Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 639 The highlight (additional update for those who accumulate 600 monthly tickets)

When work starts in the afternoon, a bell rings to remind you.

Kong Daqian and the others stretched themselves out as they listened to the bell.

After ringing the bell, it seems that there are still ten minutes before the official start of work. Everyone can mess around a little and get ready.

Kong Daqian didn't bother, and before the time came, he put on his straw hat first, drank a bowl of herbal tea, and walked towards the fields.

"Shall I go see how the rice is growing?"

When they came over, they also brought a batch of rice for trial planting here according to Zhou Xu's wishes.

At that time, the time was basically at the end of spring plowing. Fortunately, the fields in the third area had been cultivated by Zhao Geng and others, and they could be cultivated at any time. In addition, there were water canals around them, and with a little operation, water could be diverted into the fields. A rice field was formed, which allowed them to successfully plant this batch of rice.

And this experimental field happened to be in charge of Kong Daqian.

As a smart man, Kong Daqian naturally understands the importance of this job.

I had previously persuaded other farmers in Huangsha City to come to Dazhou to farm and live, so now I made him the team leader.

Now, if he can successfully grow rice, he will definitely make another contribution. By then, his position here will be stable.

In this way, he is naturally very concerned about this experimental field.

A quick look around shows that these rice plants are growing pretty well, but the time is still short and nothing can be said for the time being. We still have to wait and see again.

Coming out of the rice field, Kong Daqian walked directly towards the fourth area next door.

The rest of his team had arrived before him and were already making preparations.

Pingyuan Farm is the largest farm in Dazhou today, and the entire farm is divided into ten areas.

However, until now, there were only two areas that were officially reclaimed and put into cultivation, namely Area 1 and Area 2.

In other words, there is still a large area waiting for them to cultivate and cultivate.

Of course, even Zhou Xu did not intend for them to cultivate the entire plain at once.

He just considered the future development plan, so he planned the farm land in advance.

At this stage, their internal grain production capacity in Dazhou is completely sufficient.

In other areas, there are two food production points in Black Moon City and Barren Mountain Village to provide food, which are basically more than enough. The Plain Farm originally mainly provided food for the lizard people here.

After successively cultivating two areas of fields, one was used to grow food and the other was used to grow fruits.

The food produced by one piece of land is completely sufficient to supply the daily consumption of the lizard people, and there is even more that can be hoarded for emergencies.

As for the fruits produced, in addition to supplying the local lizard people, many are also shipped to other areas for sale, boosting the regional economy.

In this case, reclaiming all other areas and then starting farming will only waste manpower and material resources. They will not be able to eat the food they grow later, which will eventually cause a lot of losses.

Years ago, Zhou Xu, who had confirmed the follow-up actions, took into account the possible increase in new population in the future, so he specifically notified Zhao Geng and asked him to reclaim an area of ​​land in advance to prepare for emergencies.

According to Zhou Xu's wishes, they had already cultivated this land before.

Later, with the arrival of Kong Daqian and others, while the land in the third area was officially started to be cultivated, a new order from Zhou Xu was also sent back, asking them to directly reclaim the land in the plain farm to the fifth area.

Obviously, the population on the opposite side completely exceeded his expectation. In this case, considering the possible subsequent annexation, just opening an additional area of ​​farmland may not be enough.

At this time, the old members headed by Zhao Geng are busy cultivating the land and crops before, and the land that needs additional cultivation and cultivation will undoubtedly fall on the newcomers headed by Kong Daqian.

Before summer officially begins, Kong Daqian and the others are busy carrying out the final spring plowing work.

At the same time, outside Huangsha City, after the defeat of the siege on the first day, they were undoubtedly harassed by centaur cavalry all night that night.

This situation can be said to be completely within his expectation. During the day, Long Zhantian took this into consideration and chose to capture it directly.

Because he knew that if they had a night's rest, they might as well not have any rest at all.

Under this premise, if he could achieve some results during the daytime siege and cause some casualties to the opponent, he might be able to gain some peace after nightfall.

However, the ideal is full and the reality is very skinny, even skinnier than he imagined.

The battle hadn't officially started yet. Two bursts of fire from the opposite side made his troops unsteady. He had to order a retreat and ended it hastily.

The attack was indeed scary at the time, but when you calm down and think about it, you will find that it is not as exaggerated as you thought. The attack's lethality to large troops is relatively limited. At the same time, if you want to avoid it, Long Zhantian doesn't think it is possible. difficulty.

Early the next morning, looking at the large enemy force advancing again, Zhou Xu's face showed a hint of helplessness as he stood on the top of the wall.

At this moment, the advancing formation of the large force on the opposite side has obviously been adjusted. The area facing the city gate is now completely empty.

What this hand was guarding against, he knew even if he thought about it with his feet.

What the other party did was very simple, but there was no denying that this trick was really useful.

As long as they directly avoid the city gate area during the advance, the three-bow bed crossbow placed in the city will not be able to hit them.

Yesterday's retreat was correct. The opponent gained the stability of the army with minimal losses, and also made their three-bow bed crossbow useless.

At first, the soldiers were still a little nervous, fearing that the horrific scene yesterday would happen again.

But as the large army continued to advance, arrows flew out from the opposite side, but the city gate remained silent. The soldiers here could not help but feel relieved, and then devoted themselves wholeheartedly to attacking the city.

Seizing the advancement efficiency of the large force and spotting an opportunity, Long Zhantian waved his hand.

"Ascend the siege tower!"

Soon, as the siege weapons specially prepared by their king, the siege towers were pushed by the soldiers and approached the head of Huangsha City.

The moment it hit the city wall, there was a muffled sound.

Shi Lei knew that the main event had just begun.

I saw the top of the siege tower, and the iron-clad tower door opened, hitting the wall of Huangsha City heavily, and a small bridge was built directly between the siege tower and the wall.

There is also a barb on this door. When it hits the ground, the hook directly hooks the top of the wall, making it impossible for the enemy on the top of the wall to easily push the siege tower away.

At the same time, the siege soldiers who had been preparing to attack immediately swarmed out.

What they never expected to see waiting for them outside was crystal iron war spears shining with cold light!


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