Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 559 Questioning

Looking at Zhou Xu, who was sitting above without saying a word, Bo Levin, who was kneeling below, felt worried and annoyed at the same time.

I originally thought that after squeezing out Thoros, a rebellious minister and traitor, I must perform well next to their king and regain their king's favor.

Who would have thought that as soon as they came up, their king would ask a question casually, and he would answer.

At this moment, Bo Levin was already covered in cold sweat, and he didn't even know what to do.

At this moment, Zhou Xu’s voice sounded...

"In short, two thousand troops will be left to garrison at the border camp in the south. Let the other soldiers return to their original posts."

The most important thing at the moment is to restore productivity, run the internal system at high speed, mine more resources, and achieve better development.

Regarding Zhou Xu's arrangement, Bo Levin, who was kneeling below, nodded in agreement. The main thing was that their king would do whatever he said.

This also made Zhou Xu sigh with emotion...

[This is the good thing about this belief system. Everyone is a loyal believer, so there is no need to worry about loyalty. 】

If it were another force, if he was lucky and suddenly annexed nearly 7,000 people, then their human status within the Great Zhou would probably not be guaranteed and they would be replaced in minutes.

But the lizard people are different. He has the rank of 'Dragon Lord'. To the lizard people, his existence is no different from their creator. Surrendering to him is a genetic instinct. Once you betray, you will lose all power. Blessing.

This made Zhou Xu, who understood this, feel basically at ease with these lizard people.

At least for now, there is no need to worry about their loyalty.

"Come on, follow me to visit various facilities and several surrounding residential areas."

There is more than one place where the lizard people live. After all, the lizard people have a large population. Just such a place of residence can definitely accommodate their large population.

At the same time, this rainforest area occupies a vast area. If the population is concentrated here in the temple, it will not be conducive to their control of this rainforest, and the efficiency of obtaining resources in the area will also be poor.

Upon hearing this, Bo Levin quickly followed.

On this day, I still walked around the area of ​​​​the lizard people with the temple as the center.

Compared with the previous time, Zhou Xu's mentality and situation were different now, and the thoughts in his mind were naturally different.

First of all, the buildings made of stone bricks surrounding the temple are clearly handed down from the old civilization.

They really can't build a building like this at this stage, and they can't solve the most fundamental problem of building materials.

There wasn't much of a problem with the entire layout, so Zhou Xu planned to leave this building area untouched for now.

Of course, this is not to say that these housing structures are definitely better than their larger counterparts.

Although they are inferior in terms of construction materials, their houses in Dazhou use a mortise and tenon structure to build the frame, which is even better in terms of sophistication.

It can only be said that both buildings have their own merits.

After briefly strolling around the buildings here, they walked towards the surrounding area of ​​the clan.

The core building complex is actually a residential area, there is nothing interesting to see, the surrounding functional facilities are the focus.

The first place they came to was the place where velociraptors were tamed.

When I came here before, there was nothing here. When Bolevin and the others evacuated, they took all the velociraptors away.

But things are different now. Although most of the velociraptors are still at the garrison camp in the south, there are twenty or thirty of them tied up in the sheds here.

Zhou Xu and the others had just arrived when they saw a green lizard keeper walking out of a nearby room with sweat all over his face.

When he came here before, Zhou Xu was very curious about these individually separated row houses. Now that he saw them, he naturally wanted to ask.

"What is this room for?"

The green lizard keeper was obviously very tired and didn't notice their presence at all when he walked out.

Now when he heard the sound, he looked up and saw Zhou Xu standing there. He was startled and immediately knelt on the ground with a 'pop'.

"See, see, your Majesty!"

Because he was so nervous, he stuttered and bit his tongue, which was so painful that he burst into tears.

Zhou Xu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he saw it, and tried not to laugh out loud.

"Don't be nervous, I was just passing by and was a little curious."

While Zhou Xu was speaking, Bo Levin, who was following him, also urged him.

"The king is asking you something, why don't you answer it quickly?!"

Only then did the green lizard breeder notice the existence of their high priest.

With their king standing beside him, the green lizard keeper found that the high priest really had no sense of existence at all.

After calming down a little, he quickly and carefully answered the questions.

"Reporting back to your Majesty, this room is used for velociraptors to lay eggs and hatch them. The younger one was helping lay eggs just now."

[That’s it, the incubator. 】

The thought flashed through Zhou Xu's mind, and Zhou Xu was also aroused.

"Can I have a look?"

"Yes, of course."

Facing Zhou Xu, how could the green lizard keeper dare to say 'no'.

He quickly took Zhou Xu to the outside of the incubator house, and then opened the wooden door.

Following the open wooden door, Zhou Xu saw at a glance the velociraptor nesting in the straw. He could vaguely see four or five eggs under the velociraptor.

His arrival made the Velociraptor inside become obviously nervous, and even a little anxious. A pair of eyes stared at him, full of vigilance!

"Your Majesty, this velociraptor has just laid an egg. It is very sensitive and will become more aggressive. It is best not to approach it easily."

The green lizard keeper who said this was acting very cautiously, for fear of causing the displeasure of their king.

In response, Zhou Xu just nodded to express his understanding, then turned around and walked a few steps away.

The green lizard keeper was greatly relieved when he saw this, quickly closed the door, and then followed.

"Let me ask you, how many babies can this velociraptor have in a year? How many eggs can it lay in one litter, and how long does it take to hatch? After hatching, how long does it take before it can be used as a riding unit?"

Although the green lizard keeper was nervous, he answered the question fluently from his professional counterpart.

"Reporting to your Majesty, Velociraptors have one litter a year. Generally, one litter can lay two to five eggs. It takes about 180 days to hatch. If you want to use it as a mount, it will take at least one year."

Having said this, the green lizard keeper seemed to have thought of something again, and quickly added another sentence.

"However, not every egg can be hatched smoothly. Due to the long incubation cycle, accidents are easy to occur in the process. It is considered good if half of the eggs in a nest hatch."

"As long as it can be hatched, the biggest difficulty will be over, but that doesn't mean there is no risk of premature death."


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