Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 655 Post-war discussions

Facing the enemy's 5,000 siege troops this time, the biggest hero is himself. The skeleton troops and Chitose he controls are the key.

The garrison troops in the city cooperated in the operation. Of course, they also had merit, but it was not so great that Zhou Xu needed to reward them specifically.

In this case, just ask Shi Lei to determine the specific reward according to the reward system that was established earlier. When the time comes, he will confirm it and just follow the arrangement if there is no problem.

As a king, he can't possibly have to handle everything personally, right? This must be exhausting. After estimating the time, the opponent's siege troops came to attack the city early in the morning, and it was only twelve o'clock at noon now.

"In three hours, summon all the generals to come to the city lord's mansion to discuss matters. Come down."

"Yes! I am resigning."

After arranging things, Zhou Xu went directly back to the bedroom of the City Lord's Mansion and had a good rest.

Although his mantra power was not seriously overdrawn in this wave, controlling many skeleton behemoths to fight for a long time still consumed a lot of money.

Considering the fight that might break out next, it was best for him to recover quickly.

For Zhou Xu, who was mentally exhausted, three hours passed in the blink of an eye.

"Your Majesty, all the generals are already waiting outside."

After listening to Silk's words, Zhou Xu stretched.


While talking, Zhou Xu simply washed his face, put on his clothes, and walked towards the lobby of the City Lord's Mansion.

Shi Lei, Zhuo Ge, Li Tie, Bai Tu and other generals who had been waiting there for a long time saluted upon seeing this.

"Let's see you, Your Majesty!"

Among them, Bai Tu's change was particularly obvious. The awe in his speech and behavior became stronger than before.

As for the giant skeleton beasts that were transported and buried outside the city, Bai Tu, as a garrison in Huangsha City, was naturally aware of it, but he obviously did not expect that their king would have the terrifying strength to form an army by himself. , this was undoubtedly far beyond his imagination, and it also made him more and more in awe of Zhou Xu.

"Everyone is here?"

After receiving the report sent by Shi Lei, Zhou Xu looked at it and asked without raising his head.

"Reply to your Majesty, everyone is here."

"Okay, let's start the meeting. Let's review the morning's battle first. Shi Lei, you will preside over it."


During the battle in the morning, Zhou Xu's energy was basically focused on controlling the giant skeleton beast, and he had relatively little observation of the overall battle situation. He was definitely not as clear as Shi Lei, who was responsible for the command.

In this way, Zhou Xu also directly handed over the job to Shi Lei, and he took the time to read the report.

Although judging from the results, they won a big victory, this does not mean that there is no significance in replaying the game.

In fact, there are areas that can be improved in the process of taking action and executing orders.

At the same time, each general officer has different ideas about one thing from different perspectives. Integrating all these ideas will also be beneficial to their future growth.

While the generals were reviewing the morning's battle step by step, Zhou Xu also read through the reward list drawn up by Shi Lei in an orderly manner.

Shi Lei was still very safe in his work. Zhou Xu looked over it and found that there was nothing wrong with it. The reward for this battle could basically be finalized just like that.

During this period, the review work of the generals was almost done.

"Okay, now let's discuss the next plan. There are roughly two paths before us. One is to switch from defense to offense, pursue the victory, and attack Black Rock City, while the other is to continue to defend Huangsha City."

While talking, Zhou Xu spread his hands.

"You can speak freely."

After saying this, Zhou Xu stopped talking, causing the whole situation to fall into a brief silence. The generals below looked at me and I looked at you. For a moment, no one had the intention to speak first.

In the end, it was Shi Lei who spoke first after coughing twice.

"If we turn from defense to attack and attack Black Rock City, then according to the judgment of my subordinates, our troops may not be enough. Even if we can break through the opposite city gate with the three-bow bed crossbow, don't forget that there are still many people in the city. With three thousand enemy troops garrisoned, we are at an overwhelming disadvantage in terms of strength."

As soon as these words were spoken, all the generals present nodded in agreement.

Under normal circumstances, if five thousand siege troops attack a Huangsha city with poor defense facilities, it cannot be said to be a 100% success, but it is not a big problem.

They were able to withstand the battle in the morning, even turn defeat into victory, and defeat the siege troops, all because of the great power of their king.

Based on this premise, and Shi Lei's words, the discussion quickly turned towards continuing to defend Huangsha City.

During this period, as one of the generals who participated in this meeting, Bai Tu agreed with Shi Lei's analysis, but his talent destined Bai Tu's nature to be more offensive than defensive. In addition, Their opponent was also their country-destroying enemy, which made Bai Tu think a lot for a while.

[Considering the gap in military strength, even if we can attack the city and the opponent has the home field advantage, we really have no chance of winning. But if we can add the power of those giant skeleton beasts, it shouldn't be impossible for us to fight, right? 】

Thinking of this, Bai Tu wanted to speak.

But when I thought about it again, I felt something was wrong.

[After getting along with each other during this time, I have found that these generals under the king are not just ordinary people. Didn't they think of this? 】

Bai Tu thought it was impossible. It was impossible for Shi Lei and the others to make such a low-level mistake.

[They must have all thought of it, but no one mentioned it, which means there must be something wrong with it, causing those giant skeleton beasts to be unable to show sufficient combat power in the siege battle. 】

As soon as he thought of this, Bai Tu immediately swallowed back the words that were already on his lips.

During this period, Bai Tu's hesitant look could be said to be caught in Zhou Xu's full view.

The 'Eye of Insight' essentially improves his insight ability. Through this insight ability, he can discover many things that cannot be discovered under normal circumstances.

Of course, this also includes observing and capturing the other party’s small movements and micro-expression changes.

This information allows him to figure out the other party's thoughts to a certain extent.

As his thoughts whirled, a smile flashed across Zhou Xu's lips, and then he spoke unhurriedly...

"Bai Tuqian has something to say? It just so happens that you have had experience fighting each other before, and I also want to hear your thoughts."

Bai Tu was shocked when his name was suddenly called. At the same time, the eyes of all the generals in the hall also focused on him following their king's words, which made Bai Tu feel quite stressed.

After a moment of hesitation, he calmed down and began to speak.

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