Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 227: You go, go ahead

"Well, I thought Qi Yuntian was really powerful. It turns out that he did it for a long time just to save face."

"Yeah, if you almost hurt yourself just to be in the limelight, that's not necessary."

These low-pitched comments were extremely harsh among the crowd, causing Qi Yuntian's originally handsome face to become a little distorted.

He admitted that he had overacted just now, but the question was, how did Su Chen see it? Is Su Chen's observation so keen?

Originally, Qi Yuntian was not the kind of person with overwhelming vanity. The reason why he tried so hard to express himself was mainly to show himself in front of Gu Qianyin and attract Gu Qianyin's attention.

As a result, the beauty did not attract her attention, but was exposed on the spot. For a while, Qi Yuntian was extremely embarrassed. If he hadn't been in public, he would have almost spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

However, Qi Yuntian knew that he could not vomit blood. If he did, he would really become a joke on the spot.

But not all students laughed at Qi Yuntian, and many students still spoke for Qi Yuntian.

"I think that Master Qi is already very powerful if he can lift a five-thousand-jin cauldron. Those of you who are laughing at him can't even lift a two-thousand-jin cauldron, so what right do you have to laugh at Master Qi?"

"Yes, you bumpkins from humble backgrounds are destined to be our Young Master Qi's foil. Just shut up."

Many Qi Yuntian's fans spoke up to smooth things over for Qi Yuntian.

These students who support Qi Yuntian are all children of wealthy families. They despise those students who talk about Qi Yuntian as bumpkins from poor families.

This made the students who were talking about Qi Yuntian just now change their expressions: "What did you say?"

"Tch, are we still wrong?" Those wealthy children laughed, "I am a country bumpkin from a humble background. I should just keep my tail between my legs and be a human being. How dare I talk about the wealthy children without making a fuss about it?" Just shine your urine on yourself, no matter how bad the kids from a wealthy family are, they are much better than you poor people."

Speaking of this, it is almost a naked contempt for geniuses from poor families.

However, even though those geniuses from poor families blushed, they could not say anything to refute, because it was indeed the case. It would be good for geniuses from poor families to be admitted to Anyang College through their own efforts, but even if they were admitted , will also become a foil for the wealthy children because of the inability to keep up with the resources in all aspects.

This is the case every year at Anyang College, without exception.

At this moment, one of Qi Yuntian's followers pretended to slap his head and shouted: "Master Qi, Master Qi, why are you suffering? You have practiced too much these days and your body is already exhausted. In addition, you had another injury yesterday." You suffered internal injuries while trying to reach the next level of Kung Fu, and you can't even use 80% of your usual strength. Why are you trying so hard?"

At this moment, Qi Yuntian's other followers suddenly woke up and echoed: "Yes, Mr. Qi, if you didn't have internal injuries, how could your hands lose strength?"

"That's right, Mr. Qi, you are just too cruel to yourself, alas!"

These people's words, and my words, have almost made the words come true. Some people who don't know the truth sound like that.

"Poor excuse."

Gu Qianyin snorted coldly, dismissing such rhetoric at all. This excuse to save her respect seemed to her to be extremely clumsy and ridiculous.

Yuan Qingcheng came to his senses at this moment, and quickly slapped his forehead, pretending to blame himself and said: "This is all my fault. In fact, I knew that Junior Brother Qi had internal injuries early on, but I still asked him to participate in the strength test, so Junior Brother Qi had no choice but to do it, Junior Brother Qi, I’m sorry.”

When Su Chen heard this, his eyelids couldn't help but twitch. This Yuan Qingcheng was so shameless, kneeling and licking a new student to such an extent. He was still a genius in Class A of the upper school. It really refreshed his understanding.

"Su Chen!"

At this time, Yuan Qingcheng suddenly thought of Su Chen again.

He immediately turned around, faced Su Chen, and said calmly: "Just now, it sounded like you didn't take Junior Brother Qi seriously. Why don't you go up and lift the cauldron now and see how many cauldrons you can lift?" "

"Yes, if you have the ability to laugh at others, why not try it yourself!"

"I think with his small body, he can't even lift a five hundred kilogram tripod, right?"

Qi Yuntian's followers immediately attacked Su Chen as if they had found a breakthrough.

"Looking at the way he is dressed, he must be a bumpkin from a poor family. He dares to slander our young master Qi to save face and not take care of himself by soaking in urine."

"That's right, people from poor families are all trash."

Su Chen raised his eyebrows slightly. This was interesting. It was fine that Yuan Qingcheng deliberately provoked and suppressed him, but these children from rich families kept belittling the children from poor families, almost to the point of being demoted to the dirt.

With Su Chen's character, he would naturally not tolerate it.

At that moment, Su Chen raised his eyes and said calmly: "Is it a competition to lift the cauldron?"

"Hey, stop dreaming. You still want to compete with Mr. Qi in lifting a cauldron. If you can lift a cauldron weighing a thousand kilograms, I will respect you."

"That's right. If you can't lift it when the time comes, don't blame us for saying you are embarrassed."

Qi Yuntian's followers immediately rushed to speak sarcastically.

Yuan Qingcheng sneered: "Junior Brother Su Chen, the strength test is mandatory for every new student anyway. You have to do it even if you are competing, or you have to do it even if you don't compete. But as a senior brother, I want to remind you, you didn't treat Junior Brother Qi just now To put it in perspective, if you can’t even lift a thousand kilogram cauldron yourself, it would be a big loss.”

"That won't bother you."

Su Chen said calmly, and then walked towards the row of cauldrons.

"Wait a minute."

Yuan Qingcheng smiled and said, "Since I think you seem to be very confident in yourself, why don't we make a small bet? If you can't lift a thousand kilograms of cauldron, then you can go to the Alchemy Branch and do it on the spot. How about kneeling down and apologizing to Senior Brother Shen Chuan and admitting that you shouldn't have been rude to him that day?"

"Of course, if you can lift a thousand-jin cauldron, I will apologize to you on the spot and admit that I underestimated you." Yuan Qingcheng added.

"Who are you and why should I bet with you?" Su Chen asked.

Yuan Qingcheng choked, and then sneered: "It seems that you know that you can't lift a thousand kilograms of cauldron, so you don't dare to make this bet with me?"

Su Chen didn't bother to pay attention to the little guy Yuan Qingcheng. He walked directly past Yuan Qingcheng and walked towards the row of big cauldrons.

Yuan Qingcheng looked at Su Chen with a sneer. In his opinion, Su Chen's cultivation was only at the seventh level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, and it was absolutely impossible for him to lift the one thousand kilogram cauldron.

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