Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 535 Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Wang

Compared with the short spears used by the green lizard infantry, the spar war spears they made here are longer.

The green lizard infantry mainly fought in the rainforest environment and could not use long-handled weapons, so they had short spears. However, on the southern battlefield, Zhou Xu had confirmed in advance that there was open terrain there. , even the cavalry has enough room to perform, so there is no situation where the war spear cannot be used.

Under this premise, the value of the war spear must be greater than the short spear originally used by the green lizard infantry.

Grabbing a war spear, Zhou Xu made a simple gesture and showed a satisfied look.

Now that the smelting ratio of crystal iron has been accurately determined, it is not difficult for them to forge various weapons, and many molds are even ready-made.

At the same time, during this period of time, Zhou Xu also had a deeper understanding of the performance of crystal iron weapons.

First compare the crystal iron sword with the ordinary iron sword. Without enchantment, the toughness and durability of the crystal iron sword are worse than the ordinary iron sword, but it is sharper.

Once the enchantment effect is added, the crystal iron sword will surpass ordinary iron swords in terms of toughness and durability, and will completely crush it in terms of overall performance.

But once compared with the silver steel swords of the elven knights, the crystal iron sword pales in comparison.

The only thing that can compare with the silver steel sword is probably its sharpness, but in other aspects it is outclassed by the silver steel sword.

In the final analysis, forging technology may also have an impact, but material issues definitely account for most of the reasons.

Zhou Xu had already known this and was not disappointed.

Without disturbing their work, Zhou Xudu left the forging department and walked to the grinding department. However, he was not here to inspect the work of the grinding department, but to go next door to the grinding department.

I saw that there was a medium-sized workshop next to the polishing department. Zhou Xu walked over and knocked on the door.


Hearing the sound, Zhou Xu pushed the door open and saw Wang Dong picking up a crystal iron knife out of boredom.

[Elementary weapon blessing. 】

Then he threw the blessed crystal iron sword to the side, then picked up the next one, and so on...

During this process, when Wang Dong saw Zhou Xu coming in, he just rolled his eyelids and said weakly.

"It's inconvenient for me, so please help yourself, Your Majesty."

From these words, Zhou Xu could hear some resentment, and then rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

In fact, it’s not Wang Dong’s fault. It was originally agreed that he would be responsible for education. What’s going on now? He seemed to have become an enchanted tool man, being brought to the front line and then to the rear.

Although Zhou Xu had given him many rewards and respected him very much, Wang Dongzhi was not here, which made him feel empty and resentful recently.

Looking at the entire Zhou Dynasty now, Teacher Wang is the only one who dares to have this attitude towards Zhou Xu.

After all, people are indifferent to life and death in the true sense, and will do whatever they don't accept.

Seeing Wang Dong's behavior, Zhou Xu coughed twice.

"Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Wang. I'm already making arrangements for education."

"Your Majesty, you said the same thing last time."


Isn't this embarrassing?

"It's really happening this time. Our big week is getting bigger and bigger. If we want to manage it well, we need more talents who can read and write."

After hearing this, Wang Dong finally gained some strength, but still had no intention of answering.

Zhou Xu was not surprised by this and continued to talk to himself...

"At the same time, according to the latest report, we have a lot of children born this year. Although it will take a few years to provide enlightenment education for these children, it is too late to start fussing about this matter by then. Yes, I will definitely find a school for you before then!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Wang Dong's face suddenly looked much better.

"I would like to thank you, your Majesty."

In fact, Wang Dong also knew in his heart that Zhou Xu was a very organized person. At the same time, it was not difficult to see from the fact that he had considered preparing enlightenment education for newborns that he also attached great importance to education.

This piece of work has been delayed again and again. He really just has no choice. The conditions don't allow it.

Now that the arrangements have been made, there is a high probability that the matter will be completed within the next two years.

Looking at Wang Dong whose expression softened, Zhou Xu thought for a moment and spoke.

"Teacher Wang, when the energy channel opens next time, I have to rush to the front line again."


After hearing this, Wang Dong was silent for a while.

"Wei Chen is going too?"

"Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Wang."

In response, Wang Dong just rolled his eyes helplessly.

"The king is already at the front line, so how can a humble minister dare to complain?"

What Wang Dong said at this time was his sincerity.

He found that Zhou Xu had a characteristic, that is, he always did things to the point where people had nothing to say.

"However, I still have to remind the king that as a monarch, the most important thing is to sit in the center and consolidate the Zhou Dynasty. This matter of marching and fighting should be left to the generals. How can a monarch go to the front line every day? ? How can this make the Zhou Dynasty stable? How can development be maintained? "

Regarding Wang Dong's words, Zhou Xu had already experienced it personally through the previous expedition. After he went to the front line, it indeed had a huge impact on the internal development of the Zhou Dynasty.

But where the situation is now, what can he do?

He initially asked Li Ce to lead the troops to fight, but he couldn't defeat him.

Wang Dong was obviously aware of Zhou Xu's helplessness, so he just gave a reminder to prevent Zhou Xu from being too keen on the imperial conquest and instead forgetting about the development of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

However, what he didn't know was that Zhou Xu was actually exactly the opposite of what he thought.

He was not enthusiastic at all about matters such as personal conquests.

His mentality has always been, 'If I have to do everything myself, then why do I, the king, support a bunch of subordinates like you? ’

This time, he really had no other choice but to fight in person, and that's why it became like this.

After briefly telling Wang Dong about this matter, Zhou Xu didn't stay any longer. The workload of enchanting was still very heavy recently, so he stopped disturbing Wang Dong's work.

After a round of inspection, Zhou Xu returned to his office, assessed his condition, opened the 'Dragon Lord' class panel, and upgraded the 'Lizard Man Endurance Enhancement' item to level two.

Afterwards, due to the consumption of the power of the mantra, I took a few days to rest and get enough rest.

On the seventh day, he set off directly from Black Moon Village to Prairie Village.

Before leaving for the expedition, he also planned to visit the grassland village and contact the Centaur clan.

If we do this carefully, it would be embarrassing if something happens in the middle and we fall behind on time.

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