Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 578 Not used to anything

Although no major war broke out, the recent good news coming back from the southern border made Zhou Xu feel good.

For now, he doesn't need to worry about things in the south for the time being, but he also has other things to be busy with recently.

After winter comes, aren't some departments in the Old Continent relatively quiet due to weather conditions?

Zhou Xu took this opportunity to introduce their currency and shops to the New World, and build a commercial street on the side of the lizard people.

As early as before, he felt that it was a bit wasteful to use these ancient buildings in the lizard people's land as daily residences for the lizard people.

So he planned to vacate all these ancient buildings, simply clean them up, and then turn them into shops.

Zhou Xu would certainly not forget the issue of lizard people’s residence during this period.

Aren't there many external facilities such as fields and training grounds outside the lizard people's land?

In terms of fields, after the plain farm is officially cultivated, all the crops here can be transplanted directly. There is no need to continue planting here, which is a waste of space.

As for special facilities such as training grounds, Zhou Xu made some simple plans and then asked people from the construction and engineering department to clear out a whole circle of rainforest within this area.

While implementing all the necessary special facilities, a place was designated to build dormitories for the lizard people to live.

With proper planning of this entire area, after the construction of these facilities, a large area of ​​open space can be freed up.

These open spaces can be used for future development and construction. In the New World, the lizard people's clan is considered the most important core group area. It will definitely be developed into a city in the future, and Zhou Xu is already preparing for the subsequent development. Basic.

Now there is a place, but what is missing is people.

Ordinary traders are actually easy to find, but considering that this is the tribe of the lizard people, he still hopes that there will be some suitable lizard people who can assist in this area of ​​work, so that it will also be easier for the lizard people here to understand.

Moreover, it is best for these lizard people to understand their currency and business mechanisms in the Great Zhou.

It is not that there are no such lizardmen. After all, after successfully recruiting the lizardmen, Zhou Xu transferred many lizardmen craftsmen to them in order to supplement their internal labor force.

The earliest group should be the green lizard craftsmen who have now established the polishing department.

In the recent work reports of various departments, Zhou Xu can easily see that the days spent polishing the department have become more and more leisurely recently.

Thinking about it, back then, when the forging department started working overtime day and night in order to produce weapons as quickly as possible, the polishing department was not under great pressure.

Now that the war in the southern border has stabilized, the forging department basically does not need to work overtime. According to the number of weapons that are forged normally every day, it is naturally easier for the polishing department to complete the polishing work.

Under this premise, there are more than two hundred craftsmen gathered in the polishing department, but there is not so much work to do, which is really a bit redundant.

In response to this situation, Zhou Xu made a decision after thinking for a while.

"Pass my order to select a hundred eloquent green lizard craftsmen from the polishing department to assist in the development work here."

Zhou Xu gave an order, and Black Moon Village immediately implemented it after receiving the order.

The energy channel opened, and as the world changed, the first thing the green lizard craftsmen who returned to this world after a long absence were to quickly take off their overly thick winter coats!

Over there in the Old Continent, it was now the coldest season, and it was even colder on the grasslands. They were really freezing on the way here, and they relied on their thick winter coats to stay alive.

After following the energy channel and arriving at the New World, even though they were mentally prepared, the obvious change in temperature still caught the green lizard craftsmen returning home by surprise.

In the end, I took off my clothes until I was left with only a long-sleeved bottoming piece, and then I breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, it was only then that they finally had the energy to observe the plain in front of them.

Compared with when they left, this place is really different.

Looking around, there are already large fields.

He also knows farming techniques, and the green lizard craftsmen who came from Black Moon Village certainly know what they are doing, but they still attract their attention.

After passing through the plains and the outer rainforest, the green lizard craftsmen who returned to their hometown felt quite good after enduring the initial climate change.

After all, the environment here is the most suitable for them to survive.

Arriving at the lizard people's tribe, this group of returning green lizard craftsmen attracted a large number of lizard people to watch.

Not only because they came back from the old continent, but also because of their clothes. The lizard people in the tropical rain forest usually dress very primitively, basically made of leather and some woven fabrics.

In their opinion, the clothes worn by the green lizard craftsmen were no different from fancy clothes.

During this process, when they saw the green lizard craftsman they were familiar with, the lizard people from the clan came forward to talk to him one after another.

They hadn't seen each other for a long time. After a few words, the atmosphere quickly became heated.

"What are you wearing? Is it weird?"

"What do you know? This sweater I'm wearing is made of wool, it's so valuable!"

Due to the heavy workload during the previous war and the bonuses and rewards, this group of green lizard craftsmen generally had quite generous wallets.

Although this woolen sweater was developed last year and has been put on the market for sale, the price is not cheap, and ordinary people may not be willing to buy it.

Of course, for lizard people, this is probably a necessity for winter.

The green lizard craftsman looked proud when he said this, and then he boasted about his days in Black Moon Village and what he had seen.

Most of the lizard people here have lived in this tropical rainforest all their lives. The most they know about the outside world is the plain outside the rainforest. Where have you heard of this?

These green lizard craftsmen who had returned from working in Black Moon Village were stunned by what they said in just a few words. Later, a large number of lizard people even came to see them every day to listen to them talk about Black Moon. Everyone was fascinated by what happened in the village.

Seeing the ignorant expressions of the tribesmen, these green lizard craftsmen felt quite embarrassed.

But the story must be told eventually. With free time, their attention naturally fell on the life in front of them.

For the green lizard craftsmen who were accustomed to life in Black Moon Village, it felt like they suddenly returned to the village from the city.

They felt fine for the first two days, but after two more days, they quickly began to feel unbearable.

This directly led to them occasionally telling stories to their tribesmen, and as they were telling them, they were always thinking about when they could go back.

They found that except for the climate, they really couldn't adapt to anything.

Happy New Year everyone~

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