Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 628 Transferring Population

Early the next morning, as soon as the porridge stalls set up around the city were set up, a group of people quickly gathered around them. Led by Kong Daqian, the farmers who had been persuaded and decided to move to Dazhou to farm and live would now Er rushed to the front.

But to say that the entire city’s population has gathered here, that’s still far from that point.

Obviously, many people in the city maintain a wait-and-see attitude towards this matter.

Most of the people coming here now are those whose families have been unable to open the pot.

But this does not affect what Zhou Xu will do next.

After the people gathered, the soldiers responsible for maintaining order at the scene shouted loudly while directing the people to line up to receive porridge...

"Our king knows that many people in this city have no food left for cooking, so he specially sent us to give porridge. From today on, we will do it in the morning and evening. Those in need can come and line up to receive it."

For Zhou Xu, this is undoubtedly a good opportunity to win over the people. He uses the grain stored in the granary opposite, which makes him twice as happy.

"At the same time, considering the future situation, this Huangsha City may not be safe, so our king gives everyone the opportunity to do so on a voluntary basis. Those who are willing to work and live in our Dazhou can register nearby."

At the end of the sentence, the soldier who shouted did not forget to add one sentence.

"The number of people that can be sent away in each batch is limited, first come, first served."

This is not a lie. After all, their manpower is limited. If too many people are sent away at once, there is no guarantee that there will be no trouble in the process.

Even for safety reasons, they must be transported in batches.

If before these words were spoken, many people in the queue were just a little emotional, then the words were said to add fuel to this emotion.

After all, when these words fall into their ears, it is basically equivalent to saying that if you don't leave now, you may not be able to leave even if you want to.

During this period, before the people in line could think about it, Kong Daqian, who had already received the rice porridge, turned around and pulled his son Kong Tiezhi and ran towards the registration table next to him.

"Fuck! Lao Kong, you should wait for me!"

Seeing the pie being made, the farmers who came with Kong Daqian were stunned. Then they reacted and followed after receiving the porridge, carrying bowls.

Huangsha City is a border city, and the surrounding land is a little barren, so the farming industry here is not developed, so they can just plant some casually. The main thing is to rely on the big grain-producing city behind to deliver food to them.

But even so, there are still hundreds of farmers in Huangsha City, and almost all of them are here today.

Now that I started running, the battle was really big.

Human beings are creatures with a strong tendency to follow the herd. When the people of Huangsha City who were queuing up before saw so many people running over to sign up, many of them immediately followed without even eating porridge. Go up.

From the time Zhou Xu and the others captured Huangsha City to now, it has only been a few days since they were able to defeat them all.

Even if they don't drink the bowl of porridge in front of them, they can still have it at night, so they won't starve to death. But if they fall behind in signing up, who knows how long they will have to wait in line?

In the blink of an eye, most of the originally long queue for porridge was gone.

Those who were still there undecided were dumbfounded.

But now, they don't have to make up their minds. The queue at the registration office is already very long. If they go to queue now, they won't be able to queue in a short time. It's better to get the porridge here first. ,Fill the stomach.

During this period, the registration office did not expect that the number of visitors would be so popular at this time, so they quickly called for helpers, set up an extra set of tables and chairs, and helped register together.

At the end of the day, more than 500 people registered that they wanted to live in their territory in Dazhou.

Zhou Xu is already very satisfied with this number.

Because he also knew that at this juncture, most people in the city would definitely choose to wait and see.

He didn't care about this. Even if the entire city's population signed up on the first day, he couldn't send them all away at once, so Zhou Xu was not in a hurry.

At the same time, what the people don't know is that the order of sending away is actually not all in the order of registration.

When registering, the registration office will also ask them about their occupation and what they will do. The first batch sent there must be the type of work they need most at this stage, that is, farmers!

Two days later, Huangsha City was only so big and had such a large population. After briefly publicizing a few rounds of immigration, there was no more publicity here.

After all, the whole city already knew the news, so there was no point in continuing to publicize it, and it would only annoy people.

Facts have proved that although there was not much publicity in the next two days, another three to four hundred people signed up one after another.

At the same time, it was also confirmed that the first batch of people to be sent away was 300 people.

In order to screen out the first batch of 300 people sent to their territory as quickly as possible, even Zhou Xu, the king, went to work personally.

There is no way, there are only so many people who are literate at this stage. If he does not work, his efficiency will be much worse, and he may not be able to catch up with the opening of the next energy channel.

During this period, Zhou Xu also estimated the time and began to notify the three hundred people on the list one by one, taking them to the edge of the world in advance to stand by.

In this process, some accidents will inevitably happen.

"Then, forgive me, that soldier. Xiaomin was just in a hot head at the time. Thinking about it afterwards..."

At this point, the other party's meaning is self-evident.

Faced with this situation, the expression on the face of the soldier who came to inform him did not change much, and he just nodded.

"Okay, I understand, then I will eliminate your name."

Seeing the other party's way of eliminating him without hesitation, the young man felt a little shaken in his heart and felt a little regretful.

At this moment, the soldier's voice sounded again.

"By the way, I'd like to remind you that because you gave up an opportunity, even if you sign up again now, you will only be among the last batch of the city's population."


The young man who heard this was dumbfounded on the spot.

[You should have said this before crossing my name! 】

Looking at the back of the soldier who turned around and left immediately after speaking, the young man subconsciously stretched out his hand and opened his mouth a few times.

I deliberately wanted to stop the person and say that I regretted it. Can I add my name back?

But thinking about it later, I still didn’t dare to say it out loud.

Judging from the current situation, the soldiers do have a good temper, but they are not temperamental!

If he really opened his mouth, he would probably be beaten.

There is obviously more than one situation like this, but for them, it will not have much impact.

When Zhou Xu and others selected the first batch of people, they not only selected these three hundred people, but also classified and arranged all the people who had signed up so far.

If you don't want to go, immediately cross it out and then notify the next one in order.

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