Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 206: Full Score in the Fire Attribute Affinity Test

"It's the little girl who made alchemy that day!"

Guo Tong was overjoyed and his mind became active again!

Although he couldn't find Su Chen, he still noticed Gu Qianxue's talent in alchemy. A girl who is only ten years old can refine a first-class elixir. How can this be described as an extraordinary talent?

It is no exaggeration to say that in Guo Tong's eyes, Gu Qianxue's alchemy potential is not even weaker than that of Su Chen.

Of course, Guo Tong didn't know that Su Chen's Alchemy strength was based on the accumulation of the Alchemy Emperor's past life. If all these heritages were unleashed, they would be worth ten thousand Gu Qianxue.

However, if we talk about physical fitness alone, Gu Qianxue is naturally superior. The innate fire spirit body is the most suitable constitution for alchemy, and no other constitution can surpass it.

"Mr. Su, is the friend you are talking about taking the entrance examination for the Alchemy Branch the young girl who refined the Little Yuan Dan that day?" Guo Tong quickly confirmed.

"That's her." Su Chen smiled.

"Okay, okay, I'll send someone to bring her over immediately. She doesn't need to take the entrance examination and can directly obtain admission qualifications!"

Guo Tong was overjoyed and filled with excitement. Gu Qianxue could refine a first-grade elixir. There was no need to take any tests. He could just enroll in school directly. Moreover, he wanted to accept Gu Qianxue as his disciple on the spot!

Right now.

"A genius in alchemy, a genius in alchemy!"

A shout of surprise suddenly erupted from a nearby building.

Immediately afterwards, a tutor from the Dandao Branch who was in charge of the entrance examination ran out of the building in great excitement, rushed directly to Guo Tong, and couldn't wait to shout:

"Dean, over at the entrance examination, we found a Dando wizard who got full marks in the fire attribute affinity test! Full marks!"

Perfect score in the fire attribute affinity test!

Guo Tong's face suddenly showed a look of shock!

The fire attribute affinity test is a test that must be passed before becoming an alchemist. Only those with a certain affinity to the fire attribute have the possibility of becoming an alchemist.

The full score of the fire attribute affinity test is one hundred points, and the standard of the Dandao Branch of Anyang College is that if you reach five points, you can enter. If the fire attribute affinity test reaches ten points, the hope of becoming an alchemist in the future is very high.

If it reaches 20 points, it is a good seedling worth cultivating. If it reaches 30 points, it can be classified as an unparalleled genius.

And now, someone actually got a perfect score, a hundred points!

What is this concept?

In the entire Anyang County, there has never been such a genius, unprecedented!

This is a seedling that has the potential to reach the level of a fourth-grade alchemist!

A fourth-grade alchemist has never appeared in the entire Anyang County. If one appears, it will definitely change the pattern of the alchemy world in Anyang City.

"Is the genius who got perfect marks a little girl about ten years old?" Guo Tong asked quickly.

"That's right, she's a little girl about ten years old!" the assessment instructor replied. He couldn't help but wonder, how did Dean Guo know before he said anything?

"Quick, bring her here!"

Guo Tong kept urging, and his heart was extremely hot. He never expected that Gu Qianxue could get a perfect score in the fire attribute affinity test. No wonder she was so good at making pills, because she was born to make pills!

It was a pity to miss Su Chen today, but Gu Qianxue absolutely couldn't miss it again.

Soon, Gu Qianxue was led over.

"Ah, brother Chen, sister, why are you here!" When Gu Qianxue saw Su Chen and Gu Qianyin, she jumped over happily and stuck to Su Chen's side.

Guo Tongqing coughed and said kindly to Gu Qianxue: "Little girl, are you willing to be Lao Chan's disciple and learn alchemy from Lao Chan?"

"Hey, is it you?"

Gu Qianxue glanced at Guo Tong and immediately thought, "You are the old man, the old man who competed with me for brother Chen!"

Gu Qianxue's little face was immediately full of hostility, and she waved her little hand at Guo Tong: "I don't want you, go away! Don't compete with me for Brother Chen!"


Guo Tong was so embarrassed.

People around him also took a breath, obviously not expecting that Gu Qianxue would dare to treat Guo Tong like this.

Who is Guo Tong? He is the dean of the Alchemy Branch and a dignified third-grade alchemy master!

Looking at the entire Anyang City, I have never seen anyone dare to speak to Guo Tong in this tone.

You know, offending a strong man in alchemy is often more terrifying than offending a strong man in martial arts, because a strong man in alchemy often has more energy in his hands. A strong man in alchemy is said to be able to control dozens of martial arts masters. Strong people are not exaggerating.

Therefore, in this situation where all the stars are holding the moon, the temper of the alchemy expert is naturally unlikely to be any better.

And now that Gu Qianxue dares to contradict Guo Tong like this, it is conceivable that Guo Tong will be displeased with his temper.


What everyone did not expect was that Guo Tong did not show any displeasure. Instead, he showed a more kind smile to Gu Qianxue: "I promise that I will never compete with you for brother Chen again."


After hearing these words, many people burst out in anger. They never imagined that Guo Tong could have such a pleasant attitude towards a person who contradicted them.

"Are you serious?"

Gu Qianxue asked with a frown.

"of course it's true."

Guo Tong said with a smile, "So, are you willing to become Lao Chan's disciple? Lao Chan can guarantee that I will give you the best conditions and do my best to train you."

Gu Qianxue's little face wrinkled up, she glanced at Guo Tong, and shook her head: "No, I want to stay with Brother Chen."

She refused twice and three times, which surprised everyone around her.

If it were any other genius from Anyang City who would have been ecstatic when they heard that Guo Tong wanted to accept him as his disciple, how could he be so pushy and pushy as Gu Qianxue. To put it bluntly, in Anyang City, if you, a genius in alchemy, don't take Guo Tong as your teacher, who else do you want to take as your teacher?

As for wanting to stay by Su Chen's side, that's even more silly. No matter how strong Su Chen is, can he be stronger than a third-level alchemy master? When people go to higher places, water flows to lower places. Doesn't Gu Qianxue understand this principle?

"Little girl, Dean Guo accepts a disciple. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You must seize it." Everyone began to persuade him.

However, these persuasion aroused Gu Qianxue's rebellious temper.

"Hmph! You bad guys all want me to leave Brother Chen, but I don't!"

As Gu Qianxue said this, she hugged Su Chen's arm tighter.


Guo Tong gave a helpless smile. He never thought that one day he would find himself in this situation. He rushed to beg to be a disciple, but he still refused to agree.

For the first time in his life, Guo Tong had deep doubts about his own charm.

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