Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 204 Blind your dog eyes

"Impossible, Qingfeng Dan is a second-grade elixir, a thirteen-star second-grade elixir. It is impossible for an unknown new student to refine it."

"Yes, if you want to refine a 13-star second-grade elixir, you must have extreme talent in alchemy, coupled with years of hard work in alchemy, both of which are indispensable. If it is said that it was refined by Li Shitong, I still somewhat believe it, but if it was made by a new student, it is absolutely impossible."

Everyone was talking about it. They all knew that Li Shitong was an unparalleled alchemy genius. It was not surprising that he had refined the thirteen-star Qingfeng Pill. But to say that this little-known young man refined the Thirteen-Three-Star Qingfeng Pill would be a stretch. How could there be so many geniuses in the world?

The corners of Lu Yuankang's mouth also raised slightly. He knew that no one would believe that Su Chen had refined the Qingfeng Pill. Likewise, no one would believe that Su Chen had perfected the recipe for the Qingfeng Pill.

After today, as long as I publish the Qingfeng Dan recipe with the addition of Green Aconite, the corresponding reputation, status, wealth... will also come rolling in.

"Who gave you the courage to take my elixirs and prescriptions as your own?"

Su Chen asked calmly.

"You said that was your elixir, your recipe?"

Lu Yuankang smiled and shook his head, "Haha, who would believe it? With so many people present, who do you think would believe that you refined the elixir, and who would believe that you perfected the elixir?"

The scene was completely silent. Apparently, everyone believed what Lu Yuankang said, no one believed Su Chen.

Lu Yuankang showed a sarcastic expression. With Su Chen's current situation, it was absolutely impossible to make a comeback. How could Su Chen be just an unknown boy, while he was the deputy dean of the alchemy branch of Anyang College.

Put the two together, and any fool knows who to trust.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank this guy. If I had published the recipe that did not contain Aconite, everyone would have discovered that there were loopholes in the recipe, and my reputation would have been affected. Fortunately, this guy discovered it in time and added the correct recipe. He gave me the pill recipe, haha, so to speak, this guy is really my lucky star."

Lu Yuankang thought proudly.

Don't look at the fact that he spent a lot of effort researching Qingfeng Dan. But in fact, now he discovered that the essence of the Qingfeng Dan formula lies in the green aconite. The presence or absence of green aconite has a great influence on the formula.

Therefore, when Su Chen told him about the green monkshood, it was equivalent to him getting a big bargain.

However, just when Lu Yuankang was dreaming of becoming famous.

Outside, an announcement suddenly came: "The dean is here!"

"The dean is here?"

Lu Yuankang's eyes suddenly condensed, and he quickly put away his triumphant expression and put on a respectful look.

Soon, a tall, thin old man with white hair and beard strode in from the door.

"Meet the dean!"

Everyone present immediately saluted in unison.

"Meet the dean."

Lu Yuankang also bowed his head and saluted, and the arrogant look just now completely disappeared.

He is still very respectful to the dean. Unlike him, a quasi-third-grade alchemist, dean Guo Tong is a real third-grade alchemist.

Although there is only one word difference between quasi-third-grade and third-grade, the status is vastly different. A quasi-third-grade alchemist is only a "master", while a third-grade alchemist can already be honored as a "grandmaster".

Looking at the entire Anyang City, there are very few third-grade alchemists.

Even someone as noble as the Prince of Anyang County must treat him respectfully and call him "Master" when he sees a third-grade alchemist.

Lu Yuankang's lifelong pursuit was to become a third-grade alchemist.

"I just came back and heard a lot of noise here. What happened?"

Guo Tong asked with a frown.

"Report to the dean that a new student suddenly broke into my alchemy hall and interfered with my disciple Li Shitong's alchemy, so I want to punish him a little."

Lu Yuankang replied respectfully.

"New student? Why are you here? Let me take a look."

Guo Tong said, turned his head, and then saw Su Chen standing aside.

Suddenly, Guo Tong took a breath and widened his eyes: "It's you, little friend Su Chen!"

Guo Tong couldn't believe his eyes. Su Chen actually appeared at the Alchemy Branch of Anyang College. Could it be that... Su Chen changed his mind? Want to join the Dan Dao Branch of Anyang University?

If that were the case, Guo Tong would be crazy with joy.

"Dean, do you know his name?"

Lu Yuankang asked in surprise, how could the dean know this new student?

"You just said that he was the one who broke into the alchemy hall and interfered with your disciple's alchemy?"

Guo Tong turned to Lu Yuankang and asked.

"Yes, Dean."

Lu Yuankang hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Even if Guo Tong knew Su Chen, it wouldn't change anything. Lu Yuankang believed that even Guo Tong would not believe that the batch of thirteen-star Qingfeng Pill was refined by Su Chen, let alone that the formula of Qingfeng Pill was perfected by Su Chen.

"This kid not only interfered with his subordinates' alchemy refining, but also lied that he refined the elixir. He even shamelessly said that the Qingfeng Dan recipe that his subordinates had worked so hard to research also belonged to him. It was simply confusing right and wrong and shameless. ”

Lu Yuankang said more emphatically, directly turning the facts upside down and framing it on Su Chen.

Lu Yuankang believed that between him and Su Chen, Guo Tong would definitely believe in him.

who knows.

The next moment.

Guo Tong raised his hand and slapped Lu Yuankang hard!


The slap was so powerful that Lu Yuankang spun around in circles several times, causing one side of his cheek to swell up.

"You are blind. This little friend Su is an expert in alchemy. You actually said that he plagiarized your alchemy recipe. How shameless are you?"

Guo Tong was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, pointing directly at Lu Yuankang and yelling. This Lu Yuankang was too bad for him. He was still counting on Su Chen to join the Alchemy Branch. However, Lu Yuankang actually accused Su Chen of plagiarizing the alchemy recipe. Now Su Chen would definitely not be willing to join the Alchemy Branch.

The more he thought about it, the angrier Guo Tong became. He directly raised his foot, kicked Lu Yuankang a few more times, and cursed: "Su Xiaoyou's alchemy attainments are more than enough to teach me. He doesn't need to plagiarize your elixir recipe." ?”

Guo Tong was so angry that his chest was heaving, and he glared at Lu Yuankang. Now he had roughly guessed what happened. It must be that Lu Yuankang was jealous of Su Chen's prescription and wanted to take it for himself, so he rejected it and instead slandered it. Su Chen plagiarized his prescription.

What Guo Tong said shocked the people around him.

Who is Guo Tong? He is a third-grade alchemy master!

A third-level alchemy master said that Su Chen's alchemy attainments were more than enough to teach him!

If they hadn't heard Guo Tong say this with their own ears, they would definitely not believe it.

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