Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 595 Suicide Attack (2)

In accordance with the previous order, the pterosaur rider in the air immediately understood. After quickly joining together, he grabbed the short spear behind him and threw it downwards.

Although the strength of the green lizard soldiers was limited, the short spears were very powerful with the momentum of being thrown from the air. The shields in the hands of the rat sword and shield soldiers could not withstand it, and they died from the flying short spears. Down.

"These stinky rats seem to explode suddenly. Don't get close! Use a short spear to kill them from a distance!"

While shouting these words, the pterosaur riders threw another round of short spears, and several of the rat sword and shield soldiers were killed on the spot by the short spears piercing their bodies.

However, what the pterodactyl riders didn't expect was that the corpse of the killed rat-man sword and shield soldier did not explode as they had expected.

"What's going on? Did I guess wrong? Or are the rat men here not going to explode?"

While the pterodactyl rider was surprised by this result, other pterodactyl riders had already noticed that there were more rat-man sword and shield soldiers coming towards this side.

Needless to say, Jikumu, who was casting a spell, was now the key protection target of the rat army.

"We don't have time to think too much. We don't have many short spears on us. If we wait until the rat men around us come around, we won't be able to do anything with that guy!"

There is a strong cross wind in the sky. If a long-range attack is launched at the same altitude, it will be okay. However, if the attack is launched from a high altitude towards the ground, it will be 100% affected by the cross wind.

Under this premise, if you use lightweight arrows, the accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The short spear itself is heavier and relatively better, but the disadvantage is that you cannot carry many.

The pterosaur riders themselves undoubtedly know this problem best. While talking, several pterosaur riders in the air decided to take the risk and fight!

While cooperating with each other to throw another round of short spears, the six pterosaur riders quickly divided into two teams in the air.

A team of three, three pterosaur riders stayed in the air to provide cover, while the other three pterosaur riders rushed towards the circular formation protecting Jicum in a formation of two in front and one in back!

After approaching a certain distance, the two pterosaur riders rushing in front were waiting to command the pterosaurs to stretch out their claws and catch the two obstructive rat-man sword and shield soldiers on the opposite side into the air.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, behind the rat-man sword and shield soldiers, several skinners who were elite combat forces suddenly jumped out from behind the sword and shield soldiers and pounced on the pterosaur riders who were rushing down.

The completely unexpected sudden attack caught them off guard. Although the surface of the pterosaur's body was also covered with some fine scales, their strength was not high. When the skinner opposite suddenly jumped out, the sharp claws on his hands It also quickly sank into the pterosaur's flesh!

The pterosaur that was attacked let out a piercing scream, its wings flapped rapidly, and its body struggled and turned violently, almost overturning the pterosaur rider lying on its back.

"Quick! Increase the height and fly to the sky!"

At that moment, the pterosaur riders who fell behind saw clearly, and while issuing a reminder, they immediately stepped forward to launch rescue.

But the skinners who launched the attack were obviously determined to die. When they discovered that the pterosaur rider was raising its flight height, they pierced their chests with their sharp claws without hesitation.

The next second, with several explosions, the corpses of the skinners exploded in the air one after another. The stinking blood splashed all over the two pterosaurs at close range, containing extremely corrosive liquid. The screams of the two pterosaurs became even more shrill.

At the same time, Thoros, who was on top of the wall, could easily tell that the pterosaur rider had been frustrated. At this moment, his expression was also extremely scary.

It’s not like the rat men on the opposite side don’t know the existence of pterosaur riders. Based on this, the methods they can think of are not impossible for the opposite side.

In this wave, the ratmen were undoubtedly surrounding the possible attack by the pterosaur riders, and had deployed traps in advance, just waiting for them to kill them.

[Damn it, is there no way to stop these stinky rats from self-destructing? ! 】

With this thought in mind, Soros looked at the surging rat tide outside the fortress, his expression uncertain for a while.

However, at this moment, among the rat tide, a rat slave soldier who continued to make a sharp howling sound, and then his body began to expand, and finally exploded with a 'bang', caught his attention.

[The rat man was obviously not killed, so why did he explode? 】

This discovery made Soros look startled at first, but then he quickly reacted and shouted to Li Ce in the fortress...

"No need to kill those rat men! Even if you don't kill those rat men, those rat men themselves will explode!!"

The situation was urgent, and Soros himself didn't organize the matter very clearly in his mind, so he quickly informed Li Ce of his discovery.

However, this does not prevent Li Ce from understanding it.

"If we don't kill those rat men, will those rat men themselves explode?"

While muttering to himself, Li Ce quickly sorted out his thoughts and immediately gave the order!

"The spear array is advancing. We must retake the gate passage and raise the collapsed city gate again!"

While speaking, as the order was issued, the front row held up the shield wall, and the spear formation advanced step by step.

At the same time, Li Ce quickly signaled to the soldiers at the rear to fetch several large brackets from the fortress.

The attack of the three-bow crossbow signaled the advance. The blue lizard spearmen maintained their formation and advanced step by step. They soon forced out the incoming rat tide.

Seizing the opportunity, the soldiers worked together to lift the collapsed gate and push it up, blocking the entrance to this side of the fortress.

At the same time, the soldiers responsible for carrying the large brackets also arrived.

Li Ce didn't need to say anything. They immediately pushed up the large support, completely blocking the fortress gate and blocking all the Ratmen from the gate.

During this process, Li Ce could clearly hear that there were many rat men exploding 'bang bang bang'.

You know, at this time, they are not attacking the rat slave soldiers.

Thoros was right, even if they didn't attack, these rat slave soldiers would explode on their own!

And their fortress gate is much thicker than the door panel and shield in the hands of the soldiers in the front row.

In a short period of time, high-frequency corrosion may be able to burn through the door panel and shield, but it will definitely not be able to burn through their fortress door.

This situation caused the rat-man army, which was originally attacking fiercely, to be thrown into disarray.

The messengers in the front row quickly passed the news back.

During the report by the rat messenger soldier, Jikumu, who heard the news from afar, shivered, his eyes darkened, and his almost withered body fell directly into the circle.

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