers."

"Thank you Master Yanbo Pavilion for the compliment."

Su Chen didn't care about the other party's compliments, he just smiled lightly.

"Young man, what's your name?" the old man asked.

"Su Chen."

"You must have something to ask for when you come to Yanbo Pavilion. Tell me, what do you want to ask me about?"

"I want to ask about Jiang Hai from the Jiang family in Qinghe City. He disappeared during a family mission ten years ago. I don't know where he went."

Su Chen said and handed over Jiang Hai's portrait and a stack of materials.

"Do you want me to help you find out the whereabouts of this person?"

The old man asked, stroking his beard.

"Yes, whether he is dead or alive, I want to know where he is."

Su Chen nodded and said.

"No problem, this old man can inquire for you."

The old man said, "But before that, I have to ask, what kind of reward can you give me? If the reward is too light, I won't like it."

If you want Yanboting to help you inquire about information, you must be rewarded accordingly.

Moreover, the reward Yanbo Pavilion demands is not low. It must be a rare and valuable treasure to catch Yanbo Pavilion's eyes. If the remuneration is average, Yanboting will often refuse it directly.

Su Chen had already prepared for this.

As early as when he was in Qinghe City, he prepared Panlong Grass as a reward for Yanbo Pavilion.

This Panlong Grass was a reward given by the Anyang City Alchemy Association to the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch when Su Chen helped the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch to be promoted to the second level branch. Master Mo gave it to Su Chen as a gift.

At this moment, Su Chen took out the Coiling Dragon Grass from his arms and handed it over: "Su has nothing but this Coiling Dragon Grass. I hope the owner of Yanbo Pavilion can take a fancy to it."

It's natural to say that he has nothing to offer, but Su Chen has a lot of good things in him.

However, it was naturally impossible for Su Chen to show his trump card to the other party as soon as he came up. This was business and had to be done step by step.

"Oh, Panlong grass?"

The old man said calmly, took the box and glanced at the Panlong grass inside, then shook his head and said, "If you had come three months ago, when I was still short of precious medicinal materials, your Panlong grass would not be the same. Can't accept it. But now..."

The old man did not say any more, but returned the box containing the Panlong Grass to Su Chen.

The meaning is obvious, he just doesn't like this Panlong grass anymore.

Su Chen was not surprised. He originally thought that Yanbo Pavilion was just a force from Anyang City, so he prepared this Panlong Grass as reward. But now it seems that Yanbo Pavilion obviously has a background outside of Anyang County, so it is indeed possible that he may look down on this dragon grass.

"Then I wonder what kind of reward Senior wants?"

Su Chen asked with a slight smile.

"I only want precious things."

The old man only replied eight words.

These eight words sound very simple, but in fact, the four words "precious thing" are very sophisticated. Even the other party of Panlongcao looks down upon it, so what exactly is the precious thing in his eyes.

Su Chen thought for a moment and took out a vial from his sleeve.

"Senior, you might as well take a look at this thing."

Su Chen pushed the bottle towards the old man directly.

"Oh? What is this?"

The old man glanced at it and said with a faint smile, "I don't like mediocre things."

Despite what he said, the old man still took the bottle, uncorked it casually, and looked inside.

Suddenly, the old man was slightly startled: "Three River Pill?"

"Senior, you are right, it is Sanhe Dan."

Su Chen smiled slightly, but he didn't expect that this old man could actually recognize Sanhe Dan. It seemed that he was indeed a person with a good background.

You know, at the Xingchen Pavilion auction, even Li Shitong, a genius second-grade alchemist, knew nothing about the Three Rivers Pill, and none of the other alchemists present knew about the Three Rivers Pill.

But the old man actually recognized Sanhe Dan at just one glance.

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