Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 249 Does it hurt to be slapped in the face?

Su Chen reached into his arms and took out something.

No way, he really has an invitation?

Several students were stunned and looked at the invitation Su Chen took out.

But the next moment, they burst into laughter: "Hahaha, what kind of invitation are you holding out?"

"Hillbilly, don't pretend if you don't have an invitation. Look at the invitation you took out. Is it the same as ours? What kind of invitation is this?"

Several people looked at the black-gilded invitation card in Su Chen's hand with mocking eyes. Aren't the invitation cards for the cruise party white? What the hell is the black invitation card?

At this moment, the guard on the side noticed the invitation in Su Chen's hand, exclaimed in surprise, and asked cautiously: "Master, can you show me this invitation?"


Several students were a little suspicious. Seeing that the guard acted uncharacteristically towards Su Chen, he very carefully took the black-gilt invitation from Su Chen.

After looking at it for a while, the guard took a deep breath and immediately returned the invitation to Su Chen, saying respectfully: "Sir, please get aboard!"


The students were in disbelief and asked, "Why did you let him get on the ship?"

"The invitation he took out was not an invitation for the cruise banquet at all. How could he be qualified to get on the ship?"

The guard looked at Su Chen respectfully and said, "This young master's invitation is a VIP invitation! Naturally, it is different from ordinary invitations."


VIP invitation?

Several students couldn't believe their ears. Could it be a VIP invitation that Su Chen took out?


"This guy is just a warrior from a humble family. How can he get an invitation from a distinguished guest?"

"Impossible, the invitation must be fake!"

Several students were in disbelief and shouted out one after another.

"This invitation has the seal of the eldest prince, so it cannot be forged." The guard shook his head and said.

Lu Can was shocked and said, "It's not a forgery. It's possible that he stole the invitation. Just think about it, he's just a kid from a poor family. How could he have a way to get an invitation to a distinguished guest?"


The guard couldn't help but hesitate. If Su Chen really stole the invitation, then he would definitely be held responsible if he let him into the venue.

"Master Lu, are you sure?"

The guard asked. After all, he was just a small guard. Although he belonged to the eldest prince, he was just an insignificant servant. He definitely couldn't bear such a big responsibility.

"I can guarantee that this VIP invitation is definitely not his."

Lu Can said with a very certain tone.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but if this invitation is not yours, then you still can't get on the ship."

The guard turned to Su Chen and said.

At this moment, an old man walked out of the cruise ship gate. As soon as he came out, he looked around as if he was looking for something.

"Master Lu!"

The guard's sharp eyes immediately spotted the old man and saluted quickly.


Lu Can was also stunned for a moment, and then quickly greeted the old man.

This old man was none other than his biological grandfather Lu Xueguang, who was also one of the most capable lieutenants in front of the eldest prince.

Lu Xueguang is also the head of the Lu family, and he can be said to be the person Lu Can respects the most. In Lu Can's mind, his grandfather is like a mountain, supporting the huge Lu family.

Of course, Lu Xueguang, as a confidant of the eldest prince, must have arrived early at the boat party held by the eldest prince.

Seeing Lu Xueguang coming out of the venue, Lu Can hurriedly greeted him and asked, "Grandpa, why did you come out of the venue?"

"The eldest prince asked me to come out to greet an important guest."

As Lu Xueguang spoke, he glanced around, obviously looking for the distinguished guest mentioned by the eldest prince.

"Dignified guest?"

Lu Can was also stunned for a moment, and then immediately looked curious.

To be able to be called a distinguished guest by the eldest prince, and even send Lu Xueguang out to greet him, how high of a status must he have?

"Grandpa, who is the distinguished guest that the eldest prince mentioned?" Lu Can couldn't hide his curiosity and asked.

Lu Xueguang shook his head: "I don't know. The eldest prince only said that he was a young man, about fifteen or sixteen years old, and his name was..."

Suddenly, Lu Xueguang's words stopped abruptly, and his eyes caught sight of Su Chen standing aside, holding a distinguished guest invitation in his hand.

The young man is fifteen or sixteen years old, and he also has a VIP invitation from the eldest prince...

"Grandpa, no, it's definitely not him!"

Lu Can saw the change in Lu Xueguang's expression and said quickly, "This guy is from our Anyang College. I know him better. He is just a poor boy from a humble family. He cannot be a distinguished guest of the eldest prince."

Just kidding, how could Su Chen be an honored guest of the eldest prince? This is too ridiculous.

However, Lu Xueguang pressed his hand and signaled Lu Can to shut up.

Then, Lu Xueguang walked quickly towards Su Chen, looked up and down for a moment, his expression changed slightly, and he asked with some caution: "Excuse me, are you Su Chen?"

"it's me."

Su Chen nodded and looked at Lu Xueguang in front of him, knowing that the eldest prince should have sent this old man to greet him specially. From this point of view, the eldest prince is still a caring person.

Suddenly, Lu Xueguang's expression completely changed. He immediately bowed to Su Chen respectfully and said respectfully: "Young Master Chen, the eldest prince sent me to come out specially to greet you. Please follow me on the boat."


Lu Can almost thought his ears had heard it wrong.

The person the eldest prince sent Lu Xueguang out to greet was Su Chen?

How can this be?

Lu Can was completely confused, especially when he saw his most respected grandfather bowing to Su Chen and calling Su Chen Young Master Chen...

"Grandpa, are you mistaken? Su Chen is just..."


Lu Xueguang suddenly raised his hand and slapped Lu Can, causing Lu Can to spin in circles.

"Shut up, Mr. Chen, you are not allowed to talk nonsense!" Lu Xueguang gave Lu Can a warning look, telling him not to talk nonsense, so as not to displease the eldest prince.

Afterwards, Lu Xueguang said to Su Chen with a smile on his face: "Young Master Chen, please."

Su Chen nodded and walked into the boat banquet venue with Lu Xueguang.

Just before walking into the door, Su Chen suddenly turned his head, looked at Lu Can and the students, and asked, "Does it hurt to be slapped in the face?"

Lu Can and several students all had pale faces. Su Chen's words were like a hot slap on their faces.

Fortunately, they mocked Su Chen for not having an invitation, but in the end, they took out a VIP invitation!

Fortunately, they also said that Su Chen's invitation was stolen. As a result, Lu Can's grandfather personally ran out to greet Su Chen and called him Young Master Chen!

Does it hurt to be slapped in the face? Does it ring?

"It's really strange. How virtuous and capable is that guy to win the favor of the eldest prince?"

Lu Can's face was gloomy and he followed Su Chen into the venue with suspicion.

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