Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 638 Only a fool goes back

At this time, the season has gradually entered summer, and the temperature has gradually increased throughout the week, not to mention the plain areas close to the tropical rainforest.

As the lunch break bell rang, Kong Daqian let out a long breath.

"Go away, hardcore!"

After greeting his silly son, Kong Daqian used the linen sweat towel hanging around his neck to wipe his sweat while walking towards the pergola set up on the edge of the field.

After working for a period of time, they have basically adapted to the work and rest here.

At this moment, he was familiar with the situation, picked up the big teapot on the pergola table, poured himself a bowl of herbal tea, and drank it all in one gulp.

Kong Tiezhi, who came back from behind, split his legs and didn't even bother to pour the herbal tea. He just slumped on the ground with his arms and legs spread out, almost looking like he was going to be broken.

"It's terrible. I'm so exhausted. There's so much land here that I can't finish plowing it all. After plowing the land in the morning, I have to go to the edge to cultivate new land in the afternoon. The land is so big that I can't even see the end of it. This work is so demanding. How long will it take to finish?"

Upon hearing this, Kong Daqian, who had just poured a bowl of herbal tea for his stupid son, immediately kicked him angrily.

"At my age, I'm not tired yet. How old are you, how much work have you done? Are you complaining about me and are you tired? You are a farmer, and you have to do this work for the rest of your life! If you don't want to do it, get out of here. Go back to Huangsha City!"

Suddenly, he got a kick from his father, and a lazy donkey rolled up from the ground.

"I'm just saying casually, I won't go back! Life here is much better than over there in Huangsha City, only a fool would go back!"

Seeing his son's scoundrel look, Kong Daqian suddenly felt angry. He chased him and hit him one after another, while Kong Tiezhi ducked his head and dodged left and right, not daring to fight back.

During this period, other farmers who came back to rest happily poured themselves a bowl of herbal tea and watched Old Man Kong teach his son a lesson, which was very lively.

While I was having fun in my heart, I also agreed with what Kong Tiezhan said.

Indeed, there is a lot of work here in Dazhou, and they are really tired after working late all day long, but compared to the barren fields outside Huangsha City where they don't know what they are working on, the fields here are fertile and the crops are growing vigorously. It's gratifying, the days are obviously more promising.

In terms of life, judging from their personal feelings, they are obviously much more comfortable than those in Huangsha City.

Just as they were thinking this, Zhao Geng, a minister, drove over in an ox cart.

Seeing this, Kong Daqian quickly stopped teaching his son. The other farmers also stood up straight and then started shouting.

"Hello, Minister Zhao."

Hearing the words "Hello, Minister Zhao", Zhao Geng smiled, turned around, picked up a basket of fruit from the ox cart and handed it over.

"The mangoes just harvested from the No. 2 field will quench everyone's thirst."

"Thank you, Minister Zhao!"

Kong Daqian quickly stepped forward to take it and thanked everyone together.

In response, Zhao Geng just smiled and waved, then drove the bullock cart towards the next shed.

Looking at Zhao Geng's leaving figure, Kong Daqian and others had a burst of emotion on their faces.

After this period of time, they have been living in Dazhou. How do they feel?

In addition to having a good life, having hope, having enough to eat twice a day, and never going hungry, the biggest feeling is that there is basically no bureaucracy here.

You know, over there, all those officials have their nostrils turned upward, and it's not uncommon for them to punch and kick you if they don't like you.

But on Dazhou's side, this situation does not exist at all.

Take their minister Zhao Geng as an example. After a period of understanding, they can roughly understand that Zhao Geng, as the minister of agriculture, is also a high-ranking official in the Zhou Dynasty.

But their minister had no airs at all. Standing there, he was no different from ordinary farmers like them.

And every day when they start work, they take the lead in the work. At the end of the day, they do a lot more work than them.

At the same time, they will also give them some fruits to quench their thirst every now and then.

If this were replaced by those who were officials before.

Give them fruit to quench their thirst? It would be nice if they were not allowed to pay tribute to some fruits. In the past, this was something that would have been unthinkable!

"Come on, come on, everyone, one for each, and a share."

Kong Daqian looked like a team leader. In fact, he was indeed a team leader now.

The number 30 people in this pavilion are all from his group.

This was not the first time that Zhao Geng came to deliver fruit to them. They naturally knew how delicious the fruit was, so they all eagerly took one, peeled it and ate it.

After one sip, the juice splashed everywhere, and it was incredibly sweet. It was as if all the fatigue accumulated throughout the morning was swept away at this moment, making Kong Daqian couldn't help but sigh.

"Times are good now."

"you do not say."

Upon hearing this, the team members under his command all responded.

"Didn't we rest in Black Moon City for two days before? At that time, I could clearly see that in the market of Black Moon City, a mango like this costs at least five cents."

As soon as the price was announced, everyone gasped.

"Good guy, at the end of the day, I only have five cents to eat."

In the canteen of Da Zhou, a meal costs three cents, and it is very rich with vegetables and meat. If you save a little, it only costs two cents. No matter how poor you are, you can still get a relief meal for one cent. If you eat normally for five cents, it can be enough for a whole day. of food expenses.

"Why is it so expensive?"

"You don't understand this."

While talking, I heard the old god Kong Daqian talking.

"Sending mangoes to Heiyue Village. Do we need money for carriages and horses along the way? Do we need money for people? Do we need money for time? Once these costs are added up, it is not cheap at all. Since we are the place of origin, we do not have those costs. That’s why the price is not so expensive.”

While talking, Kong Daqian had already eaten up the mango in his hand, and then he couldn't help but slurp the juice in his hand, with a look of unsatisfied expression on his face. He had never eaten such delicious food before. It's just like the fairy fruit in the legend.

"Okay, let's take a good rest after eating the mangoes and recharge our spirits. We will start to reclaim the land in the fourth area in the afternoon."

Hearing this, all the farmers responded in agreement.

The lunch break lasted two hours. They didn't need to eat lunch, but just ate some fruit and drank some herbal tea to cope with it. They had enough time to take a nap.

Since the weather is getting hotter and hotter, it is cooler in the morning, so these days they basically get up and work before dawn.

At this moment, everyone was already tired and sleepy. After a while, there were waves of snoring coming from the pergola...

Not surprisingly, there should be additional updates after 10:30

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