Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 22 Marriage

Jiang Mingxuan looked horrified, looking down at the half-broken sword in his hand in disbelief, and murmured: "I lost? How is this possible?"

No wonder he was so shocked. The seven waves of Su Chen's sword just now actually contained seven levels of power, and each level was more domineering than the last!

This means that Jiang Mingxuan's cultivation is at the ninth level of the Qi-entraining realm, and he uses yellow-level intermediate swordsmanship and martial arts, so that he can take on the entire seven-level power intact!

However, even so, the long sword in Jiang Mingxuan's hand could not withstand the impact of the seven levels of power and was directly cut off.

Jiang Mingxuan's heart was also greatly shocked, and it was difficult to accept the fact that he was defeated by Su Chen.

Correspondingly, Su Chen defeated Jiang Mingxuan, but there was no joy on his face. He just frowned and said to himself: "My cultivation level is still too low!"

Just cutting off the long sword in Jiang Mingxuan's hand was not enough to satisfy Su Chen.

The power of "Seven Waves of One Sword" is already very powerful, but due to Su Chen's cultivation at the eighth level of Qi Entrainment Realm, the power of this martial skill is still limited.

Su Chen knew that his next step should be to improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

However, Su Chen also knew that being able to defeat Jiang Mingxuan by leapfrogging an entire level and cutting off the sword in his hand was already an extremely terrifying achievement.

"Xiao Chen!"

Xu Yin had just watched the whole process from the sidelines, always terrified, fearing that Su Chen would be injured. Now that the competition was finally over, Xu Yin rushed over in a few quick steps, grabbing Su Chen's shoulders up and down to carefully check for any injuries.

It wasn't until she was sure that Su Chen was not injured that Xu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at Su Chen with a smile, and a proud look in her eyes: "Xiao Chen, you surprised my aunt so much!"

Although Xu Yin is a martial arts practitioner, she is still a woman in the end. Regarding Su Chen, she did not think so long-term at first. As long as Su Chen is safe, it doesn't matter even if Su Chen is just an ordinary person.

However, Su Chen defeated Jiang Minghao and Jiang Mingxuan in the competition just now, and his amazing performance made Xu Yin have to re-examine this nephew.

At this moment, in Xu Yin's eyes, Su Chen's whole body was unconsciously cast with a layer of mystery.

"Su Chen, thank you!" Jiang Tingyi followed Xu Yin and said softly. Although her voice was soft, Su Chen heard it clearly.

Su Chen smiled faintly, but his eyes shot towards Jiang Shan who was not far away: "Can the bet mentioned just now be fulfilled now?"

At this moment, Jiang Shan's face could be said to be extremely wonderful, with blue in the iron and green in the blue. His eyes were so gloomy that they could drip water. He said in a deep voice: "Okay, boy, you are fine!"

I'm afraid that even if Jiang Shan was given a hundred chances before, Jiang Shan would never have predicted that his proud son Jiang Mingxuan would be defeated by a kid at the eighth level of the Qi-inducing realm!

Su Chen turned a blind eye to Jiang Shan's gaze that seemed to be murderous, and said calmly: "I believe that the leader of the Jiang family will not be a person who breaks his word, not to mention it is just a small bet."

Is that a small bet?

That’s a thousand Little Yuan Dan!

Jiang Shan forcibly suppressed the urge to curse. Although his heart was bleeding, he still ordered the servants beside him in a deep voice: "Give it to him!"

"What?" Jiang He was shocked and quickly stopped him, "Brother, how can you really give it to them?"

That's a thousand Little Yuan Dan, which is equivalent to two years' worth of the first and third houses combined!

If you give such a large amount of Xiaoyuan Dan to the second bedroom, the first and third bedrooms will be severely damaged!

"Shut up!" Jiang Shan's face was gloomy, "Just give it, don't delay the next business!"

When Jiang He heard this, he could only reluctantly shut his mouth.

It seemed that what Jiang Shan was talking about was extremely important to the two of them.

Not far away, Su Chen heard all the conversation between the two people, but his expression was calm, without any fluctuation.

Soon, Jiang Shan's servants came back and reported: "Master, there are far less than a thousand Little Yuan Dan in the warehouse."

Jiang Shan looked at Su Chen: "You also heard that it is a bit difficult to collect a thousand Xiaoyuan Dan. It will take a while no matter what."

"Three days!" Su Chen said.

Jiang Shan gritted his silver teeth, but in order not to delay the next business, he could only say: "Three days is all."

At Su Chen's request, Jiang Shan wrote a note on the spot, stating that the first and third bedrooms must collect a thousand Xiaoyuan Dan within three days and send them to the second bedroom.

With the documents in hand, Jiang Shan and Jiang He are not afraid of defaulting on their accounts.

It has to be said that Jiangshan’s city is still very deep. Just now, he looked livid and heartbroken, but now his expression has quickly returned to normal, as if the person who lost a thousand Xiaoyuan Dan was not him at all.

Even Su Chen admired this kind of tolerance.

In comparison, Jiang He's city was obviously not enough. He lost a thousand Little Yuan Dan in vain, and his anger and discomfort were all clearly written on his face.

Su Chen had to admit that it was quite satisfying to see Jiang He's expression as if he had eaten flies and was constipated.

However, Su Chen also had some guesses when thinking about what Jiang Shan and Jiang He were going to do next.

But in the previous life, this incident did not happen so quickly. It happened some time after the clan meeting.

It seems that some changes have taken place in this life, and perhaps these changes are related to his rebirth.

Perhaps in the future, more and more changes will occur.

Jiang Shan cleared his throat, his face returned to its previous calmness, and said: "Then, the second thing of today's clan meeting!"

As he said that, Jiang Shan paused briefly and glanced at Xu Yin, his eyes showing a coldness that was not easy to detect.

Xu Yin was shocked, and suddenly a bad feeling came into her heart.

She couldn't explain why she felt this way. Could it be that the second thing Jiang Shan wanted to say had something to do with her?

"Second brother and sister, Tingyi is fifteen this year, and she is also a big girl." Jiang Shan did not go on to explain what was going on, but instead seemed to be having a family affair with Xu Yin.

However, this common saying made Xu Yin's heart ring with alarm, and she suddenly raised her head and stared at Jiang Shan in disbelief.

Jiang Shan chuckled, as if the conflict between the two parties just now did not exist, and said very cordially: "Tingyi has also reached the age of engagement. A few days ago, the third child and I made an engagement for Tingyi. Taking advantage of this opportunity I just have the opportunity to tell you about it during the clan meeting.”

"Engaged? Engaged to Tingyi?"

Xu Yin was extremely surprised and blurted out, "Who is the other party?"

Jiang He on the side couldn't wait any longer and quickly interjected: "The other party is Wang Sheng of the Wang family! The Wang family will come with the betrothal gift in three days!"

As soon as the words left his mouth.


The crisp sound of the cup breaking suddenly sounded.

But Jiang Tingyi was so frightened that the tea cup in her hand fell to the ground and broke into pieces!

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