Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 656 Discussing the importance of review

"Your Majesty, my subordinates believe that it is not a good idea to stay on the defensive all the time. The opponent has a country's population and can constantly replenish its troops. Previously, they repelled the opponent's 3,000 siege troops, but now there are 5,000 in the blink of an eye. If this momentum continues, The opponent's siege intensity will only get higher and higher."

Faced with Zhou Xu's question, Bai Tu didn't mention the giant skeleton beast.

When all the generals knew about the giant skeleton beast and they didn't mention it, there must be something wrong.

If he went to mention it, wouldn't he be an idiot?

So Bai Tu changed his mind and simply changed the angle to discuss this issue, from how to attack to how to defend all the time, which would be detrimental to them.

Of course, according to this statement, he only put forward his own ideas, but did not say that he would attack. After expressing his ideas, what their king wanted to do was the king's business and had nothing to do with him, his current subordinate.

I have to say that what Bai Tu said was a bit beyond Zhou Xu's expectations.

[I thought he would mention the giant skeleton beast, but he didn’t. 】

It is not difficult to see from this that Bai Tu still has some brains. Although his three-star potential intelligence has not yet fully grown, he has already shown a certain amount of brains.

Just as Bai Tu had guessed just now, everyone knew about the existence of the giant skeleton beast, but no one mentioned it. There must be a reason.

Otherwise, are you smart? Just you thought of it and everyone has forgotten?

The fact is that Bai Tu's idea is correct.

Everyone knew it, but didn't mention it, because they knew that in the morning outside Huangsha City, among the huge skeleton beast troops, in addition to the big bone and two bone movements, the other skeleton movements of the armored dragons They were all maddeningly slow, and when they attacked the city, they couldn't keep up with their attacking pace.

When taking the initiative to attack with fewer enemies and more enemies, the emphasis is on a quick victory, but as long as there are armored dragon skeletons, their attack rhythm will not be fast, which is very fatal.

Of course, leaving this issue aside, there is a more important issue that is consumption.

In a short period of time, their king must not be able to bear such trouble anymore, so no one mentioned it.

However, the point raised by Bai Tu at this time is indeed a problem.

Many generals present started to think about it.

Zhou Xu, on the other hand, looked calm throughout the whole process.

"Our army launched the offensive in the spring, and now the season is already autumn."

After hearing this, all the generals, including Shi Lei and Bai Tu, looked at each other for a while, feeling a little unsure as to what their king was going to say.

"Your Majesty, do you want to say that the season is about to enter winter? Winter is not conducive to war, and the opponent will not act rashly. If he does, he will at least have to wait until spring next year?"

After Shi Lei thought about it for a while, he slowly expressed his guess.

Bai Tu on the side also nodded. Shi Lei's thoughts were basically the same as his.

Zhou Xu smiled and shook his head.

The generals under his command still had a one-sided understanding of war.

But there is nothing we can do about it. The previous rat people were in a special situation and have no reference value. In addition, they have never fought a serious war in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

As for Bai Tu, Zhou Xu had also learned about it. He was not a professional soldier to begin with. There was originally a butcher in his family. Bai Tu's butcher was a pig butcher. It was not until the later period of the Great Patriotic War that he was recruited into the army.

Under such circumstances, Bai Tu naturally had no opportunity to study hard. He relied on his own exploration and used his talents to become a centurion. However, the Wei Kingdom was also destroyed, and he also lacked a lot of experience. .

"Spring and autumn, one is the season of spring plowing and the other is the season of autumn harvest. We send troops to fight from spring to autumn. In order to cope with it, the other side continues to recruit troops during this period. This approach will definitely have an impact on spring plowing and autumn harvest. This will affect the other country's domestic grain harvest this year."

Those who can be generals here are basically not stupid. Before, they were just stuck in the framework of their thinking and did not think of this.

Now that Zhou Xu mentioned this, Shi Lei and Bai Tu suddenly showed thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Zhou Xu, on the other hand, continued to talk to himself.

"The grain harvest has been affected, and the reduction in grain production will inevitably lead to an increase in grain prices and even insufficient internal grain supply."

While talking, Zhou Xu glanced at Bai Tu.

"And as you said before, Yan Sheng has continuously provoked wars in the past few years and annexed surrounding countries. These people are dissatisfied with his rule. Now wars have broken out on the border, and his troops have suffered frequent defeats. Later, there has been food shortages internally. Not enough."

"Under this situation, if he doesn't recruit troops, he can't move us. The more he recruits troops, the more serious the civil strife will be!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Xu's voice paused.

"You guys said that his troops are being recruited or not?"

After hearing Zhou Xu's words, Bai Tu suddenly had an enlightenment and a sudden realization!

According to their king's strategy, even if he defends Huangsha City motionlessly, Yan Sheng will be in a dilemma!

When he thought of this, Bai Tuyi became excited.

"Your Majesty is wise, and my subordinates admire me!!"

Invisibly, Bai Tu's emotion towards Zhou Xu had risen to the level of reverence.

Bai Tu believed that he was still somewhat capable, otherwise he would not have been able to achieve the position of centurion in a short period of time and survive that battle.

But now looking at Zhou Xu sitting on the main seat above, Bai Tu can be said to have a profound understanding of what it means to be "there is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world".

You know, before this, he only knew how to lead troops and command soldiers to attack cities and seize territory, but he never thought that there was such a way to attack!

Now, he felt as if he had opened the door to a new world, and his excitement could not be calmed down for a long time.

The same was true for other generals, who also joined the discussion with excited faces.

Zhou Xu, on the other hand, said nothing and just listened to the generals discussing this new tactical idea.

Zhou Xu had actually already finalized this set of tactics in his mind. To put it bluntly, this was his plan from the beginning.

But he did not intend to explain this matter in the form of orders.

If you dare to question my orders when the two armies are fighting, I will kill you directly. There is no doubt about this.

But at other times, Zhou Xu likes to bring the generals together and let them conduct review discussions.

On the one hand, it is to train them and improve their abilities.

After all, as a king, with the development of their Great Zhou Dynasty, the territory became larger and larger, the population increased, and he was also very busy. He could not ignore internal affairs all year round and just lead troops to fight outside. ?

Then he is a general, not a king.

He has many generals with the ability to lead troops, but they all lack experience and need to grow up quickly.

On the other hand, Zhou Xu hoped that they could join the discussion and come to and agree with the result during the discussion.

The result of his own discussion was that they wanted to do it themselves, which was completely different from him ordering his subordinates to do things.

He would even be happier if a better tactic could be discussed during this discussion.

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