Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 531 Crystal Iron

Listening to the report from the attendant outside, Zhou Xu's eyes suddenly lit up.

At that moment, the sudden excitement made the fatigue that had surged up due to the massive consumption of the power of the mantra dissipate a little bit.

During this period of time, the Forging Department has already successfully smelted sharp crystals and iron.

This step actually doesn't take much time. What really takes time is the ingredient ratio.

A long time ago, the forging department had already forged multiple samples.

Just as Zhou Xu guessed, the sharp crystal content is high. After polishing and opening, the edge will be sharp, but it will become more brittle than before, completely losing the toughness of the previous iron weapons.

On the other hand, if only a small amount is mixed in to ensure the toughness of iron weapons to the greatest extent, they will hardly feel the improvement in sharpness.

In this way, they conducted a lot of tests in order to find the best ratio.

During the continuous comparison process, the number of test samples was gradually reduced. When there were only three samples left, Zhou Xu also came over to confirm.

In fact, at this point, the difference between the three samples is already very small.

There is not much difference in sharpness or toughness between them. There is no one that is the best. I can only choose according to your own needs.

Zhou Xu finally chose the one with the highest toughness among the three samples.

Because this weapon is to be put into mass production for military use. The most important performance aspect of a standard military weapon is stability and durability.

A sword that breaks after a few cuts is not suitable for the army no matter how sharp it is.

After the selection, Zhou Xu asked Wang Dachui to make the final optimization, which is now the official sample.

He arrived at the forging department as quickly as possible. Wang Dachui had already been waiting there because he knew that their king would definitely come.

"Stop talking nonsense, where is the knife?"

After interrupting Wang Dachui's salute, Zhou Xu searched excitedly, and finally his eyes fell on the finished product placed next to him.

Zhou Xu directly picked it up, and the hand holding the handle of the knife was slightly hard. In an instant, a sharp edge was revealed under the cold winter sun.

Even if he only looked at it with his eyes, he could feel that this sword exuded a sharpness that was different from ordinary weapons!

Due to the incorporation of sharp crystals, the texture of the metal has also changed.

Pulling out a whole knife, Zhou Xu held the knife in front of his eyes and carefully looked at the metal that made the blade. He could see patterns on it that were like tiny crystals.

These crystals are not unground sharp crystals. Under the processing of the stone mill, the sharp crystals are completely ground into powder, and before use, they are screened again to ensure that there are no impurities mixed in.

At this time, according to Zhou Xu's idea, these patterns that resemble fine crystals should be a manifestation of some reactions produced by sharp crystals at high temperatures.

Neither sharpness nor durability need to be tested.

Now there is only one thing left that needs his confirmation.

[Basic weapon blessing! 】

With the injection of the power of the mantra, the mantra characters carved on the blade seemed to come alive. A stream of light flowed in the grooves of each character, and finally completely activated the mantra carved on it.

In an instant, there was a gentle buzzing sound from the blade. After being carefully polished, the blade with a hint of spar texture showed an even sharper edge than before!

At this moment, Zhou Xu's joy was beyond words.

Although it still needs to be tested to see if the enchanting effect can form an effective cycle before a final conclusion can be drawn, Zhou Xu has a hunch that this time, it should be successful!

With this mentality, in order to get the results faster, Zhou Xu appropriately consumed the enchantment power in the weapon.

It wasn't until the edge on the blade gradually dimmed that he sheathed the sword and took the weapon back.

In the next period of time, he will personally observe and confirm this new weapon!

The next two days passed, and the entire state of the weapon changed little. Until the morning of the third day, Zhou Xu pulled out the knife as always.

At that moment, he keenly noticed that the originally dimmed blade had unknowingly regained some of its sharpness!


This discovery made Zhou Xu ecstatic.

"It's done! It's finally done!!"

The mantra combination of 'Basic Weapon Blessing' itself can replenish the consumed energy by absorbing natural energy, and has a very simple self-cycle.

The blade's return to sharpness shows that this cycle has been formed, and this new metal smelted with the addition of sharp crystals can indeed store the power of the mantra to a certain extent.

How long can the mantra power stored in it be sustained?

After the strength is exhausted, how long does it take for natural recovery?

These issues will still take time to be tested slowly, but what is certain now is that they have successfully produced a serious enchanted weapon!

"I announce that from today on, the new metal obtained by smelting sharp crystals will be named 'Crystal Iron'. This sword will be called 'Crystal Iron Sword'. Mass production will begin immediately!"

After issuing this order, Zhou Xu certainly did not forget the hero who developed this crystal iron sword.

"In addition, the members of the research and development team will be rewarded with 3,000 yuan for them to distribute among themselves, and the deputy director of the Ordnance and Equipment Department, Wang Dachui, will be rewarded with 1,000 yuan, plus a piece of silk, as a reward."


After receiving the order, the attendant flew away in the direction of the forging department.

Wang Dachui was very excited after receiving the order. At this moment, he couldn't help but dance.

This is not only because of the reward from their king, but also because of the successful research and development of the Crystal Iron Knife!

Wang Dachui actually knew in his heart that he did not have genius-like abilities like Zhuang Mengdie. He could only strike more and more efficiently than ordinary members.

Ordinary craftsmen can quickly get closer to themselves or even surpass themselves if they work hard.

This also makes Wang Dachui, who sits in the position of deputy minister, not dare to slack off even for a day. He keeps forging iron every day to improve his forging skills.

He originally thought that his life would just pass like this.

Who would have thought that one day he would be able to successfully forge an enchanted weapon like the Crystal Iron Knife.

This made him, as a weapons craftsman, feel unprecedentedly proud!

“Brothers, let’s get started!!!”

After that, Wang Dachui himself had already invested in the mass production of crystal iron knives without even having to be urged by the attendants who came to deliver orders.

That whole state was just like being injected with chicken blood!

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