Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 550 Support Arrives

This wave of rest of the claws undoubtedly proved the success of Bolevin's strategy.

At this time, after seeing the Zhou Chongshan cavalry, the claws thought that they already knew the opponent's trump card, and subconsciously thought that Bo Laiwen was delaying time just to wait for this support army.

Now that the other party has appeared, he knows it well, so there is nothing to be afraid of, and he can naturally relax and rest.

As everyone knows, he has just rested for a day, and the support troops headed by Drogo on the other side rushed to the lizardman camp day and night.

Knowing the importance of this support to him, Bolevin did not put on any airs and went directly to greet him outside the camp in person.

Although Bolevin has stepped up patrols in the outer area to prevent the rat scouts from easily detecting their movements, it is difficult to prevent them 100%.

With this mentality, everyone did not waste too much time outside the camp. After simply confirming their identities and completing the reception, they hurried into the camp.

Looking at the centaurs arriving, Bolevin was not very familiar with Drogo and the others, but Diak and them could be considered old neighbors.

However, judging from the performance of the centaurs after entering the camp, the leader of this group of centaurs was not Diak, but the centaur he was not familiar with...

Just when he was thinking this, Drogo, after entering the camp, took the first step and punched Bolevin.

"Zhuo Ge, the second lieutenant of the Great Zhou Cavalry, came to support us on the order of the king."

While speaking, Drogo waved his hand, and the human soldier responsible for driving the carriage immediately understood and lifted the thick cloth covering the carriage.

In an instant, cartloads of weapons and armor suddenly appeared in front of Boleven's eyes.

Looking at these weapons and equipment, Bolevin's expression was stunned, and his entire mood was quickly replaced by a wave of ecstasy.

As early as when he fought with Da Zhou's troops, he had already realized that the opponent's equipment was sophisticated. If their lizard soldiers could get Da Zhou's equipment to help them fight, their strength would definitely reach a higher level.

During this period, one of his subordinates was obviously bigger than an ordinary blue lizard. At the same time, the blue-scaled lizard man with two horns could not wait to pick up a sword and draw it out.

At that moment, the edge of the blade when exposed to natural light surprised the lizard man.

"What a powerful weapon!"

Compared to the lizard man, Bollevin is obviously more knowledgeable.

After glancing at the sword from a distance, his expression suddenly changed.

"Is this, is this an enchanted weapon?"

Hearing this, Drogo raised his chin proudly.

"It's the enchanted weapon!"

After getting this answer, the lizard soldiers who gathered around the camp were in an uproar.

It is true that they do not have the eyesight to identify enchanted weapons, but they have heard of "enchanted weapons" from the legends circulated within the clan.

That was something that only existed during the old civilization. With the destruction of the old civilization, a large number of enchanted weapons also disappeared with the war that shattered the world and fell the gods.

None of the lizard people thought that one day they would see enchanted weapons.

Seeing the lizard people making such a fuss, Drogo couldn't help but feel even more proud.

"It's all of these."

"All, all of them?!"

After hearing the news, even Bo Levin was dumbfounded, not to mention the lizard people around him.

"Are you dumbfounded? Have you never seen it before? Our Dazhou is so awesome."

Even though he had just joined, he was jumping up and down with joy just two days ago because he had obtained the same weapons and equipment.

But when Joseph opened his mouth, he already acted like an "old comrade from the Zhou Dynasty".

At the same time, in daily conversations, the words I learned from the soldiers of Dazhou were also used smoothly, as if I completely and sincerely regarded myself as a member of Dazhou, and integrated quite easily.

At this moment, just like Drogo, he raised his chin rather shyly.

This kind of adaptability made Diak inexplicably admire him.

But no matter what, at this moment, the ignorant look of the lizard soldiers around them, coupled with the shock in the eyes looking at them, made all the centaurs including Diack You guys, I feel really happy.

[Is this what it feels like to be a citizen of the Great Zhou Dynasty? 】

At this moment, their pride as citizens of the Great Zhou arose spontaneously, which invisibly deepened the centaurs' sense of belonging to the Great Zhou.

After the atmosphere was almost brewing, Drogo coughed twice, and while signaling all parties present to silence their voices, he slowly spoke...

"These weapons are all rewarded by the king. I hope you can use them well to resist the invasion of the rat army. However, the quantity of this batch of weapons and equipment is relatively limited, and it is not guaranteed that everyone can receive it."

Having said this, Drogo turned his head and glanced at Bolevin.

Bo Levin suddenly understood.

"Then let the elite main force collect it first."

While talking, Bolevin pulled the burly lizard man and introduced him to Drogo and the others.

"Let me introduce, this is Tash, the general in our army."

Bolevin naturally had his own ideas when introducing Tash at this time.

Whether it is Drogo and Diack who have just arrived, or Zhou Chongshan who has arrived before, those who come from Dazhou are all powerful generals. This battle is not small.

Although they have now surrendered to Da Zhou, Bo Levin did not intend to be suppressed just like that.

So he quickly revealed the only capable general under his command.

Relatively speaking, Tash didn't have that many thoughts. When Bolevin called his name, he was even obsessed with the crystal iron sword in his hand, showing that he couldn't put it down.

It wasn't until the other party called him again that he came back to his senses and said hello to Drogo and the others.

After that, everyone didn't hesitate, and they didn't know when the rat army would attack. The most important thing right now was to quickly distribute weapons and equipment.

Under everyone's arrangement, the elite main force of the lizardmen began to line up to receive it.

During this period, the Zhou cavalry led by Zhou Chongshan must have been reserved for them in advance.

Many of this Zhou cavalry were former rattan armor soldiers. However, after many consecutive battles, apart from the normal battle wear and tear, I don’t know if it was because of the humid climate in the rainforest. Many of them were The vines have already begun to grow moldy.

In response to this situation, Zhou Xu, who received the report, was very straightforward and directly eliminated the Tengjia and replaced all of them with scale armor.

At the same time, the set of armor that had been promised to Zhou Chongshan was finally completed and sent over with the supply troops.

As soon as Zhou Chongshan put on the officer's armor and appeared, he attracted everyone's attention in the camp.

Especially Tash. One moment, he was in a happy mood because he had put on scale armor and enchanted weapons. However, the next moment, after seeing Zhou Chongshan's body, he felt that the scale armor on his body suddenly no longer smelled good.

Even Drogo couldn't help but mutter.

"I must make a good contribution this time, and ask the king to give me such a majestic set later!"

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