Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 23 The Patriarch’s Seal

"Wang Sheng of the Wang family?"

Xu Yin was also shocked and took a step back in disbelief, "Are you crazy?"

"Who is Wang Sheng?" Xu Yin was so angry that her whole body was shaking. "He is a bastard who was mutilated from birth and has a gloomy and cruel personality! You want to marry Tingyi to him!"

"Why did Tingyi offend you, and you want to do this to her?"

No wonder she was so angry, it was Wang Sheng's reputation that was so terrible!

Wang Sheng is the youngest son of the head of the Wang family. He was born with an ear and a finger missing, and he was still a celestial eunuch.

Perhaps because he felt that he owed him something, the head of the Wang family was extremely doting on Wang Sheng. But it was also because of this that Wang Sheng developed a character of low self-esteem, gloominess and cruelty.

He likes to torture people, and almost every few days, a maid in the Wang family will be tortured to death by him!

When she thought of Jiang Shan and Jiang He actually trying to marry their niece to such a person, Xu Yin felt as if she was immersed in a cold pool, and it was freezing to the bone!

I originally thought that Jiang Shan and Jiang He were just selfish and greedy, but now it seems that they are simply cruel and shameless!

"I won't agree to this marriage. You've given up on this!" Xu Yin said loudly.

Jiang He laughed loudly: "Second sister-in-law, second sister-in-law, how much say do you think you have in this marriage?"

"You..." Xu Yin glared angrily, her lips trembled, and she was speechless for a long time.

She knew Jiang He was right. According to the Jiang family's clan rules, the family head made the final decision on the marriages of the children in the clan.

Although the Jiang family has not yet elected a head, the actual people in power are Jiang Shan and Jiang He, and they can be considered acting heads.

However, Xu Yin was still unwilling to give in: "Then Wang Sheng..."


Jiang Shan put down the tea cup and said, "The marriage is decided! Even if you make trouble again, it won't change!"

The final word!

As the leader of the Jiang family, Jiang Shan's words meant that there was no room for reversal of the matter.

"Haha!" Xu Yin laughed angrily, "Jiang Shan, Jiang He, how much benefit did the Wang family give you to make you so eager to sell your own niece?"

I'm afraid the benefits the Wang family gave Jiang Shan and Jiang He were far more than a thousand Little Yuan Dan, right?

Otherwise, how could Jiang Shan and Jiang He write down the evidence so happily after losing a thousand Little Yuan Dan?

It turns out that they are waiting here!

At this moment, Xu Yin only regretted that she had not seen clearly the true faces of these two villains, Jiang Shan and Jiang He, earlier.

She only regretted that she had not discovered earlier that Jiang Shan and Jiang He were not only selfish and greedy, but also cruel and shameless.

"Second Aunt, cousin Tingyi is getting married, which is a happy event. Why are you so upset..."

"I heard that Wang Sheng has some special hobbies. Cousin Tingyi, why don't you bring a few more maids with you to avoid losing your life within a few days of the wedding..."

Jiang Mingxuan and Jiang Minghao also started to jeer at the right time.

Jiang Shan looked at Xu Yin indifferently, who was shaking with anger, and said: "Second brother and sister, the marriage has been decided. Regardless of whether you agree or not, Tingyi is married."

"You have time to act up here, so you might as well go back and prepare some dowry for Tingyi."

As he spoke, Jiang Shanhu's eyes were shining brightly, and he stared at Xu Yin closely. The aura of a seventh-level powerhouse in the Condensation Realm was released without reservation!

For a time, the entire meeting hall was filled with a real sense of oppression!

Some tribesmen who were close to him felt their blood surge, their heads became dizzy, and their breathing became rapid.

This is the moment.




Crisp applause suddenly sounded.

In the quiet meeting hall, this applause seemed extremely abrupt.

"Who's applauding?"

No matter how calm Jiang Shan was, he couldn't help but feel a little angry at this moment.

A pair of eyes glanced around, looking for the person applauding in the hall.

"What a good show."

"My uncle pushed his niece into the fire pit with his own hands. If Mr. Jiang knew something secretly, he would probably be so angry that he would come alive, right?"

The young man's voice sounded faintly, with a hint of teasing and a hint of coldness.

Jiang Shanxun asked, and when he saw the person who was speaking clearly, his eyes turned cold: "You?"

Is it Su Chen again?

Who is he?

A junior, an outsider, does he have a role to intervene here?

"Xiao Chen?"

Xu Yin also murmured in surprise.

She did not expect that on this occasion, Su Chen, a junior and an outsider, would stand up for her and Tingyi.

"This is a family matter of our Jiang family, outsiders should shut up!" Jiang He shouted.

Su Chen smiled lightly: "When you asked me to compete in the martial arts competition just now, you said that since I was sitting at the table of direct descendants, I was considered a member of the Jiang family. Why did you change your mind and say that I am an outsider now?"

"Uh..." Jiang He didn't expect Su Chen to be so talkative, and was choked speechless.

Su Chen said coldly: "What's more, even if I am an outsider, since I have seen it, I can't ignore it. You are relying on the power of the acting head of the family to humiliate orphans and widowed mothers. It is really ugly."

"Shut up!"

Jiang Shan said in a deep voice, "No matter what happens to the Jiang family, it's not your turn to comment on it!"

"Xiaochen, stop talking."

Xu Yin also tried to persuade her. Although she could not accept her daughter marrying Wang Sheng, she also knew that this matter could not be reversed with Su Chen's power. It would only make Su Chen offend Jiang Shan and Jiang He even more. .

Xu Yin has now seen through the ruthlessness of Jiang Shan and Jiang He. Naturally, she doesn't want to see Su Chen offend these two people.

"Don't worry, auntie, I have a solution."

Su Chen responded with a faint smile.

Xu Yin looked at Su Chen's calm expression, and somehow, her mood gradually calmed down from her panic.

I don't know when it started, maybe it was when Su Chen showed his unexpected strength and defeated two powerful enemies in a row that Su Chen's image in Xu Yin's mind began to change.

Even at this time, Xu Yin subconsciously felt a sense of dependence on Su Chen. It seemed that Su Chen had a convincing temperament that could make people feel at ease.

However, Xu Yin could not imagine how Su Chen could stop this marriage?

Jiang Shan and Jiang He hold the power of acting as the head of the family, and they have the right to speak out on the marriage of their juniors.

No matter how talented Su Chen is in martial arts, he is still just a junior at the eighth level of the Qi-inducing realm. What can he do against these two behemoths, the Jiang family and the Wang family?


Jiang He sneered and waved his hand nonchalantly, "Brother, there's no need to talk nonsense to this guy. The meeting is over! Let's go!"

Jiang He naturally heard Su Chen say there was a way, but in his heart Jiang He disagreed and even wanted to laugh. Even Xu Yin couldn't do anything about it, what could Su Chen, a brat with no hair on his head, do?

However, just as Jiang He was about to leave, he heard Su Chen's words as thin as a mosquito's from behind: "Jiang Shan, Jiang He, you have not been able to find the Patriarch's Seal left by Patriarch Jiang for so many years. You must be feeling very sad." Are you anxious?"

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