Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 534 Shrouded by Divine Grace

During this period, the southern border of the lizard people...

Just as Li Ce expected, the cavalry led by Zhou Chongshan successfully arrived at the southern battlefield.

Accompanying them were some of the lizardmen troops who had stayed in the tribe. With them leading the way, they could naturally avoid a lot of trouble.

After receiving the news, Bo Laiwen personally welcomed the troops led by Zhou Chongshan into their border camp.

This is not only because of Zhou Chongshan's identity, but also because he has seen the strength of this cavalry unit.

Considering the situation on the border, although the arrival of this force is not enough for them to directly reverse the situation, it can somewhat increase their hope of survival.

In this way, a period of time passed quietly.

Although the lizard people have accepted the fact that they once lost the blessing of their gods because of Thoros's stupidity, and now they have finally recovered the reality, they still cannot change the panic caused by their weakness.

After following the instructions conveyed by their high priest and surrendering to the Great Zhou Dynasty, they did receive some blessings again, but that blessing was too weak.

At this level of strength, there was no way they could compete with those rat men.

Although the lizard people believe in their creator, it does not mean that they can completely ignore the reality in front of them.

Especially when this reality will directly threaten their life safety.

Faced with such a situation, even Bo Levin could not do anything.

Who told their power to be closely related to the existence of the Creator?

In the past, he could still use some powerful means to boost his own morale while attacking the rat army, but now, he has no means at all.

Just when Bo Levin was melancholy, a force suddenly came from the void and fell on him.

At that moment, Bo Levin clearly felt something, and his entire expression quickly became pious.

That power was like a gift, cleansing his body and invisibly improving his physical quality. The improvement was far greater than before!

"My Lord bless you!"

When Bollevin realized what had happened, he immediately shouted excitedly.

After bathing and blessing him, he ran out of the tent with an excited look on his face.

At this moment, there was no need for him to say anything. The lizard people scattered throughout the camp were all as pious as him at this moment.

"It's my lord, oh no! It's the king who felt our sincerity of repentance, and then gave us more power! With the king's divine grace shrouding us, what do the mere rat-men have to fear?!"

Hearing this, the pious lizard people immediately started to worship him. Invisibly, the atmosphere of panic that permeated the camp dissipated a lot.

Zhou Xu, who was in the Great Zhou Dynasty at the time, obviously didn't know that an upgrade operation he casually carried out had such an effect by mistake. After receiving the report from Wang Dachui of the Forging Department, he He immediately rushed over to inspect the crystal iron weapon that had just been cast.

When the news here is delivered to him, it will happen later.

Looking at the report written by Li Ce in his hand, Zhou Xu couldn't help but look sad.

Judging from this situation, it was really him who trapped the large lizard-man army, and he did so miserably.

However, given the situation at the time, he never imagined that he would contribute to such a situation as soon as he entered the barrier.

Not to mention that the lizard man's surrender was only after that. Before that, he and the lizard man were completely hostile. Even if the lizard man's large army was tricked to death by him, he wouldn't have much idea.

But now that the lizardmen have surrendered and become his subordinates, the disastrous defeat of the lizardmen army is obviously not a good thing.

It's not an emotional issue.

The lizard people had just surrendered. What feelings could he have towards the lizard people?

Being able to treat them equally means that he is tolerant enough.

Regarding the disastrous defeat of the Lizardmen army, he was more worried about the heavy casualties suffered by the garrison troops on the southern border, who would not be able to stop the Ratmen army and allow the Ratmen to attack.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel even more melancholy.

I originally wanted to stay with Da Zhou for another month, but now it seems there is no chance.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu immediately ordered...

"Pass the order, I will lead the team to the front line when the next energy channel is opened."


After giving the order, the attendant hurriedly delivered the order.

Although the energy channel has just been opened, and there are still eleven or two days until the next opening, when their king goes on an expedition, many things must be prepared in advance.

In addition, considering the instability of the opening time of the energy channel, their king often has to go to the garrison camp at the edge of the world on the tenth day to guard.

Following this line of thinking, they would have to start from Black Moon Village on the ninth or even eighth day, so the time left for them was actually not that generous.

With his order, many people and departments under him had to get busy, but Zhou Xu himself still maintained his attitude of doing whatever he should do.

The last document in front of me was about hard labor.

Since Shi Lei has been recruiting primitive tribes in the mountains, there are still a lot of hard labor in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Under this premise, according to an arrangement Zhou Xu himself made early on, that is, when the hard laborers have served honestly for a certain period of time, adhered to their duties, worked actively, and did not make any mistakes during this period, they You will get the opportunity to take the recruitment test.

As long as they successfully pass the test and enlist in the army, they can then offset their prison terms by establishing military merit, thus gaining their status as a formal citizen of the Great Zhou Dynasty more quickly.

It's the same this time. Now there is another group of hard laborers who have met the basic requirements and can accept the conscription test.

Considering the current situation, it was certainly impossible for Zhou Xu to disagree and directly approve it with a stroke of his pen.

The work came to an end for the time being, and Zhou Xu got up and went to inspect the situation of various departments.

In the forging department, the craftsmen headed by Wang Dachui have been working in a hurry since the crystal iron weapon was successfully developed.

The purpose is to forge the most crystal iron weapons in the shortest time.

During this period, the presence of lizard craftsmen played a decisive role. They took over all the polishing work, which greatly increased the work efficiency of the forging department.

So far, the number of crystal iron knives that have been forged has reached one thousand! In addition, there are two thousand crystal iron war spears!

The war spear was cast with the green lizard infantry of the lizard people in mind who were good at using short spears.

Compared with the blue lizard sword and shield soldiers, there are more green lizard infantry. He naturally has to take care of the weapons of this soldier.

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