Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 530 It’s not easy to mix military rations

In the following period, in order to master the inherited skills of their centaur clan, Drogo also ran to Diak and his companions every day.

It’s another new day. Looking at Drogo and the others who came to learn skills after having a full breakfast, Diak couldn’t help but ask...

"So, how is the king lately?"

Facing Diak's confused question, Drogo looked puzzled.

"It's good, isn't it? The king is always busy with affairs, and I haven't seen him for a while. Does Chief Diak want to see our king for something?"

"Um, that's okay. Didn't you say you were going to deal with the rat men before? When are you going to set off? I have to make some preparations in advance, right?"

"There are still a few days until the energy channel opens. Even if we want to set off, we have to wait for the energy channel to open."

At this point, Drogo's voice paused.

"However, the king did not say that he would turn back when the energy channel was opened. After all, he has spent a lot of time on the front line, and there are many things in the rear that need the king to deal with. This time it is very likely that he will stay in the rear for a little longer. Wait for a while and wait for the next energy channel."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Drogo's words really left Diak speechless.

It's not easy to eat military rations.

At the same time, Zhou Xu quickly returned to Black Moon Village after briefly finishing his work in Prairie Village.

After all, this is the core of their big week. All important departments are gathered here and there are more daily affairs.

Just like Drogo said, he has been on the front line for a while. When he comes back this time, he doesn't plan to stay for a few days and leave. There are many things waiting for him to make decisions here.

When he was on the front line, there were things in the rear that they couldn't decide on their own, so they had to wait for the energy channel to open and let the messengers come over.

After Zhou Xu confirmed the content and made a decision, he had to wait for the next time the energy channel was opened before he could send it back.

Over and over again, more than half a month has passed, and the efficiency of message transmission is very low, which has greatly slowed down their internal operating efficiency.

Now that Zhou Xu is back, he is personally in charge of the center, and all measures and orders can be issued in a timely manner. Even if there is an emergency, he can respond immediately, and their internal operating efficiency will naturally improve accordingly.

Having just finished approving the report sent in the morning, Zhou Xu couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The ability of his important subordinates to read and digitize has really improved a lot, and he can read the report more and more smoothly.

In the past, when he looked at the article full of pinyin, typos, and some sentence problems, he might have to figure out what it meant. The little bits and pieces would add up to a lot of time, but now there is no need for it.

Zhou Xu stretched out vigorously, and the work at hand came to an end for the time being. He walked slowly outside to the bamboo pavilion and sat down to bask in the sun. This was an old man's hobby that he had before time travel.

The sunshine in this winter was quite comfortable, but he didn't intend to just sit in a daze and casually click on the 'Dragon Lord' class panel.

After this period of time, his mantra power has also recovered a lot. Considering that the lizard people on the front line have an urgent need for combat power, Zhou Xu feels that it is better to seize the opportunity and upgrade more strengthening items.

Maintaining the previously determined upgrade idea, he decided to continue upgrading the 'Lizard Man Comprehensive Enhancement'.

This time, the system did not remind him of the risks. With the massive consumption of mantra power in his body, the project was officially upgraded to level three.

Lizardmen Comprehensive Strengthening (Passive) (Level 3): The Lizardmen under your command are blessed by your abilities, and their overall physical fitness is greatly improved.

A small amount of improvement directly turned into a large improvement. This word makes people feel comfortable just looking at it.

At the same time, with the unlocking of the third-level project, three branch lines were slowly extended from this basic project, and Zhou Xu introduced three new extension projects.

These three items are 'Lizard Man Strength Enhancement', 'Lizard Man Speed ​​Enhancement' and 'Lizard Man Endurance Enhancement'.

Needless to say, these three projects are still typical passive projects, and the content of the enhancements can also be said to be very clear.

According to Zhou Xu's understanding, comprehensive enhancement is the foundation. When the attributes are not high, even if it is upgraded to the third level of enhancement and the comprehensive attributes are greatly improved, the actual strength that can be displayed is estimated to be limited. Rounding off, to put it bluntly, A round of fitness.

But on the basis of this comprehensive strengthening, if you can obtain additional strengthening items, then his strengthening bonus will become higher and higher. The larger the base, the greater the improvement.

After taking a brief look at these three projects, Zhou Xu randomly found one and tried to upgrade it.

There was no surprise, the system reminded him that the risk was too great.

Comparing the level of the risk warning, if it is generally 'too large', he will wait for seven or eight days and recover for a while.

During this period of time, the energy channel was opened again, and Zhou Xu had no plans to leave. It was not difficult to see from the report sent back by Li Ce that during his absence, everything was as usual on the front line.

Eight days later, the system's risk reminder went offline just as he expected.

Among these three clearly targeted strengthening projects, Zhou Xu gave priority to upgrading the 'Lizard Man Endurance Strengthening' to the first level, and obtained the strengthening effect of slightly improving endurance.

He made this decision after careful consideration.

Judging from the frontline intelligence provided by Soros before, the core force of the rat people is composed of rat slave soldiers who are not very strong, and can even be said to be very weak. These slave soldiers are very fragile. Under normal circumstances, the lizards Any soldier can easily kill it.

But the problem is that there are too many slave soldiers, and it can even be said to be endless.

This resulted in them being frantically consumed by these slave soldiers every time they fought.

At the end of the battle, even if they were able to defeat all the Ratmen slave soldiers, they would still be in a state of decline due to lack of physical strength when facing the Ratmen's regular troops.

In the end, they either retreated or were unable to defeat the opponent and stopped hastily.

And this is exactly the core tactic of the Rat Man! Just fighting with them is exhausting, consuming troops and stamina.

From this point of view, strengthening the lizard man's endurance can be regarded as the right medicine.

After simply completing the upgrade operation of the strengthening project, the price was that all the mantra power he had recovered in the past few days left him, and even a lot of it was lost.

The whole consumption was greater than he expected, so Zhou Xu had to stay paralyzed for a while.

[This upgrade point project is really becoming more and more difficult. 】

While Zhou Xux was thinking about this, the voice of an attendant from outside came in.

"Your Majesty, Vice Minister Wang from the Forging Department has sent news that the first official sample of the new metal weapon you asked him to develop has been produced."

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