Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 101: Killing

At this moment, the short old man stared at Su Chen surreptitiously and said calmly: "You are the first person to be so arrogant who killed our Iron Clothes Sect."

"Elder Ironwood, let's stop talking nonsense to them and kill them!"

"Kill them and avenge our tragic death of our brothers!"

The surrounding Iron Clothes Sect warriors started shouting one by one.

"It's him!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and then a man in red strode out of the crowd, pointed at Su Chen from a distance and said, "He is the murderer of the young master!"

As soon as his words fell, a wave of waves arose among the warriors of the Iron Clothes Sect!

"No way, this guy is the murderer of the young master?"

"Real or false? Are you sure?"

The man in red took out a bamboo jar from his arms. After opening it, a black beetle crawled out from the inside. There were a few thin gold threads on the pure black shell.

After the beetle was released, it crawled straight in Su Chen's direction without hesitation.

This scene made everyone in the iron-clothed gate take a breath!

The man in red said: "This is the golden thread beetle raised by the iron gate. It is born with an extremely keen sense of smell. As long as it has been in contact with the young master, even if it was a few months ago, even if it has taken a bath and changed The others present were all brothers from the Iron Clothes Sect, and they had all come into contact with the young master, but the golden thread beetle crawled straight towards this kid, which showed that this kid was contaminated with something. The master smells the most! He must be the murderer of the young master!"


"Even the golden thread beetle has been identified. It seems that this boy is indeed the murderer of the young master."

"I didn't expect that the murderer we have been arresting is actually him!"

"Okay, boy, you have lived enough. First you killed the young master of our Iron Clothes Sect, and now you dare to come to the area blocked by our Iron Clothes Sect and kill the people of our Iron Clothes Sect!"

"Boy, you are such a coward!"

The warriors of the Iron Clothes Sect went crazy all of a sudden!

They never expected that they sealed off the Xingyang Mountains and searched for the murderer with great fanfare. As a result, the murderer actually broke into the Xingyang Mountains under their noses. He had been active for so long and killed so many of them!

This is simply too arrogant, too audacious, and a clear insult to their iron-clad family.

The anger of many Iron Clothes Sect warriors was suddenly ignited.

"Everyone, come together, we must kill this kid and avenge the young master!"

A large group of warriors from the Iron Clothes Sect, relying on the strength of their numbers, approached Su Chen aggressively.

Su Chen's face turned cold and he said: "Little Tianhuo!"

Hearing this, the Skyfire baby jumped out of Su Chen's arms and landed on the ground.

"What is this?"

The warriors of the Iron Clothes Sect were all stunned, looking at the innocent Skyfire baby standing on the ground.

"Pfft... Hahaha, this thing is so funny. Is this some acrobatics?"

A warrior from the Iron Clothes Sect couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing on the spot. This flaming child whose whole body is on fire does not look scary, but makes people feel a little silly.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The other Iron Clothes Sect warriors also laughed.

However, the next moment, they couldn't laugh.

Because when the Skyfire Baby heard their ridicule, it immediately became extremely angry, and its body suddenly ignited with a raging fire. When it shook, sparks flew everywhere and fell to the ground, suddenly igniting a sea of ​​​​fire like a spark igniting a prairie fire.

These Iron Clothes Sect warriors were caught off guard and were spread by the sea of ​​fire.

Suddenly, each of them was ablaze with fire.

"No, there's fire!"

"I'm on fire, please help me!"

Although the Skyfire Baby is far from returning to its peak strength, it is more than enough to deal with this group of warriors who are not at the third level of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

A group of warriors from the Iron Clothes Sect, some tried to use their internal skills to resist the flames, and some rolled on the ground trying to extinguish the flames. However, the sky fire could not be extinguished so easily.

Within a few breaths, a large area of ​​Iron Clothes Sect warriors were burned into mummies.

Even if there are those who barely survive, they are still just hanging on.

"Fire source, what this boy controls is a fire source!"

The eyes of Elder Ironwood on the side suddenly shone with light. To have such a powerful power, the level of this fire source must not be too low.

"Boy, hand over the source of the fire immediately. This elder may consider giving you a whole corpse."

Elder Tiemu didn't care about the dead people in the Iron Clothes Sect, but stared at Su Chen, unable to hide the greed in his eyes. Although only the alchemist can absorb the fire source, if he can get this fire source and sell it to the alchemist, I believe he can get huge profits.

"Give me the whole body?" Su Chen couldn't help laughing mockingly after hearing this, "It seems that you still don't understand your situation."

"What do you mean?" Elder Tiemu snorted coldly. He was a strong man at the fifth level of the Condensation Realm. Su Chen's fire source could do nothing to others, but it could never do anything to him.

"Qixing, kill him." Su Chen ordered.

Before Elder Tiemu could react, he saw the black-robed servant behind Su Chen who had been ignored all of a sudden. The next moment, he appeared in front of him like a ghost!

"So fast!"

This was the first thought that came to Elder Tiemu's subconscious mind. Unexpectedly, this unknown black-robed servant could be so fast!

Simply faster than myself!

The next moment, Elder Ironwood's eyes widened, and he looked down in disbelief as the man in black robe stabbed him in the heart with a short blade.

How can this be?

He is a fifth-level powerhouse in the Condensation Realm!

Is it possible that this black-robed servant's cultivation level is stronger than the fifth level of Condensing Yuan Realm?


Elder Tiemu spat out a mouthful of blood and fell down stiffly. There was still a color of disbelief in his eyes. It seemed that he did not understand how he, the fifth-ranked elder of the Iron Clothes Sect, could die in an inconspicuous place. in the hands of a servant.

After Feng Qixing killed Elder Tiemu, he silently returned to Su Chen.

"Now, the beam with the Iron Clothes Gate has become bigger, right?"

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Su Chen said to himself, but he did not regret his actions. For those who want to kill me, no matter who they are, no matter what their background, even if they are the King of Heaven, they must die.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that there was still a person squirming in the pile of corpses. A closer look revealed that it was the man in red who was raising the golden thread beetles. He was not dead yet, but he was sneakily trying to escape.

Being locked by Su Chen's gaze, the man in red suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. Knowing that he could not escape death, he simply shouted with a ferocious face: "It's useless even if you kill me! I have already sent a message to the Iron Clothes Sect headquarters. If you know the news, they will soon know that you killed them, and they will definitely come back to seek revenge from you! "

"I know, then die."

Su Chen flicked his fingers, and a trace of elixir fire escaped from his fingertips, burning him to death.

Then, without even looking at the corpses at the iron gate, Su Chen turned around and left the Xingyang Mountains with Feng Qixing.

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