Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 594 Suicide Attack

The same thing happened on the wall and to the speed dragon cavalry who were fighting the giant rat knights.

At this moment, both Li Ce and Soros were shocked by this situation.

Judging from the reaction of the blood splashing on the lizard soldiers, it was as if hot oil had been poured on them.

No, the corrosive power displayed was stronger than being splashed with hot oil, and an unusually pungent fishy smell continued to emit during the process.

Although he didn't know what methods the other party used, according to Li Ce's mind, it was not difficult to see during simple observation that as long as the rat slave soldier on the opposite side died, the opponent's body would explode and splash out those Extremely corrosive blood!

Although the lizard soldiers were wearing scale armor at this time and were protected by their own scales, not every inch of their skin was tightly wrapped.

In addition, they didn't just kill one ratman at a time, but directly killed them one by one.

The corpses of rat slave soldiers exploded one after another, splattering with blood. The lizardman soldiers in the front row were subjected to high-frequency continuous erosion in a very short period of time. Even with double-layer armor, it was difficult to completely withstand.

If you kill the rat slave soldiers, the opponent's corpse will explode, and the blood with strong corrosive power will pose a threat to their soldiers. However, if you don't kill the rat slave soldiers, the opponent will continue to attack them, and the threat will remain the same. Yes, this method really disgusted Li Ce.

But getting him to stop attacking is definitely impossible!

"Quick! Get the big shield! You put on the big shield and push it to the front row!"

Although their large shield soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty are not a standing unit, they occasionally use large shields to coordinate with some tactics. Therefore, a batch of large shield equipment will still be stocked in this border defense fortress in case of emergencies.

The large shield equipment that has not been used for many years is now covered with a lot of dust, but at this moment, it undoubtedly fully proves what it means to be prepared.

These large shields are typical door panel shields. The lizardman soldiers holding large shields rushed to the front row and put the large shields there. The door panels and large shields were lined up in a row, which could directly form a shield wall, and the lizards were The entire bodies of the human soldiers were blocked behind the large shields.

At the same time, the blue lizard spearmen in the back row used the length of the crystal iron spears to stab directly from behind the large shield and kill the rat slave soldiers who rushed up.

The killed rat slave soldiers expanded and exploded one after another just like before. The highly corrosive and stinky blood splashed in all directions and splashed on the large iron-covered door panel and shield, making a "sizzling" sound, and at the same time. It splashed onto other rat slave soldiers who rushed up from behind, causing them to scream in agony.

To a certain extent, this move of the Rat Man not only disgusts the enemy, but also disgusts them themselves. After all, this self-protection attack does not distinguish between friend and foe.

Of course, the Ratmen have a lot of troops, and these slave soldiers are here to die, so the other party probably doesn't care.

At the same time, on the outer battlefield, the Velociraptor Cavalry and the Giant Rat Knight on the opposite side were still fighting.

These giant rat knights were obviously affected by Jikumu's strange magic. When they were killed, their bodies expanded and exploded on the spot, catching the speed dragon cavalry by surprise.

The Velociraptor Cavalry does not have large shield equipment to use, but the battle with the rat army is now at a fever pitch. It is absolutely impossible for the Velociraptor Cavalry here to let these giant rat knights leave to attack their border fortress.

Facing the giant rat knights who were about to launch a self-destruction attack after death, the speed dragon knights who realized that they could no longer escape unscathed, a flash of determination flashed in their eyes, and then they shouted loudly...

[Dragon God protects! 】

[Dragon God protects! ! ! 】

In an instant, the ‘boiling blood’ activated! With determination to die, the Velociraptor Cavalry resolutely fought to the death with the giant rat knights in front of them!

This was something Zhou Xu had just accumulated the power of mantra to unlock half a year ago. What he was thinking about at that time was the war that might break out at this time.

Of course Zhou Xu didn't want his soldiers to use this fatal skill, but sometimes he had to use it.

On the battlefield, the sound of killing was loud. At this moment, it was not just the speed dragon cavalry who launched the "boiling blood". Both sides were fighting for their lives, causing the number of casualties to continue to rise.

The erection of the shield wall did not allow the lizardmen soldiers to sit back and relax. Round after round, the stinking blood eroded more and more times. The iron sheet on the surface of the large shield had been burned through, and the hardwood wrapped under the iron sheet naturally It was also difficult to withstand, and it was about to be scrapped.

During this period, Thoros, who was on top of the wall, was directing the soldiers to resist the invasion of the rat men, while his eyes kept scanning Jikumu's body, which was glowing with blood in the distance.

As long as you are not stupid, it is not difficult to see that the self-destruction of these rat men is closely related to that guy.

But that guy was in the rear, and the speed dragon cavalry on their periphery was entangled by the giant rat knight on the opposite side. In this situation, there was only one way to threaten the opponent.

With this thought in mind, a signal was quickly sent out from the top of the fortress wall.

High in the sky, the pterosaur rider was startled when he heard the signal.

"This signal is... a test?"

Signals like this can basically only convey some simple meanings, and then they have to rely on their own brains to understand them.

The pterosaur rider is obviously not stupid. In this situation, there is basically only one target that he needs to test.

As his thoughts flew, his eyes fell directly on the figure below who was standing in the center of the blood-colored circle and chanting continuously, and then he took off a short spear on his back.

Look at the position, use your strength, and throw the short spear directly towards the figure!

As a result, before the short spear could hit, a figure suddenly shot out and held up a shield to block the short spear he threw.

They are the sword and shield soldiers in the regular rat army! And there's more than one, at least there's a team.

Talon was not stupid. Of course, he knew how important Jikum was casting a spell, so he directly arranged a small team to guard the area to ensure Jikum's safety.

Jikumu's body size is inherently short, so a group of rat-man sword and shield soldiers moved towards him and blocked him completely.

Faced with this kind of battle, the pterosaur rider had nothing to do with the opponent even if he was only testing.

After sending the signal, Soros, who had been standing on the wall and observing the movement in the distance, naturally saw this scene in his eyes and knew it in his heart.

On their southern battlefield, there are a total of six pterosaurs, that is, six pterosaur riders.

If they take the initiative to attack, there will be a risk of loss, but if they don't use the pterosaur riders, the rat people's weird method will destroy many of their tribesmen.

Thinking of this, Soros resolutely ordered.

"Call the pterosaur riders and send the signal to attack!"

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