Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 621 Unexpected Mercenaries

By the time they arrived outside Huangsha City, it was already dark...

"The city gate here was blown to pieces by us when we attacked the city before, and the remains are piled there now."

After the defenders moved away the horses blocking the city gate passage, Hilke led Bai Tu and the others into the city. As if he thought of something, he pointed at the pile of debris piled beside the city gate passage.

Looking at the pile of wreckage by the firelight in the city, Bai Tu's eyes became even more horrified.

The outline of the city gate can still be basically seen from the corners of these wreckage. From the broken gap, Bai Tu can roughly guess that the city gate was probably hit by some terrifying force and was forcibly smashed. It was blown to pieces.

[What kind of powerful attack can cause such damage? ! 】

Bai Tu couldn't imagine it at all, and the other slave laborers who came in behind couldn't help but hold their breath.

Along the way, along with the information revealed from time to time by Silke, they now always feel as if they have surrendered to an incredible force.

After passing through the city gate passage, an area not far from the city gate is the military camp, which is set up at the four city gates to facilitate the garrison soldiers to rest in shifts.

It was getting late now, so Silk was naturally not in a hurry to take Bai Tu and the others to report to their king.

I was planning to find a place for them to settle down.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a group of figures came towards them, causing the bodyguards of the Patriot Guards headed by Bai Tu to freeze on the spot.

During this period, some of the hard laborers who defended the country couldn't hold it back and screamed out in surprise...

"Centaur is a centaur mercenary!"

Hearing the movement behind him, Silk turned his head and glanced at Bai Tu with some surprise.

"What? Do you even know centaurs?"

When Bai Tu heard this, his expression was very complicated.

"When the two countries went to war, the gap in strength between our country and China was actually not that big. Even if China had some advantages, it was impossible to destroy us."

"In order to have a chance of winning, the Chinese monarchs spent a lot of money to hire mercenary groups to help us. In order to protect ourselves, we, the defenders, can only hire mercenary groups to help us resist foreign enemies. Among the centaur mercenaries, whoever gives the most will help. They ended up helping China."

It is not difficult to tell from Bai Tu's words that the combat power of the Centaur mercenaries played a vital role.

Even to a certain extent, it was directly the main reason for their destruction of the country.

This situation made Silk frown, and then without saying a word, he reported the matter to their king overnight.

In this era, there are no entertainment activities after dark, and everyone is tired after a long day, so most of them go to bed early, and Zhou Xu is no exception.

However, it was only around seven o'clock in the evening. Even if Zhou Xu went to bed early, it was not so early.

After meeting Silk and briefly understanding the situation, he ordered people to call Bai Tu who was waiting outside.

"Subordinate Bai Tu, please see your Majesty!"

"Forgive me. Hilke has already told me about the centaur mercenaries. Do you have any grudges now?"

Zhou Xu had no interest in going around in circles with Bai Tu and asked the question straight to the point.

"My subordinates dare not."

"Don't you dare?"

At that moment, Bai Tu, who clearly realized that he had said the wrong thing, felt his heart suddenly twitch, and then he turned around and bravely spoke out his true thoughts.

“If you say you don’t have any ideas, that must be a lie!”

"go on."

It was already a boring night. Looking at Bai Tu below, Zhou Xu was holding his chin with interest, waiting for the other person's next words.

"Our country was destroyed due to the intervention of Centaur mercenaries. It is inevitable that my subordinates will be hostile to Centaur. However, I also know that Centaur mercenaries are paid to do things. This account cannot be fully settled. over their heads.”

"At the same time, Lieutenant Silk has also told his subordinates that the centaurs in the city are not the same group as those mercenaries, and it doesn't matter."

"Just like the Three Kingdoms of Zhou, Wei and Huaxia are all humans, but there are differences between humans, there cannot be only one group of centaurs, and there are naturally differences between centaurs and centaurs. You can't hate all centaurs for this."

I have to say that Zhou Xu was a little surprised that Bai Tu could say such words.

Of course, this is a good thing for Zhou Xu, because it shows that Bai Tu's thoughts are mature.

"Tell me about those centaur mercenaries."

Obviously, when Shang Xijun was interrogated before, the other party did not provide him with this information.

It's hard to say whether it was intentional or not. After all, the war between the two countries was over at that time, and what he asked about was the current situation in the country. Normally, there was really no talk about this mercenary who had participated in the war.

In response to Zhou Xu's question, Bai Tu slowly spoke after thinking about it for a while...

"My subordinates don't actually know much about those Centaur mercenaries. I only know that there is such a mercenary group that travels outside of various countries. They often accept war commissions and take money to participate in wars."

"How many troops do these centaur mercenaries have?"

Zhou Xu asked a question that he was more concerned about.

"In the previous war, I heard that three hundred troops were sent to participate in the battle."

Zhou Xu was slightly shocked when he heard this number.

Three hundred centaur cavalry, taking into account the differences in individual combat power, excluding some exceptions, under normal circumstances their combat power can basically match a thousand human cavalry.

On the battlefield in the cold weapon age, as long as the cavalry has room to perform, the very existence of the cavalry unit is a powerful weapon that determines victory or defeat.

Three hundred centaur cavalry, if that wave of charge is used properly, it is indeed enough to determine the outcome of a war.

"There are a lot of mercenaries, so they should have a stronghold, right? Otherwise, how can they accommodate so many troops? How can employers who need to hire them contact them?"

"My subordinates really don't know much about this. Even if they do, it's not something I can access at this level."

In response, Zhou Xu nodded to express his understanding.

"It's getting late, and you've been tired all day. Those subordinates who have restrained themselves, please go down and rest first."

After hearing this, Bai Tu didn't dare to stay any longer and hurriedly left.

After Bai Tu left, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on Silke.

"Silk, go and tell Drogo and the others to have less contact with Bai Tu and the others for the time being, and then ask Shi Lei to send a few smart subordinates to pay a little attention to Bai Tu's movements, stay hidden, and don't do anything. It’s too obvious.”


The appearance of the centaur mercenaries was unexpected. After such an incident, even just as a precaution, he had to pay more attention to the group of hard laborers who defended the country.

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