Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 560 Breeding Risks

In this era, including humans, no matter what race, it is not easy to successfully give birth to offspring and let them grow up healthily.

On the contrary, it is the Lizardmen. With the blessing of the ancient building of the 'Sacred Incubation Pool', their hatching probability is greatly increased.

During this period, Zhou Xu also had a bold idea in his mind, that is, could this sacred hatching pool be used by Athlon?

With this thought in mind, Zhou Xu asked the doubts in his heart.

Faced with this problem, the velociraptor breeder was just slightly stunned, but he didn't show too much surprise.

Because they have tried it before and they are not stupid after all.

"Unfortunately, Your Majesty, Velociraptor may not be able to use the sacred hatching pool."

Zhou Xu didn't need to ask any more questions later, as the velociraptor breeder himself had already explained the reason first.

"After the female velociraptor lays her eggs, in addition to looking for food, she basically guards her eggs. During this period, once the eggs are contaminated with other odors, the female velociraptor will most likely not be able to recognize her children. If you abandon the egg, it may treat the egg as food and eat it directly.”

Regarding matters related to his work, the velociraptor breeder showed his clear and organized side.

"For the velociraptor pups that are about to hatch, they need to learn the most basic skills and abilities of being a velociraptor from their mother. We simply can't do this."

"After all, the velociraptor itself is not that smart, and the newly born velociraptor cubs are even less able to understand what we mean. They generally need to stay with their mothers until they are three months old before they can start training."

The velociraptor keeper was talking and gesticulating at the same time.

"In addition, we have also thought about letting the velociraptor follow the eggs to the sacred incubation pool to solve the problem just now, but in this way, other eggs in the sacred incubation pool may be in danger. Other eggs are in their eyes It’s food.”

"As for letting all the female velociraptors that have laid eggs be gathered inside for incubation, this is also not possible, because the female velociraptors during the incubation period will be very sensitive and will become more aggressive. Let them stay together. There will definitely be a fight, so each of our incubation rooms is separated."

Facts have proved that the lizard man in charge of this piece of work has already studied this matter thoroughly. This is a research that has invested time and energy, and is much more comprehensive than Zhou Xu's sudden whim.

After leaving the velociraptor breeding farm, Zhou Xu and Bo Levin walked a few steps and passed through a bush before arriving at another open space.

At this moment, two pterosaurs were resting in the open space, and the keepers on the side were feeding them.

Obviously, there is more than one breeding farm in this area, and it is not just velociraptors that are raised.

Looking at the pterosaur that landed there, Zhou Xu's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is a very rare flying unit at this stage.

When the pterosaur keeper saw Zhou Xu approaching, he hurriedly stepped forward to salute. After Zhou Xu asked him to excuse himself, he directly asked about business.

"How many pterosaurs do we have here today?"

"Returning to the king, counting the six left on the battlefield in the south, there are eight in total at the moment."

It is not difficult to see from this number that the number of pterosaurs among the lizardmen today is really rare.

Under this premise, because the southern border needs to use the aerial vision of the pterosaurs to keep an eye on the rat men's every move to prevent sneak attacks from the opposite side, the few pterosaur riders of the lizard men are basically concentrated on the south. Over at the border, there is a shift-style air patrol.

"Then who are these two?"

"Your Majesty, these two are the only two female pterosaurs among the eight pterosaurs. They are both carrying eggs in their bellies right now."

When Zhou Xu heard the news, he didn't know whether to be happy or worried for a moment.

They were delighted that the pterosaur was about to lay eggs. As long as the eggs could be successfully laid and hatched, they would be able to get a new pterosaur.

What is worrying is that there are only two female pterosaurs, which means that it is difficult for the number of pterosaurs to grow rapidly at this stage.

"How many eggs can this pterosaur lay in one litter? How many eggs can it lay in a year?"

"Your Majesty, a pterosaur usually lays one or two eggs per litter. Most of the time, it's just one. It's very rare for two eggs to be laid. After giving birth to one litter, they have to rest for at least a year, and then they can lay eggs the next year. regeneration."

Speaking of this, the pterosaur keeper's voice paused.

"It takes about ninety days for a pterosaur egg to hatch after it lands on the ground. I estimate that the egg will be ready in the next few days."

Although Zhou Xu didn't ask these questions just now, the pterosaur breeder guessed that their king must also want to know, so he talked about them all.

Listening to the information provided by the pterosaur breeder, Zhou Xu nodded slightly and sorted out his thoughts in his mind.

The hatching of pterosaur eggs is undoubtedly accompanied by risks, and there is a possibility of premature death.

After all, velociraptors lay a lot of eggs. After a litter, one and two eggs can grow up smoothly.

But the pterosaurs themselves have few eggs, and if they are unlucky, they will be wiped out. This is undoubtedly the main reason why the number of pterosaurs has been difficult to increase.

In order to avoid damage as much as possible when there are only a few pterosaurs on hand, under normal circumstances, the tasks assigned to the pterosaur riders are usually aerial reconnaissance and communication, which will not allow them to easily take risks. .

In this way, the accidental loss of the pterosaur earlier made Bollev very angry.

What was even more embarrassing later was that after the pterosaur was converted into a skeleton beast soldier, it completely lost its ability to fly and became a severely disabled "free-range chicken" with no combat effectiveness or strategic value at all.

After that, Zhou Xu asked a few more concerning questions, including of course whether pterosaur eggs could use the sacred incubation pool.

The result is that pterosaurs also have the same problems that velociraptors have. This is largely the nature of this type of creature and cannot be avoided at all.

Maintaining this melancholy mood, Zhou Xu came to the next area.

Before he even got close, the huge figure of the armored dragon came into Zhou Xu's eyes.

At this moment, there was only one armored dragon lying there resting, which was the one that Bolevin rode back as a mount.

Calling the keeper, Zhou Xu first asked them about the number of armored dragons inside as usual.

There are more armored dragons than pterosaurs. Counting the southern battlefield, there are now nine in total.

Before the Battle of the Plains, the number was even greater.

After all, in that battle, four of the lizardmen's armored dragons were killed by them with enchanted crossbow arrows...

And here, it is worth mentioning that despite the fact that this armored dragon is huge and mighty, in fact, according to Zhou Xu’s introduction to the armored dragon’s unit project, he was very surprised to find that this armored dragon did not exist at all in the old civilization. They are not war units of dragons and lizardmen.

Because in the old civilization period, the dragons and lizardmen at that time felt that the armored dragon moved too slowly, and its aggressiveness was also limited. It was not good enough as a war unit, but it would slow down the offensive rhythm of the troops.

Therefore, like the monitor lizard, it is a functional unit that prefers logistical support.

The function of the shield dragon is to produce a resource called ‘shield armor’.

The carapace on their bodies will age and fall off every once in a while, and the shed carapace will be made into shields and armor for use.

Not to mention anything else, the shields in the hands of the Blue Lizard Shield Soldiers were made from the carapace of the armored dragon that fell off due to aging.

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