Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 228 Shocked the whole audience

"By the way, I would also like to remind you that you are not allowed to use any real energy in the strength test, otherwise it will be considered a test failure."

Yuan Qingcheng added leisurely that the strength test was about physical fitness, so the use of real energy was naturally not allowed. This was a rule. Qi Yuntian did not use real energy just now.

If Su Chen used his true energy to cheat, Yuan Qingcheng would immediately be able to detect the fluctuations in his true energy.

"Su Chen."

Gu Qianyin couldn't help but call out. She knew that Su Chen was powerful, but she had never seen Su Chen show any physical advantages. At this moment, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

However, this call made Qi Yuntian's eyes suddenly turn cold, and he looked towards Su Chen like a sharp arrow.

As long as you are not a fool, you can tell from the sound Gu Qianyin called Su Chen just now that the relationship between Gu Qianyin and Su Chen is quite unusual.

This made Qi Yuntian feel unspeakably disgusting. The first time he saw Gu Qianyin, he took it for granted that such a beautiful woman must belong to a top genius like him. .

As a result, now he saw that Gu Qianyin was closely related to other people, which made Qi Yuntian suddenly full of hostility towards Su Chen.

Moreover, it would be okay if Su Chen was a genius from a rich family, but in the end he was just a child from a poor family, which made Qi Yuntian even more unhappy.

Under the different eyes of everyone, Su Chen had already walked to the row of big cauldrons.

He first walked to the one thousand catty cauldron. However, just when everyone thought that Su Chen was going to lift the one thousand catty cauldron, Su Chen didn't even look at the cauldron. , and walked directly to the next big cauldron.

"What, he wants to challenge two thousand pounds?" someone said in disbelief.

However, when Su Chen walked to the two thousand kilogram cauldron, he did not stop and continued walking to the next cauldron.

"Does this kid want to challenge the three-thousand-jin cauldron?"

Yuan Qingcheng had a look of disbelief on his face. He was just a genius from a humble family, and his cultivation level was not high. Wouldn't it be humiliating himself to challenge a three thousand kilogram cauldron?

But then, something even more incredible happened to Yuan Qingcheng.

I saw Su Chen passing by the three-thousand-jin cauldron, but he still didn't stop and came to the five-thousand-jin cauldron.

This time, not to mention Yuan Qingcheng, everyone present took a breath.

"Did I read that correctly? He wants to challenge a five thousand kilogram cauldron?"

"Is there something wrong with this guy's brain? Isn't it possible for ordinary people to challenge a five thousand kilogram cauldron?"

"I know, it must be what Senior Brother Yuan said just now that stimulated him. This guy wants to compete with Mr. Qi on the cauldron. It's so funny. Mr. Qi is a body-refining warrior. What is he?"

"Not to mention the five-thousand-jin cauldron. I'm afraid this guy can't even lift one leg of the five-thousand-jin cauldron, right?"

"Otherwise, I would say that these children from poor families simply cannot recognize themselves."

Those wealthy children laughed loudly, waiting to see how Su Chen would make a fool of himself on the spot.

But the next moment, the gloating smiles on their faces froze, their eyes widened, and they saw an incredible scene.

Su Chen bent down, stretched his hands under the big cauldron, then straightened his arms, and easily lifted the five thousand kilogram big cauldron over his head.

After a while, Su Chen put the cauldron down, his hands still very stable, without any trembling.

At this moment, the mouths of everyone present were involuntarily surprised and formed a round shape, unable to close for a long time!

"This, how is this possible?"

Yuan Qingcheng was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped. Naturally, he didn't know that Su Chen had taken a body tempering bath, and that the "Chaos Immortal Record" practiced by Su Chen also had the effect of body training techniques.

He just felt that his outlook on life seemed to have been subverted, "How is it possible that this guy can lift a five thousand kilogram cauldron? Did he just cheat and use his true energy?"

However, Yuan Qingcheng also knew that this was impossible, because he had not seen any signs of true energy fluctuations in Su Chen just now.

"Could he be a body-refining warrior? No, at the seventh level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, even a body-refining warrior cannot reach a body strength of five thousand kilograms."

Not only Yuan Qingcheng, but also the other wealthy disciples present had expressions as if they had seen ghosts, and their mouths were wide enough to fit a steamed bun.

The seventh level of the Condensation Realm, with a huge strength of five thousand kilograms!

Su Chen's performance was undoubtedly like a hot slap in the face, loud and clear on the faces of these people who kept saying that children from poor families were trash and unworthy of being compared with the geniuses from their wealthy families.


"This guy is definitely cheating!"

Many children from wealthy families couldn't bear the stimulation of this kind of self-esteem, and they cried out one after another.

Although they are children of wealthy families, many of them can only lift a cauldron weighing five hundred kilograms or one thousand kilograms. However, Su Chen, who is not from a wealthy family, can actually lift a cauldron weighing five thousand kilograms. .

They have never had such an experience in their lives, being stepped on by a genius who obviously came from a poor family.

"Senior Brother Yuan, this guy must be cheating. You must investigate thoroughly."

A group of wealthy children all said to Yuan Qingcheng.


Yuan Qingcheng looked ugly. He hoped that Su Chen was cheating, but judging from the current situation, there was no sign of Su Chen cheating at all.

As for why Su Chen had such exaggerated physical strength, Yuan Qingcheng really couldn't figure it out. Could it be that this is the legendary innate physical strength?

Thinking of the shameless bet he made with Su Chen just now, Yuan Qingcheng could not help but feel cold sweat streaming down his back. Fortunately, the bet was not real, otherwise he would have to apologize to Su Chen on the spot.


Yuan Qingcheng calmed down and said to the excited wealthy disciples, "Su Chen's strength test results are fine, and I have recorded them in the book."

Even Yuan Qingcheng said this, and the group of wealthy children could only stop.

Gu Qianyin's beautiful eyes looked at Su Chen. Su Chen really gave her too many surprises.

Qi Yuntian's eyes were gloomy, and there was a hint of confusion on his face. Even a body-refining warrior like himself in the Transformation Realm could only reach a body of five thousand kilograms. Su Chen was at the seventh level of the Condensation Realm. How could he have such a strong body? Can the strength reach this number?

Qi Yuntian couldn't understand it no matter how much he thought about it, but Su Chen, who was at the seventh level of the Condensation Realm, could lift the five thousand kilogram cauldron more easily than him. This fact made Qi Yuntian full of doubts and dissatisfaction. .

And this doubt and dissatisfaction, when Qi Yuntian saw the way Gu Qianyin looked at Su Chen, suddenly turned into an evil fire rising from his heart.

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