Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 620 Petrified Bai Tu

Just like Bai Tu said when he confessed to Zhou Xu before, he was originally a centurion in the Patriot Army, and judging from his status, he was considered a somewhat capable junior officer.

Although the other party dispersed them when arranging the hard labor, there are still many of his old men among the hard labor in the mine.

Most of the other hard laborers are the original soldiers of the Weiguo. After all, the other party also looks for young and strong people to do the mining work in this mine.

Those soldiers may not be his old troops, but they have all heard of his name more or less. After all, the troops Bai Tu was in at that time were the last troops before the defeat of their country. In addition, he had hundreds of As a husband, the Weiguo people here in the mine basically follow his lead.

In this state, Bai Tu's work can be said to be going very smoothly.

But during this process, some of his old subordinates who were considered his close confidants still couldn't help but ask Bai Tu in a low voice.

"We don't know where this Dazhou comes from. Is it really okay to just surrender to Dazhou like this?"

"What's going on in the Great Zhou Dynasty? We can slowly see it with our own eyes later. It's better than working as hard labor here."

Didn't Bai Tu think about these issues?

Of course he was also afraid that they would fall into the wolf's den as soon as they came out of the tiger's mouth.

But as he just said, they now have no choice but to take one step at a time.

At the same time, Zhou Xu, who left the mine, gradually calmed down after the ecstasy of obtaining the golden legend. After that, the only thought in his mind was...

[Made, that man named Yan Sheng, I will give him a few slaps when I get the chance later. Is he worthy of calling himself Huaxia? ! 】

The other party's method of calling himself Huaxia and giving himself the title of First Emperor really disgusted Zhou Xu.

Returning to Huangsha City on the border, it didn't take much time for them to go back and forth. During this period, the only thing they had to worry about was whether the previously evacuated troops would suddenly turn back and fight back.

After all, at this point in time, the new city gate has not yet been completed.

The previous city gate was no longer repairable under the attack of the three-bow crossbow and had to be rebuilt.

Under this premise, the manpower brought by Zhou Xu was relatively limited, which was the main reason for slowing down work efficiency.

"According to the latest report from the craftsmen, even if they work day and night, it will still take almost two or three days."

After listening to Shi Lei's words, Zhou Xu, who returned to the city, pondered for a moment and then spoke.

"Tell them to rest when it's time to rest and make sure they get seven hours of sleep every day. When people are overtired, their work efficiency will also be severely reduced. Instead of working hard, it's better to take a nap."


After simply arranging some work, Shi Lei began to shift his energy to the next war.

"Then who are we next, Your Majesty?"

"According to the original plan, guard this city, fight a defensive battle first, and wait and see what happens."

The other country's internal problems have not been resolved at this stage. In the past, they were just suppressed through brutal force.

But this approach often only breeds stronger outbreaks.

Before Zhou Xu and the others arrived, the other side could still concentrate on dealing with internal problems. But now that they have arrived, internal and external problems have gathered, and all the pressure has been put on the guy named Yan Sheng. It depends on how he handles it.

Under this situation, Zhou Xu and the others, who had captured Huangsha City on the border with lightning speed, had nothing to worry about.

As long as they are here, they can create trouble for the other side.

Under this premise, the defender's advantage also means that as long as they guard this city, they can easily deal with the two or three thousand troops on the opposite side, and they will not even fall behind.

On the other hand, if they continue to attack the next city, their shortcomings of insufficient strength will be exposed, which is not a wise choice.

Having determined the big policy, Shi Lei felt determined.

The sudden and violent attack like before was actually not his style, but the strategy of their king.

Looking back now, the next plan fits him very well, and Shi Lei has the confidence to get things done.

During this period, at the mine, due to the cooperation of the hard laborers, Bai Tu's inventory work was carried out very quickly.

In the process, Silk directly asked his men to raid the kitchens in the mine.

These 20 kilometers of road are also roads. It is certainly impossible for Huangsha City to travel 20 kilometers every day to deliver food to them, so there must be a small granary inside the mine to store the food that is delivered regularly.

"Lieutenant, we found it. There is still a lot of food."

"Confirm the amount of food and cook some of it so that they can have a full meal first."

According to their king's wishes, these hard laborers will be taken to Huangsha City and even trained into frontline soldiers to supplement their strength on the frontline.

Under this premise, there are only two horses in the mine, which are probably only used for commuting between the two places on weekdays, which is not enough for their current use.

In other words, on the next road to Huangsha City, these hard laborers have to walk on two legs and are hungry. They may not know when they will go, but let them eat a full meal first and regain some strength.

Bai Tu and the others obviously didn't expect that their first full meal would come so suddenly. Hilke and the others were not good at cooking, and the food here was not delicious, but this did not hinder them in the slightest. They gobbled it up, it had been a long time since they had had a good meal like this.

After a hearty meal, Silk ordered people to bring the two horses from the mine and use the horses to pull the cart, intending to take the remaining grain back to Huangsha City to increase their grain reserves.

The group set off and walked for twenty kilometers, which was still very strenuous.

Halfway through the journey, Bai Tu and the others were all exhausted and out of breath. This was assuming they had eaten enough and rested before setting off.

However, the decline in physical fitness caused by long-term malnutrition obviously cannot be completely restored by eating a full meal.

Seeing that they could no longer move, Silk simply gave the order to rest.

Taking advantage of the rest time, with the intention of finding out the details of this big week, Bai Tu went over and got close to Silk.

"Lieutenant Silk, are we going to Huangsha City now?"


Although Silk himself is not taciturn, he doesn't talk much to people he doesn't know well.

"If my subordinates remember correctly, Long Zhantian, the general who defends Huangsha City, is also a strong general."

Hearing this, Silk glanced sideways at Bai Tu, probably knowing what the other person was planning.

"I don't know if he is a strong general or not. Anyway, we launched an attack on the city yesterday, breached the city gate, and after rushing into the city, he fled with the remaining garrison in the city."

"Wait, wait a minute! Lieutenant Silk, you mean you launched the siege yesterday and captured Huangsha City today?!"

At this time, Bai Tu's face was filled with disbelief, and even his tone unconsciously increased by a few decibels.

Silk shook his head after hearing this.


After hearing this, Bai Tu felt inexplicably relieved.

[You must be wrong, right? In just one or two days, how could it be possible to break through Huangsha City, which is controlled by Long Zhantian? 】

However, before Bai Tu could think more, Silke's voice sounded again.

"To be precise, we launched the siege yesterday afternoon, and within an hour we captured Huangsha City."

After saying that, he glanced at Bai Tu, whose expression was dull for a moment, and his whole body was frozen in place as if petrified. The corners of Silke's mouth raised an inconspicuous arc.

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