Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 592 It’s not a coincidence

With the density of the rat tide in front of us, even if fierce generals like Zhou Chongshan and Tash rushed in, there would probably be no room for them to show off, and they would be eaten to death by the rat tide.

At this moment, a firm and unquestionable voice spoke.

"Spear array to attack!"

After more than two years of training, obeying orders has long been their bounden duty. Now that they received the order, the originally chaotic soldiers seemed to have found their backbone in an instant.

Although his mind was still in chaos, his body took the lead and acted according to the order.

They had originally maintained a defensive formation to deal with the Skinner troops, but now they received Li Ce's order and could change their formation in a matter of seconds.

The width of the spear formation is basically the same as the width of the city gate passage. When the lizard spearmen spread out the spear formation, they can completely block the passage as long as they enter the city gate passage.

Before the influx of rats could cross the city gate passage, they directly faced the crystal iron war spears that shone with cold light. The oncoming rat slave soldiers were assassinated in pieces. The killing efficiency was much higher than that of Zhou Zhongshan and Tash's two hands.

However, things did not always go so smoothly.

While killing a large number of rat slave soldiers with a spear array, a huge wooden beam suddenly flew out from the rat tide.

At that moment, many blue lizard spearmen in the front row were knocked to the ground on the spot, covered in blood! Even the originally stable spear array was smashed.

At that moment, the rat troll, who had just thrown a log, was proud of himself outside the collapsed fortress gate.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, the rat slave soldiers blocking the city gate passage suddenly exploded like an explosion, with splashes of blood and corpse fragments scattered in all directions, and a cold light burst out!

There wasn't even time to react.

In an instant, half of the body of the rat troll standing outside was blasted to pieces on the spot! The fine blood mist exploded like drizzle.

However, the giant crossbow arrow that penetrated the body of the rat troll continued unabated. It sank straight into the rat tide behind it and flew out nearly a hundred meters away, killing a large number of rat slave soldiers. He was exhausted and fell to the ground.

At the same time, I saw that within the fortress gate, the spear array that was originally responsible for blocking the gate passage had already dispersed to both sides, exposing the attack trajectory in the middle.

At the end of the field of vision, a three-bow bed crossbow was already deployed there!

On the top of the wall, considering the height issue, the three-bow bed crossbow could not launch an effective attack, but on the ground, the rat men also poured into the city gate passage of the space station. Isn't that looking for death?

Even the many giant rat knights who mixed in with the rat tide and tried to launch an attack suffered along with them.

The previous spear formation was, to put it bluntly, just to buy time to set up the three-bow bed crossbow.

As for the rat troll who was killed by the explosion, it can only be said that his position was too upright and he was seeking death.

Now after the blow, under Li Ce's order, the spear formation immediately reorganized, and the blue lizard spearmen once again charged forward with their crystal iron spears.

They didn't take the initiative to fight out. They just blocked the end of the city gate passage and cooperated with the three-bow bed crossbow set up behind them to kill as many as they came!

During this period, looking at the sudden movement in the distance, the sharp claws that were dancing excitedly one moment because they successfully breached the fortress gate suddenly changed their expressions the next moment and completely froze there.

He didn't remember that the lizard men had such amazingly powerful destructive weapons!

"Fuck! What the hell is going on?!"

You know, in this battle, he even sacrificed the Skinner troops he had invested a lot of resources in and cultivated with his own hands.

After all, only a handful of people can come back alive from a infiltration mission like that.

He paid such a high price in order to completely break through the lizard people's border fortress, kill all the stinky lizards inside, and gain an unprecedented victory!

Until just now, the whole situation was proceeding as he imagined.

However, in the blink of an eye, the situation completely changed.

This situation was completely beyond his control, causing Sharp Claw to unconsciously feel intense anxiety!

But what he didn't know was that this was just the beginning.

Just at this moment, a "bang" sound came from the distance, and along with the dust in the sky, a group of speed dragon cavalry entered the battlefield from the outside, aiming directly at the rear positions of the rat men!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Sharp Claw saw this scene in his eyes and couldn't help but let out a crazy roar, venting his tortured emotions.

Needless to say, at this moment, his mentality exploded.

Even if an unexpected situation occurred in the fortress opposite, the reinforcements from the opposite side also arrived at this time? !

At this moment, Talon only felt that the whole world was against him.

The arrival of this support force in front of us is certainly not a coincidence.

As early as when they confirmed that the Skaven had chosen to recuperate in the previous year, they were mentally prepared to face the Skaven offensive in the next year.

For this reason, Zhou Xu issued a conscription order among the lizard people early on. In the early stage, he directly recruited a thousand soldiers and carried out militarized training for them.

Long before, Li Ce led his troops to harass and consume the Rat People outside their frontline stronghold. When the Rat People launched a strong counterattack, Li Ce immediately asked the pterosaur riders to bring the news back to their king.

After receiving the news, Zhou Xu said nothing. While continuing to recruit troops, he immediately ordered a thousand lizardmen soldiers who had completed training to rush to the border fortress.

Originally, the arrival time of this reinforcement should be around tomorrow evening.

However, after being attacked by rat trolls during the day, Li Ce, who felt a sense of crisis, sent pterosaur riders to join the reinforcements on the way and signaled them to speed up.

For this reason, the cavalry troops left the infantry troops behind and hurried on, and only then did they successfully reach the battlefield at this point in time!

After arriving at the place, there was no need to say anything more. The cavalry troops directly locked the rear position of the rat men and launched a charge.

At this moment, although Talon's mentality was explosive, he was not ready to lie flat and smashed. He immediately ordered and sent out giant rat knights to attack.

Obviously, he still kept some cavalry on hand just in case.

As soon as they saw the giant rat knights appearing on the opposite side, the raiding dragon cavalry basically gave up the idea of ​​attacking the rat men's rear positions.

They had just been on the road in a hurry. Although they took a short rest after arriving near the battlefield, their condition was obviously not good at this time.

Once the giant rat knight appears on the opposite side, they have no hope.

In this way, the speed dragon cavalry who rushed to the battlefield also directly changed their targets and collided head-on with the giant rat knights who rushed to attack. The cavalry troops on both sides were soon completely killed!

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