Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 203: Take it for yourself

Moreover, there is another obvious meaning in Su Chen's words, that is, Lu Yuankang will never be able to surpass him in this life.


So crazy!

Li Shitong on the side also opened her mouth in shock. She had never seen any student dare to speak so rudely in front of the deputy dean.

Do geniuses have to be so arrogant?

"Humph, young man, you are still too young."

After Lu Yuankang thought about it, he put away the sullen look on his face and sneered, "Since you look down on me, I don't mind giving you an unforgettable lesson."

As he spoke, Lu Yuankang suddenly raised his voice and shouted:

"Come here, this student suddenly broke into the alchemy center of the Alchemy Branch and disrupted the alchemy. I will punish him severely today!"


Li Shitong asked in surprise, "What are you talking about? That furnace of Qingfeng Dan was refined by Su Chen?"

"Moreover, he also helped us perfect the recipe for Qingfeng Dan. Why should we punish him?"

Li Shitong didn't understand why the teacher's attitude suddenly changed as soon as he said it would change. What did it mean?

"Shitong, you refined that furnace of Qingfeng Pill."

Lu Yuankang looked at Li Shitong and sneered unhurriedly.

Li Shitong was stunned on the spot, not knowing why, or why the furnace of Qingfeng Dan was clearly made by Su Chen, but the teacher said that it was made by her.

"As for the formula of Qingfeng Dan, I worked hard to perfect it. The green aconite was also something I thought of adding."

Lu Yuankang continued to speak calmly.

"Teacher, you...you want to take Su Chen's elixir recipe as your own?"

Li Shitong finally understood what Lu Yuankang wanted to do, and his expression suddenly changed and he exclaimed.

Lu Yuankang just sneered. He did not expect to add Green Aconite to Qingfeng Dan. Facts also proved that his original recipe was indeed flawed. If Green Aconite was added, the success rate and quality would indeed be greatly improved.

If you publish this elixir recipe and say it is your own creation, it will be equivalent to making a huge contribution to the alchemy world, and your reputation and status will be greatly improved, and you will gain both fame and fortune.

And if this furnace of 13-star Qingfeng Pill was refined by his disciple Li Shitong, it would greatly bring glory to his face.

As for Su Chen? Sorry, Su Chen, you are so ignorant, so don't blame me, Lu Yuankang, for being rude.

Anyway, Su Chen had just said that he was from Qinghe City, which meant that he was not even a native of Anyang City, and it was even less likely that he would have any background in Anyang City.

A kid with no background, even if the pill recipe is stolen, can only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. He will suffer a loss after eating this dumb thing.

On one side is the deputy dean of the Alchemy Branch of Anyang College, and on the other is a fledgling boy with no background. Lu Yuankang believes that 100% of people will choose to believe the former.

Even if Su Chen told others that the pill recipe belonged to him, who would believe him?

Li Shitong was so shocked that he was almost speechless. It took him a long time to squeeze out a sentence: "Teacher, is it not good for us to do this?"

In her mind, her teacher Lu Yuankang was a very virtuous and highly respected person, and she had always admired Lu Yuankang from the bottom of her heart. But at this moment, Lu Yuankang's performance completely subverted the image in her mind.

"Shitong, don't you want to become the chief student of the Alchemy Branch?"

Lu Yuankang said coldly, "With this 13-star Qingfeng Pill, coupled with your good results in the Alchemy Branch, I can guarantee that you will definitely become the chief student of the Alchemy Branch this time. "

"No, teacher, I don't want to become the chief student of the Alchemy Branch in this way."

Li Shitong shook her head desperately. Although becoming the chief student was what she had always wanted, she did not want to steal other people's achievements to obtain the position of chief student. She wanted to rely on her own strength to sit in the position of chief student upright.

Lu Yuankang's face immediately darkened, and he said very displeasedly: "I have given you such a good opportunity, why are you so unable to hold yourself up to the wall? It is really a waste of all the teachings I gave you in the past!"

"That's all, whether you agree or not won't change the overall situation."

Lu Yuankang said, waving his hand to call in a group of guards outside.

Later, Lu Yuankang pointed at Su Chen and said: "This boy broke into my alchemy hall without permission and ruined the alchemy process. I will demote him to the lowest level of ordinary students and punish him with three months of hard labor!"

Li Shitong took a breath. At Anyang College, hard labor is one of the most serious punishments for students. The work they have to do is basically equivalent to the handymen in many forces. Not only is the work heavy, but there is no time to practice and study.

Li Shitong immediately spoke up and said, "That's not the case. Su Chen did not destroy the alchemy process. He was teaching me how to make the alchemy."

"Shitong, stop protecting this kid!" Lu Yuankang glanced at Li Shitong indifferently, "He clearly disrupted your alchemy process and caused you to almost explode. He must be severely punished."

Hearing this, Li Shitong also knew that Lu Yuankang had made up his mind and was determined to take the elixirs and elixirs refined by Su Chen as his own.

And no matter what she said, Lu Yuankang had already determined her purpose, which was to protect Su Chen, so no matter what she said, others would not believe it.


Gu Qianyin flew over, stood in front of the group of guards, and scolded, "This furnace of Qingfeng Dan was obviously refined by Su Chen, but you confused right and wrong, took it for your own, and slandered him with green lips and white teeth. Is this how the Dan Dao Branch of Anyang Academy behaves?”

As soon as Gu Qianyin appeared, everyone's eyes immediately lit up. She was such a temperamental woman.

Even Li Shitong's eyes were slightly bright. Beautiful women always have a natural sense of smell for other beauties. Although Gu Qianyin was covered with a veil and could not see her face at the moment, Li Shitong could conclude that she was definitely a beauty with good looks.

At the same time, the commotion in the Alchemy Hall also attracted many people from the Alchemy Branch.

"What happened?"

"It seems that a new student broke into the deputy dean's hall and interfered with the deputy dean's disciple Li Shitong's alchemy."

"No, I thought I heard Li Shitong say just now that the new student didn't interfere with her alchemy, but was teaching her how to make it."

"What the vice president and Li Shitong said are inconsistent, I don't know what happened."

Everyone was confused and talking.

"Girl, you said this furnace of Qingfeng Dan was refined by this unknown boy?"

Lu Yuankang chuckled, picked up a Qingfeng Pill without any haste, and raised it to show to everyone present, "Everyone, this guy's friend just said that this 13-star Qingfeng Pill was refined by this guy. of."

"Do you think this is possible?"

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