Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 549: Old and cunning

"Break out with me!"

Amidst the roar, Zhou Chongshan exerted all his strength, trying to turn the tide with his own strength and lead his soldiers to break out of the encirclement.

But in the face of this huge rat tide, no matter how strong his own power was, it was limited. He felt that the rat men around him seemed to be endless, constantly rushing towards him.

At the critical moment, the speed dragon cavalry who had been struggling with a wave of rats came back and rushed in to open a gap for the Zhou Chongshan cavalry led by Zhou Chongshan.

The opportunity to escape the predicament was before him, how could Zhou Chongshan let it go?

With a roar, after stabbing another rat slave soldier to death, he seized the opportunity and quickly led his team to rush out of the gap.

The Great Zhou Cavalry, which successfully merged with the Velociraptor Cavalry on the battlefield, finally got a chance to breathe.

After that, they were in poor condition and had no intention of fighting at all. They just relied on the speed of the cavalry and drove away.

Watching their departing figures, Lizhao's face became uncertain for a while.

Because he knew in his heart that these two cavalry units would 100% come back to fight again.

The Zhou cavalry faced the siege of the rat tide before, and although their condition continued to decline, it was actually only temporary exhaustion. As long as they were given a chance to breathe and slow down for a while, they would soon be able to recover.

Of course, putting this issue aside, Talon is more concerned about where this human cavalry force came from.

"Speaking of which, is this the lizard man's trump card?"

For a moment, Li Zhao was a little unsure.

During this period, he turned back to look at the main battlefield where the offensive was still being launched.

According to past experience, it would be difficult to make progress there in a short period of time. Under this premise, there was another human cavalry of unknown origin on the flank battlefield. The questions in his head also made him a little confused. terribly upset.

"Give me the order to retreat temporarily!"

The sound of the horn to withdraw troops quickly spread, and the rat tide that received the signal dispersed like a tidal wave.

Seeing the rat tide recede, Bolevin, who was in the camp, breathed a sigh of relief.

The nature of the rat people is to be cunning and suspicious. The appearance of the Great Zhou Cavalry will inevitably make the opponent suspicious. If the opponent has doubts in their hearts, they will be wary of their actions. This is the first goal that Bolevin wants to achieve.

As for the second purpose...

Following his instructions, the Velociraptor Cavalry stepped forward many times to lure the enemy. His purpose was to lure the opposite Ratman commander into taking the bait and make the opposite Ratman commander think that he had some back-up plan.

The purpose of doing this is because my previous intention of delaying time is very obvious, and the other party has most likely seen it, in order to cover this move.

Under this premise, if the other party didn't see through his move and foolishly took the bait, then Bollevin wouldn't mind doing the fake thing and directly let the Zhou cavalry charge into the position of the rat men's regular army.

The main force of the rat army is the rat tide composed of the lowest level rat slave soldiers.

Under this premise, although the combat power of each soldier of the rat men's regular army is much stronger than that of the slave soldiers, the scale is far from comparable to that of the rat tide.

If they fight together with the rat tide, the threat is quite great. On the contrary, if they are taken out alone, to some extent, they are actually easier to deal with than the rat tide.

Otherwise, after their speed dragon cavalry seized the opportunity, they would not have been able to defeat the regular rat army on the opposite side so easily, forcing the rat army to retreat.

On the other hand, as he expected, the opponent saw his intention to lure the enemy and did not take the bait. Then they pretended that the lure failed because the battle pressure was too great and their trump card was forced to be revealed.

In other words, the moment the Great Zhou Cavalry appeared, most of Bolevin's plan was completed.

Of course, as an important 'trump card', they must show matching combat effectiveness and cannot be too stretched, otherwise the ratmen on the opposite side will not be so easy to deceive.

Regarding this point, Bo Levin, who has seen the combat effectiveness of the Great Zhou Cavalry with his own eyes, is tentatively aware of this, and the performance of the Great Zhou Cavalry has undoubtedly met his expectations, and can even be said to be better than he expected. Even better.

In this way, among the rat men, the invisible presence of the Great Zhou Cavalry was already equated with the lizard men's trump card.

But everyone knows that their trump card in this wave is not the Zhou cavalry headed by Zhou Zhongshan, but the Centaur troops that are coming here!

Under this premise, if everything goes well, the ratmen who already know what their lizardmen's trump cards are will naturally not worry about the trump cards anymore, so that the Centaur troops who arrive later can get more opportunities!

After all, he is an old lizard who has lived for so many years. The words "old and cunning" are quite appropriate when applied to Bo Levin.

At the same time, the sharp claws that were invisibly grasped by Bollevin were undoubtedly struggling with the origin of the Zhou cavalry.

"What's going on? Why is there a human cavalry getting involved with the lizard people? Where did they come from?"

Looking at the agitated Talon, who kept his eyebrows down and his gaze down throughout the whole process, Jicumu slowly spoke out...

"Clan Chief, the Centaur clan suddenly appeared on the battlefield here and kept sending out news, saying that the other border of the lizard people was being invaded by other forces."

Of course Talon knew this news. It was precisely because they knew this news that they launched an offensive so eagerly in order to seize this opportunity and destroy the lizard people.

"If that human cavalry comes from the invading force on the other side, then logically speaking, they should be hostile. Why did they get involved together? That human cavalry is obviously helping those stinky lizards!"

At this point, Talon's voice paused.

"Could it be that their initial invasion was all fake?"

Listening to Talon's question, Jicumu carefully thought about what happened before, and then shook his head.

"It's unlikely. The lizard people were indeed affected at that time, and they suffered a lot of casualties as a result. It's not like they were just pretending."

"Then what's going on now?!"

"Chief, do you think it's possible that the battle over there is over?"

Hearing these words, Talon's expression was slightly startled.

"The intruders on the opposite side were wiped out by those stinky lizards? Were those humans captured by those stinky lizards to use as combat forces?"

From the beginning, Talon never thought about the possibility that the lizard people were wiped out.

After all, the two clans have been fighting for so many years, and he also knows the strength of the lizard people.

If the Lizardmen can be wiped out so easily, then what have they been doing for so many years?

It has to be said that Jicumu's thinking at this time is basically the same as that of Talon.

In the battle over there, none of them thought that the loser would be the lizard man.

After confirming this, Talon frowned and became entangled.

As mentioned before, they launched the offensive so eagerly because they knew that the lizard people were being attacked from both sides.

But now the situation seems to have changed, and many of their rat slave soldiers have died, and the food pressure has also reduced in disguise. Is it necessary to continue the attack in the short term?

Just when the claws were so entangled, Jikumu's voice sounded again...

"Patriarch, according to my opinion, the stinking lizards must be attrition at this stage. This may be an opportunity. We might as well adjust the situation first, and then test it out. If it doesn't work, we will retreat."

It has to be said that Jicumu's proposal touched his heart.

"Okay, I'll do as you say! Pass the order and let the whole army rest!"

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