Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 591 Internal and external troubles

Under night, after experiencing the battle during the day, the returning rat tide once again surrounded the border fortress and launched a siege.

Ratmen have night vision and can see things at night. This is the same for lizardmen. It doesn't make much difference to them whether they fight during the day or at night.

But for Li Ce and the human troops led by Zhou Chongshan, the impact was great.

Even inside the fortress with torches and braziers lit everywhere, their vision would be affected after nightfall, let alone outside the fortress.

This forced Li Ce to put the burden of commanding operations on Soros.

After understanding the situation, Soros immediately climbed up the wall and took command without saying a word. He has the ability to command large troops. Now that he has temporarily become a deputy, he is not unfamiliar at all.

Li Ce, on the other hand, retreated to the inside of the fortress to conduct internal command and provide support to the wall.

At this moment, a scream came from the corner where the city defense equipment was stacked. Li Ce was startled when he heard the noise and looked over there hurriedly.

At this moment, in the shadow, rat men wearing lizard-man masks on their heads and sharp claws on their hands were slaying out of them.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! There are enemies in the fortress!!"

The unexpected situation plunged the interior into chaos.

The lizard soldiers who were around at that time subconsciously wanted to encircle and suppress him.

I never thought that the movements of those rat-men were astonishingly fast, and their attacks were fast and ruthless. As they shuttled back and forth, their claws directly penetrated the necks of the surrounding lizard-men soldiers, taking their lives!

Compared with the rat slave soldiers they had faced before, their combat power could be said to be vastly different.

Li Ce looked shocked at this scene and hurriedly asked the lizard man adjutant beside him where these rat men were from.

In response to this, the lizardman adjutant on the side was also shocked and angry at the moment.

"It's the Skinner Troop! An elite troop trained by Talon, the leader of the Claw Clan. They are good at killing enemies with their sharp claws, and"

Having said this, the lizardman adjutant's voice paused, and his entire face became obviously ugly.

"And just like their clan leader's claws, they will peel off the enemy's face and make it into a mask to wear on their face."

After hearing the simple explanation from the lizardman adjutant, Li Ce's face suddenly became serious.

An elite troop trained by the Ratmen leader himself? From this point alone, it can be seen that this unit has a good status and its strength is probably equally good.

At the same time, it is not difficult to see from the opponent's move of directly investing elite troops like this that the ratmen on the opposite side are definitely going to fight them seriously this time.

Fortunately, there were also troops waiting for their shift inside their fortress. They were attacked at this time. Li Ce quickly commanded these soldiers to temporarily form a defensive position to deal with the attack of the Skinner troops.

At the same time, the human soldiers, led by Zhou Chongshan and acting as archers inside the fortress, immediately abandoned their bows and arrows and put on swords and shields to support them.

But even so, it could not change the reality that the interior of the fortress had already fallen into chaos due to the invasion of the Skin-Flayer troops from the opposite side.

You know, for the soldiers who stayed inside the fortress and did not go to the wall, they did not just need to wait for the soldiers on the wall to get tired and take turns with them.

The space on the wall is limited. The limited space cannot pile all their internal troops and all the city defense equipment on the wall.

Therefore, the soldiers who stayed inside the fortress also needed to take on the task of transporting the city defense equipment at a specific time and carry these equipment to the wall for use by the city defense soldiers.

But now, with the internal chaos, there is undoubtedly a problem with this job.

After the limited city defense equipment on the wall was exhausted, they could only hold on in the face of the surging rat tide.

During this process, the rat trolls on the opposite side also took action again, throwing large wooden barrels filled with rat slave soldiers at their wall.

At the same time, some of the rat trolls approached like during the day, picked up the wood they smashed, and began to smash the door of their fortress.

Suddenly, internal and external troubles broke out in this border fortress at the same time, pushing the originally stable border fortress to the edge of the cliff.

Outside the fortress, the Ratmen's troops were still pressing forward.

At this moment, Sharp Claw has already invested all the rat tide troops in its hands, launching an offensive against the four walls of the border fortress with a larger rat tide at the same time, and is about to break through this iron wall tonight!

As time goes by, the pressure on Soros and Li Ce continues to increase.

Through the report of the courier, Thoros, who was in charge of commanding the operations on the wall at the moment, already knew that the Skaven Skinner troops had sneaked in and were currently launching an offensive inside their fortress.

At this moment, the pressure inside the fortress is very high, but the pressure on the wall is even greater!

At this point in time, the situation on all four walls was not optimistic, and could even be said to be in danger. Soros had no spare strength to mobilize troops to support the inside of the fortress, and could only rely on themselves to fight the enemy.

During this period, as the two strong men on this border defense line, Zhou Zhongshan and Tash held up the situation at this critical moment.

Tash has excellent physical strength and is good at long-term combat. Coupled with his rich experience in fighting ratmen, he also performed stably throughout the whole process.

Zhou Chongshan, on the other hand, relied on the armor on his body, abandoned his shield at this moment, held the knife in both hands, and killed even more crazily! Tash, who was fighting alongside him throughout the whole process, had his eyes twitching wildly.

In the earlier battles with the rat men, Zhou Chongshan led the Zhou cavalry to participate in the battle many times. Tashi knew Zhou Chongshan's strength.

But he had never experienced it at such a close range, and the completely murderous and crazy posture made him frightened.

The existence of the two of them suppressed the internal unrest with the simplest and crudest force.

However, at the same time, the pressure from the outside seems to have reached a critical point.

With a loud bang, the fortress gate, whose connection was completely broken due to the powerful continuous impact, fell to the ground, causing the hearts of all the soldiers in the fortress to twitch.

The next second, the tide of rats piled outside the fortress gate seemed to have finally found a point of catharsis and poured in crazily towards the door.

In just the blink of an eye, countless rat slave soldiers crowded the entire city gate passage.

This scene was simply mind-numbing.

Even brave generals like Zhou Chongshan and Tash, looking at the densely packed rat tide, their minds went blank at this moment, and they lost all thoughts for a moment...

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