Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 100 Elder Ironwood

"Well, I won't absorb you."

Su Chen said calmly. In fact, he couldn't absorb it even if he wanted to, because his pill fire was still too weak and could not fully contain the power of the sky fire. Forcibly swallowing it would be counterproductive and destroy his current pill fire.

Therefore, Su Chen has no intention of devouring Tianhuo for the time being. Anyway, he has signed a soul contract with it, so he does not have to worry about being betrayed. It is okay to keep it for the time being.

In this case, Su Chen can extract the power of Sky Fire for his own use when necessary.

"Just follow me as a follower for the time being. If you perform well, I will give you benefits. I will even let you absorb and devour other fire sources so that you can return to your peak strength as soon as possible."

"Really?" Tianhuo couldn't help but feel a little moved.

You must know that fire sources can devour each other. As a ball of sky fire, the most delicious food for it is other fire sources.

"Of course, what I say is true to my word, so you don't have to doubt it."

Su Chen said lightly, "In addition, you have been suppressed for too many years, and your current soul power is really too weak. In your current state, I am afraid that even if you encounter other fire sources in the future, you will not be able to devour it. I have an article here You should practice the secret technique of cultivating soul power from now on."

With that said, Su Chen directly used his spiritual consciousness to transfer the "Great Wilderness Soul Refining Sutra" into Tianhuo's consciousness.

"The Great Wilderness Soul Refining Sutra! This is a heaven-level soul refining secret technique. How could you have it?"

Tianhuo was extremely surprised. Could it be that this young man was really the Alchemy Emperor?

"Didn't I say that you are lucky to be able to recognize me as your master?"

Su Chen said calmly and looked at Tianhuo in front of him: "You are my follower now. You look a bit scary like this. Please change your appearance."

What Su Chen was talking about was naturally Tian Huo's ferocious face. Su Chen didn't have any special hobbies, and he didn't want to face this look every day.

"Uh...Okay, Master."

Tianhuo said, and then turned into the image of a baby whose whole body was on fire. He was less than two feet tall and looked very naive.

It was obviously not satisfied with this image, and said dejectedly: "With my current level of soul power, it can only become like this."

"Okay, let's go."

Su Chen didn't have any objection to this image and waved to the sky fire baby.

The Skyfire Baby ran over, restrained the flames all over its body, and got into Su Chen's arms.

When it got into Su Chen's arms, the Skyfire Baby automatically shrank its body to become smaller, so that it would not appear cumbersome.

Su Chen found that this little sky fire was a little cute. At least at this moment, its arrogance had completely disappeared. And the reason why he was so vicious just now was probably just to protect himself.

"It's time to leave."

Su Chen took a look at the sky and walked out of the valley with Tian Huo.

On this trip, he conquered the Sky Fire, which can be said to be an unexpected gain. For Su Chen, it is also a great opportunity that is not weaker than Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus.

Alchemists rely heavily on elixir fire. The types of elixirs that can be refined and the star level of the elixirs are all closely related to elixir fire. Otherwise, Su Chen in his previous life would not have been able to advance until he obtained a ball of heavenly fire. Dan Emperor ranks.

In this life, he got a ball of sky fire when he just started. Even if he can't absorb the sky fire now and can only extract a trace of the power from the sky fire for his own use, it is enough for Su Chen to have an advantage in alchemy.

"Five Elements True Yuan Core, Heavenly Fire, in this life, I have the best conditions. If I still can't ascend to the Supreme Martial Arts, then I'm really sorry for my Alchemy Emperor's memory."

Su Chen's eyes sparkled, full of confidence.

"First the Hunyuan Five Elements Lotus, and then the Sky Fire. This small Xingyang Mountain Range actually hides so many secrets. I wonder how many secrets there are in this land of Yunyuan Empire?"

Half an hour later, Su Chen returned to the entrance of the valley.

From a distance, he saw Feng Qixing standing at the entrance of the valley. Not far in front of him, there were a lot of corpses lying in various directions.

Su Chen walked over and asked, "What happened?"

Feng Qixing reported back: "Master Su, these are people from the Iron Clothes Sect. They came after us and said that we killed their elders and wanted us to pay with our lives. I didn't think it was troublesome, so I killed them all."

Su Chen nodded and said: "You did the right thing. Let's go, it's time to leave the Xingyang Mountains."

After unexpectedly obtaining Sky Fire this time, Su Chen did not plan to stay in the Xingyang Mountains any longer, so as not to encounter people from the Iron Clothes Sect again and cause more trouble.

Feng Qixing looked at Su Chen's back and was actually very curious about what treasures Su Chen had obtained in the formation valley, but these were not his business and he did not ask.

In this way, the two of them left the entrance of the valley and headed towards the outside of the mountains, trying to leave the Xingyang Mountains before dark.

However, things went against their expectations. After walking for about half an hour, the two of them saw a dark crowd in front of them wearing iron clothing, coming toward them menacingly.

This group of warriors from the Iron Clothes Sect numbered hundreds of people, as if all the Iron Clothes Sect members in the Xingyang Mountains had gathered together today.

"Elder Ironwood, it's them!"

"That's right, it was the two of them who killed many brothers from our Iron Clothes Sect!"

A young warrior from the Iron Clothes Sect jumped out first, pointed at Su Chen and Feng Qixing and shouted: "You two bold madmen, how dare you kill our people from the Iron Clothes Sect over and over again, and now we, the Iron Clothes Sect Elder Tiemu, who is ranked fifth in the sect, is here to see how arrogant you are!"

"Elder Ironwood?"

Su Chen smiled faintly and said, "I don't care whether you are Elder Ironwood or Elder Irongold. You must be reasonable in your behavior, right? I didn't kill you people from the Iron Clothes Sect until you provoked them again and again. I even advised a few of them to stay away from me if they wanted to survive, but they didn’t listen. Who’s to blame?”

"As for later, a large group of people from your Iron Clothes Sect caused trouble for my servant in the inner area, so he killed all of your people. This was also because you bullied the few first, so you can't blame us, right?"

Su Chen's theory made everyone present dumbfounded. How could this be called bullying a small number with more people? You can kill a group of people all by yourself. How could this be called bullying a small number with more people? It's obvious that you two are bullying the weak.

"What a sharp-tongued kid."

A hoarse voice came out, and then a short figure strode out from the crowd.

This man was wearing a tattered robe, and his stature was two heads shorter than a normal person, which made him look like a child.

However, the hoarse voice and the crisscrossing ridges on his face betrayed his age, and he was clearly an old man.

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