Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 577 Establishing a Position

Among the lizardmen, those who can become soldiers are stronger lizardmen. Their physical strength, coupled with thick and warm coats, allows them to hold up to a certain extent.

But if you want to say that the climate and environment here have no impact on their strength at all, that is definitely false.

They knew that the final destination of their trip was not here, and now they just wanted to leave this grassland quickly.

After receiving the military orders, the soldiers naturally did not dare to waste time and hurried on their way every day. When they left the grassland and arrived near Black Moon Village, the climate had slowly eased. It cannot be said that it is not cold anymore, but at least it is not as cold as on the grassland. Extreme.

After a brief rest, the troops continued on their way. After a long journey, they finally arrived at the foot of the barren mountain.

The lizardmen soldiers who crossed the barren mountains and arrived at the barren mountain village were exhausted and out of breath.

However, judging from the results, they felt that they were not unable to adapt.

But only the mountain soldiers who came out of this mountain knew clearly, where are they?

Only after passing this barren mountain village could they truly enter the mountainous area.

The mountains behind are taller than the other. Compared with the mountains in the depths, the barren mountain at the door can only be said to be small.

As far as Tieshan Village, things are pretty good. As we continue deeper, the altitude starts to get higher and higher.

During this period, the season has also quietly entered winter. It is already cold in the mountains in winter, and the increase in altitude makes the environment even worse.

Before arriving at the next village, the lizardman soldiers had already collapsed on the road with vomiting and diarrhea. The velociraptor beneath them was not much better. Not only did they have diarrhea, but they were also foaming at the mouth.

Judging from their appearance, it was obvious that they could not go on their way. The soldiers had no choice but to camp where they were and rest for a few days to see the situation.

As a result, after a few days, not only did the speed dragon cavalry not get better, but they all collapsed. They were all paralyzed there, looking like they were taking in more air than coming out, and the next second they burped. They estimated that It won't be a surprise.

"Squadron, with the way they look now, are they still on their way?"

Just after entering the tent to confirm the situation of the lizard people, the mountain soldier who came out confirmed the instructions with their squadron leader.

Before setting off, their king had temporarily warned him to let them adapt to the lizard people as much as possible.

Of course, if they really can't adapt, just send them back. There's no way to force this kind of thing.

He has also seen the situation of the lizard people recently. They are not acclimated to the climate, have vomiting and diarrhea, and are already very weak. If they continue like this, if they contract any disease again, they may die in this mountain.

It's obviously not good to do this.

Thinking of this, the squadron leader made up his mind.

"You two teams, send them back. I will take the other teams and follow the king's order to rush to the border of the mountains to report the situation to the captain."

In the past two years, Shi Lei had made great achievements in recruiting the population and expanding their territory in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and his military rank had been promoted to captain.

The news here was delivered to Zhou Xu a month later.

Even though he was mentally prepared in advance, this result still made him feel a little melancholy.

But there's nothing you can do about it. It's like a polar bear. If you force it to move to the African savannah, wouldn't that embarrass it?

The same is true for the lizard people who live in tropical rainforests all year round.

He had never tried it before and was not sure. Now that the results came out, Zhou Xu basically gave up the idea.

During the gathering, winter had completely entered. Zhou Xu, who was in the New World Temple, could hardly feel the chill. Zhao Geng, who was also here, was still busy farming at the moment and had no leisure at all.

Thoros also guessed the situation on the southern battlefield, and the Ratmen launched an offensive in early winter.

The rat tide looks pretty cool, but overall, its intensity is nothing compared to last winter.

And their southern border troops are very different from last year.

Facing the overwhelming tide of rats, the lizardmen soldiers were all dressed in razor-sharp armor, maintaining a tight formation, and charged forward with crystal iron spears in hand.

During this period, two cavalrymen protected the left and right wings, and they cooperated with the green lizard infantry covering from the outside. This set of tactics was completely mature in their hands, showing greater power than in the previous battle.

The chaotic rat tide has a large scale, but there is absolutely nothing they can do about it.

After defeating the rat tide five times in a row, the rat men's offensive obviously began to converge.

The morale of the southern troops who had won the battle was high. Under Li Ce's overall command, they did not blindly defend the stronghold defense line. It could even be said that they took the initiative to attack every time.

The last attack was all the way out of the border, and with the help of the cavalry troops, they chased all the way to the outside of the opposite front line stronghold.

This is great, the offense and defense are reversed directly!

Of course, they still need to recuperate within the Great Zhou Dynasty, and at the same time, the southern border does not have enough troops to support them in launching a strong attack.

Li Ce, who knew these two points in his heart, naturally had no intention of letting the large army launch an offensive.

But this does not prevent him from sending cavalry troops to harass the opponent!

The scale of the rat tide of the rat men on the opposite side is large, and their movements can be considered fast, but no matter how fast they are, they can still outrun the cavalry?

As soon as the rat tide came out, their cavalry troops turned around and ran away.

If the opponent dares to pursue them, then lead them to the plain where their large army is located, and use their spears to advance the formation to defeat the enemy.

Skillful use of formations makes their combat effectiveness stronger.

In addition, the rat people really have no plans to launch a strong attack this winter. With the limited troops on hand, Jikumu, who is currently stationed on the border, has nothing to do with the lizard people troops opposite. He is full of anger, but I have nowhere to vent, and my mood has been very bad recently.

In contrast, the lizard soldiers headed by Thoros were in a good mood and were extremely happy.

I have to say that Li Ce's style and temperament are really to his liking when he is not an enemy.

At the same time, it was precisely by taking advantage of this winter's opportunity and relying on his own tactical methods that Li Ce finally convinced the lizard soldiers in the south to completely convince him.

These lizardmen soldiers had listened to him before. On the one hand, it was their king's order, and on the other hand, Thoros and Tash were controlling them. They did not really obey him at all.

But now, having won consecutive battles all the way, looking at the embarrassed appearance of the rat-men on the opposite side, the lizard people who came back to their senses began to unconsciously admire their airborne commander-in-chief.

It wasn't until this moment that Li Ce truly established his position in the southern border!

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