Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 627 Kong Daqian’s plan

After giving simple instructions to Kong Daqian, Zhou Xu turned around and came to the granary here.

They had just captured Huangsha City before, and there were many things going on. They had only roughly confirmed the food in the granary. Now that they had their hands free, they naturally wanted to conduct a further inventory.

After all, this side is connected to a mountainous area, and the mountain roads are difficult to walk, making their logistical supply work difficult.

If there is enough grain stored in the granary here, it can reduce a lot of pressure on their logistics troops.

Don't forget, it's the spring plowing season for them right now. Around the spring plowing, they are busy with various tasks, so it is always good to appropriately reduce the demand for labor.

By the time Zhou Xu arrived, the work here had already begun.

In addition to confirming the quantity of grain reserves in the granary here, the type of grain must also be confirmed.

As soon as he opened the grain storage bag and looked at the white grains of rice inside, Zhou Xu's face suddenly lit up with joy.

"Good guy, there is rice."

Up to now, they have corn and potatoes as their staple food. Potatoes and corn can be ground and preserved, and corn kernels can be peeled off and dried in the sun for storage.

From this point of view, they already have no shortage of staple food in Dazhou.

However, Zhou Xu didn't mind having one more to add richness to their diet within Dazhou.

The food reserves in this granary are basically rice. Zhou Xu took a look at the other things and found that there was nothing much to say. They were all things that they also had.

Just two days later, Kong Daqian and his son came to the door again very unexpectedly.

Zhou Xu didn't think that the two father and son could finish this matter in two days. If they came here now, there must be something wrong.

With this idea in mind, when I asked, it turned out to be true.

I saw that Kong Daqian had completely lost his bragging attitude with the farmers in private at this moment, and his whole state was that of being cautious.

"Your Majesty, the thing is like this. I followed your Majesty's instructions and contacted the farmers in the city and told them about this matter. Many people agreed, and some said they should consider it. During this period, these farmers told me People responded to a question..."

At this point, Kong Daqian didn't say any more, but looked at Zhou Xu cautiously.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Zhou Xu was speechless, but still patiently answered his words.

"What's the problem? But it doesn't matter."

"In the past, we farmers would go out of the city to work in the fields, and as reward, the government would give us money and grain. But now we can't go out to work in the fields, and we don't have much food left at home."

Hearing this, Zhou Xu already understood in his heart.

This is because he wants food.

Many farmers, including Kong Daqian, probably still have no idea about letting farmers here go to Dazhou to farm and live.

So I want to take care of his food needs, and while solving their own food and clothing problems, I can also take advantage of the situation to find out his attitude.

Unless there are smart people among the farmers, Zhou Xu doesn't think that ordinary farmers can respond like this. This is most likely an idea that Kong Daqian came up with after contacting a group of farmers.

Zhou Xu actually didn't care about this.

"Speaking of this matter, are other people in this city also facing this problem?"

Kong Daqian obviously didn't expect Zhou Xu to ask this question suddenly, but his reaction was quite quick.

"Reporting back to your Majesty, the common people are not sure, but it should be true. Apart from the government, the only people with surplus food these days are those who are rich. However, our border city is not safe. Most people will not go here, and the people are generally poor."

Kong Daqian's words gave Zhou Xu a wake-up call, and he also had an idea in his mind.

"Let's go and tell them that starting from tomorrow, I will set up stalls to provide porridge in the southeast, northwest and northwest of Huangsha City, once in the morning and evening. People in need can queue up to receive it."

Although they did not directly give them food, Zhou Xu's approach could be regarded as solving their food problem.

When Kong Daqian heard this, his face suddenly lit up with joy, and he immediately pulled his son to his knees and performed a great ceremony.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty!!"

"There is no need for this. Since you have surrendered to me, Great Zhou, you are my subjects. As a great king, I will naturally not watch you starve to death."

As Zhou Xu spoke, he personally helped Kong Daqian and his son up as before.

"If there is nothing else, I will have to deal with other matters."

"The king is taking care of everything, but the common people dare not disturb him. The common people will leave."

Zhou Xu's words were so direct that Kong Daqian was not stupid and immediately pulled his son to leave.

After leaving the city lord's mansion where Zhou Xu was at this time, his son Kong Tiegang originally thought he was going home to rest, but he was grabbed by his father after he took only two steps.

"Why are you going?"

"Go back, go back?"

Kong Tiezhi was stunned for a moment.

"Isn't it finished?"

"After that, let's go to your Uncle Huang and the others first and tell them about this matter. Then we will go to the places we said we should consider before and talk to them again."

Kong Tiezhi's eyes darkened when he heard these words.

"No, dad, how much have we traveled in the past two days? Aren't you tired?"

"Hey! Don't tell me, I'm really not very tired. I feel like my body and bones have gotten better in the past two days. Do you think it's strange?"

Kong Daqian said as he pulled Kong Tiezhi and ran towards Lao Huang's house.

After notifying the news, I went to continue lobbying those farmers who said they still wanted to consider it, or even refused.

He did this not entirely for Da Zhou. He was not so loyal at this time, but more for himself.

This time Zhou Xu gave him a task. The more people he could persuade to come over, wouldn't it mean he was more capable?

In addition, if more people go, they can also stay together and take care of each other, which is beneficial to each other.

On the other hand, his son Kong Tiezhi had an empty mind and didn't think about so many things. He just felt that his father was a little crazy.

At the same time, after Kong Daqian and his son left, Zhou Xu casually made arrangements for setting up a porridge stall to serve porridge.

It was easy for them to have four stalls. As for porridge, although they had never done it before in the kitchen, making porridge itself was not a difficult task.

Zhou Xu took the opportunity to go to the kitchen, and while arranging things, he gave a few instructions, and the white porridge was cooked quickly.

At the same time, the patrol team was shouting and publicizing the fact that they would set up a stall to serve porridge starting tomorrow.

In one afternoon, the news spread easily throughout the city.

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