Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 207 I reluctantly agree to you

"Even if you become my disciple, it doesn't mean you have to leave brother Chen. On the contrary, the martial arts branch is very far from the alchemy branch. You can go to him every day." Guo Tong tried to continue fighting.


When Gu Qianxue heard these words, she felt a little moved.

She knew that once she entered Anyang College, she would not be able to get along with Su Chen day and night like before. However, this old man promised that she could go to Brother Chen every day. If it were someone else who taught her, he wouldn't allow it, right?

For a moment, Gu Qianxue's face was full of confusion and hesitation, and she cast her help-seeking eyes on Su Chen who was standing aside.

Su Chen smiled. In fact, he thought it was good for Gu Qianxue to take Guo Tong as his teacher. After all, he really didn't have the time or patience to teach a little girl how to make alchemy. And alchemy is a skill that pays attention to inheritance. If there is no one to teach you step by step, you will eventually miss a lot if you rely solely on your own talent.

Therefore, Su Chen thought it was a good idea to let Gu Qianxue study with Guo Tong for a period of time.

"Qianxue, if you are willing, you can learn alchemy from him." Su Chen said with a smile.

Gu Qianxue glanced at Su Chen sadly, and she knew that brother Chen must have no time to teach her, so he had to give her to an old man.

"Little girl, as long as you become Lao Chan's disciple, Lao Chan promises that you will have all kinds of delicious food to enjoy every day." Seeing that Gu Qianxue was wavering, Guo Tong immediately struck while the iron was hot.

In fact, he didn't know if it would work, but he remembered that on the carriage to Anyang City, Gu Qianxue's mouth never stopped eating.

Sure enough, when Gu Qianxue heard this, her eyes really lit up. After thinking about it, she said, "Okay, then I will reluctantly agree to you!"

That tone and demeanor made her feel as if she had been greatly wronged by being Guo Tong's disciple.

However, Guo Tong didn't care at all. Instead, he was overjoyed and quickly gave Gu Qianxue the student token of the Alchemy Branch.

This also means that starting from today, Su Chen, Gu Qianyin and Gu Qianxue will officially become students of Anyang College.

However, the school had to wait until a week before the school started, so the three of them said goodbye to Guo Tong, planning to leave Anyang College now and wait a week before enrolling again.

Guo Tong was reluctant to leave. He finally received Gu Qianxue, a disciple with perfect scores in the fire attribute affinity test. He wanted to teach her what he had learned in his life right away, and he couldn't bear to leave Gu Qianxue.

How could Gu Qianxue care what Guo Tong was thinking? All she could think about now was that the entrance examination was finally over and she should be able to eat delicious food, right?

Gu Qianyin was more attentive. Her eyes caught sight of Li Shitong standing nearby, and she whispered to Su Chen: "Su Chen, I feel that Miss Li is a little depressed."

Su Chen also looked over and saw Li Shitong standing alone with his arms folded, his eyes a little dazed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Although it had nothing to do with Su Chen, from a humanitarian perspective, after all, it was Su Chen who drove away Li Shitong's teacher, leaving her without a teacher, so Su Chen couldn't justify it.

Su Chen thought for a while, walked to Guo Tong and asked, "Dean Guo, are you still interested in accepting another disciple?"

"Accept another disciple?" Guo Tong had not yet recovered from the excitement of recruiting Gu Qianxue. He was stunned when he heard this, and then asked, "Who?"

Apart from Gu Qianxue, he didn't really want any other disciples. He had always followed the principle of choosing disciples rather than being indiscriminate. Anyone who wasn't an Alchemy genius with amazing talent would not be able to catch his eye.

"If it is recommended by Su Xiaoyou, as long as the talent is not too bad, I can accept him as a registered disciple." Guo Tong said, this is already an extra face for Su Chentian. In other circumstances, he would not be able to accept it as a registered disciple. Possibly taking on a disciple.

"is her."

Su Chen pointed at Li Shitong.

Guo Tong looked in the direction pointed by Su Chen with a look of surprise on his face. He obviously did not expect that Su Chen would recommend him to accept Li Shitong as his disciple.

But if you think about it carefully, this is a good idea. Li Shitong is an alchemy genius herself, ranking at least in the top five in the entire alchemy branch, and her advantage is that she is younger than the other top alchemy geniuses. It means she has more alchemy potential.

If it were in the past, Guo Tong would naturally not have any thoughts about Li Shitong, because Li Shitong was already Lu Yuankang's disciple. But things are different now. Lu Yuankang was kicked out of Anyang College, so Li Shitong really needs a new teacher.

Thinking of this, Guo Tong said to Li Shitong: "Shitong, I wonder if you are interested in becoming my disciple?"


Li Shitong woke up and murmured in surprise. He didn't expect Dean Guo Tong to accept him as his disciple?

"If you become my disciple, I will try my best to give you the best resources. Although your talent is not as good as Qianxue, it is still very good." Guo Tongtong.

In fact, Li Shitong's talent is already one in a million, but when compared with Gu Qianxue, it seems ordinary.

"Disciple has met the master."

Li Shitong didn't talk nonsense and agreed directly. For her, losing Lu Yuankang as a teacher will only make her depressed for a few days, and it will get better soon. She will continue to study at Anyang College, and having Guo Tong as her teacher will naturally bring more benefits.

"Okay, okay, I will take you to make alchemy right now."

Guo Tong accepted two disciples and was in a good mood.

"Dean Guo, let's go first."

Su Chen said hello and walked out of Anyang College with Gu Qianyin and Gu Qianxue.

"Qianxue, did you really get full marks in the fire attribute affinity test?"

Gu Qianyin asked curiously.

"Of course!"

Gu Qianxue had a look of pride on her face, "Actually, Xue'er seems to have broken their test ball!"

"Huh? Did you break all the test balls?"

Gu Qianyin was stunned. He didn't know whether to believe it or not. To be able to break the test ball into pieces must be because he had very terrifying energy in his body. How talented a genius must be to do this?

Su Chen smiled faintly. He completely believed what Gu Qianxue said was true. It was not surprising at all that the innate fire spirit body would break the test ball into pieces. This actually means that Gu Qianxue's fire attribute affinity test score is far more than 100 points, but the test ball can no longer be tested.

The three of them faced the sunset and returned to Mu's house.

"Master Su, you are finally back."

But Mu Baye had been waiting at the entrance of Su Chen's yard for a long time. As soon as he saw Su Chen, he happily greeted him.

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