Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 250 The Third Prince

After Su Chen and Gu Qianyin entered the venue, they found that the venue was huge. Although it was on a cruise ship, the place was really not small.

Looking around, there are richly dressed dignitaries everywhere, in small groups, chatting and laughing leisurely.

The arrival of Su Chen and Gu Qianyin quickly attracted the attention of everyone present.

However, what they cared about was not Su Chen and Gu Qianyin themselves, but the person who led them, Lu Xueguang!

As we all know, Lu Xueguang is the confidant of the eldest prince, so he respectfully leads the way for these two people. Could it be that these two people have some great background?

Everyone's eyes fell on Su Chen and Gu Qianyin. They all had good eyesight, and they could easily see that among Su Chen and Gu Qianyin, Su Chen was the master, and Gu Qianyin was the master. From.

However, when they discovered Gu Qianyin's extraordinary temperament and peerless grace, they couldn't help but become more confused. Such a woman could only serve as a foil for that young man. Who was that young man?

A descendant of the emperor's noble family?

The descendant of the hidden sect?

"Hahaha, brother Su Chen, you are here."

The eldest prince greeted Su Chen with a hearty smile. As soon as he met, he gave Su Chen a warm bear hug and said with a smile, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

After saying that, the eldest prince immediately arranged Su Chen in the best position in the venue and introduced to everyone present: "This is Su Chen, a good friend of this prince."

Everyone present stared at the eldest prince curiously, waiting for the eldest prince to reveal more about Su Chen's identity.

But it is a pity that the eldest prince did not introduce any more meaning.

An old man couldn't help but ask: "Your Highness, may I ask whose family this young master Su is?"

They are all the heads of some big families in Anyang City. They were invited by the eldest prince to attend the banquet today. They all have their own thoughts and want to see what kind of connections and strength the eldest prince has compared with other princes. Come on, is it worth their whole family’s support?

You must know that this line is very particular. If they support the eldest prince, once the eldest prince ascends the throne in the future, then they will be the founders of the dynasty, and they will be indispensable for glory and wealth in the future.

But if the eldest prince fails to seize the throne, it goes without saying that they will definitely suffer misfortune along with the eldest prince.

This is inherently risky, but even so it is still tempting because the benefits that can be gained if it succeeds are so great.

Therefore, they also wanted to keep their eyes open to see if the eldest prince was the one worthy of their gamble.

One of the very important judgment criteria is the eldest prince's connections. If Su Chen is really a descendant of some hidden sect, or someone with a great background, then it will undoubtedly add a heavy weight to the eldest prince's balance.

The eldest prince smiled mysteriously and said, "Brother Su Chen is a student of Anyang College."


A student from Anyang College?

Everyone was suddenly as deflated as a rubber ball, unspeakably disappointed.

There are at least several thousand students in Anyang Academy. Even in the Upper Academy, there are more than 200 students. There is nothing unusual at all.

What's more, not many geniuses with good backgrounds go to Anyang College, and most of those who do go are children from poor backgrounds.

Therefore, with the status of a student of Anyang College, you might be able to intimidate a few people outside, but in the eyes of dignitaries like them, it has no value at all.

Even the family heads who had originally supported the eldest prince were smiling bitterly at this moment. The eldest prince had made a mistake. He valued a student of Anyang Academy so much, and Corporal Li Xian was not like this.

On this occasion, the eldest prince should show off his connections and strength. Even if he wants to introduce someone grandly, he should introduce some famous and powerful people, so that everyone present knows that people like the eldest prince even They can make friends with each other, and then they will submit willingly.

As it is now, it makes no sense at all.

"Anyang College, haha, what a coincidence. The old grandson Qi Yuntian is also studying at Anyang College. Does Mr. Su know him?"

An old man with sharp eyes in the crowd laughed and said, this old man is an elder of the Qi family, one of the top three super wealthy families in Anyang City.

His only grandson, Qi Yuntian, is said to be extremely talented. He has already broken through to the Realm of Transformation at the age of eighteen, and is currently studying at Anyang College.

"Haha, Mr. Qi's grandson is so talented, how can a young man from a poor family be able to match him?"

A middle-aged man spoke sarcastically without mercy.

The eldest prince frowned slightly, Su Chen was an honored guest he invited, how could he tolerate such ridicule. His eyes fell on the middle-aged man, and he had secretly put him on his blacklist.

"The Third Prince is here!"

At this moment, I heard a shout from outside.

The Third Prince is here?

Everyone was extremely surprised. Who didn't know that the third prince and the eldest prince were having a fierce fight over the succession to the throne? Why did the third prince suddenly come to the eldest prince's banquet?


A young man soon appeared at the door. This young man was about twenty-five or six years old. He was tall, with thick hair, a pair of bright eyes, and an extraordinary bearing.

"Brother, you don't blame me for running here suddenly without saying hello, right?" This young man is the third prince. He is walking towards the eldest prince with a smile on his face. He doesn't look like he is already in a fierce fight with the eldest prince. look like.

"Hahaha, what did the third brother say? What kind of wind brought you here today? Please come in quickly, please come in quickly." The eldest prince also showed a smile and walked towards the third prince.

When the two of them came within one step of each other, they both stopped in unison, looking at each other with smiles on their faces, saying pleasantries, acting like brothers and sisters, but neither of them could see each other. Not getting close to each other.

"Third brother, why are you here?" The eldest prince asked with a smile, with no hint of rejection or hostility in his expression.

"The eldest brother is holding a boat party, how can I, the younger brother, not come and support him?" The third prince also laughed.

The eldest prince couldn't help but frown secretly. His original intention of holding this boat party was to win over the family forces in Anyang City and persuade them to join him. As a result, the Third Prince suddenly ran over, obviously just to cause trouble.

However, the eldest prince thought so in his heart, but the smile on his face was still bright, and he said: "In that case, I will first thank the third brother here."

"By the way, I also brought an honored guest here." The third prince said again.

"Really? I wonder who this distinguished guest is?" The eldest prince said, but he was secretly wary in his heart. The third prince definitely had no good intentions in bringing someone here at this time, and he didn't know who he brought.

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