The equipment left behind by Dragon God Ceylon, no matter how bad it is, is a magical equipment like a silver steel sword, right?

As a result, it all went to those smart people.

As soon as Zhou Xu thought of this, his blood pressure began to soar uncontrollably.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that Dragon God was not unprepared. However, he did not expect that after the destruction of the old civilization, these pig teammates began to act stupidly!

Of course, he definitely couldn't blame Soros and the others for this matter. In essence, it had nothing to do with Soros and the others.

Even the matter itself is already regarded as a legend from their ancestors to Soros and others. They are not very sure whether it is true or false.

At the same time, from another perspective, in the previous battles, the weapons and equipment themselves were a major advantage of their Dazhou troops. If those magic equipment were still there, they might not be able to defeat them.

From this point of view, it is really a good thing for them that those equipments are gone.

After thinking about it like this, Zhou Xu suddenly felt that he was in a much better mood.

At the same time, looking at Soros below, Zhou Xu pondered for a while and came up with some new ideas.

"Thoros, on the battlefield with the Ratmen to the south, is there room for cavalry?"

Faced with this question, Soros nodded immediately.

"Yes! The battlefield in the south is dominated by hilly environments, with little undulations and gentle slopes. There are also many plains in the middle, where the cavalry can use it to its fullest."

In this era, is there any military unit that can ignore the gap in strength to a certain extent, bring considerable damage to the enemy, and even dominate the battle situation?

There is no doubt that it is the cavalry!

Although he has achieved staged victory in the battle here, it can be said that he has made a lot of money.

At this moment, he could just let the lizardmen and ratmen to the south fight to the death, while he rested first and kept a low profile.

In fact, this was what Zhou Xu originally planned.

But now the situation has changed, the lizard people have been absorbed by him.

Although there are currently no lizardmen on the southern battlefield, judging from the previous performance of Bolevin and the others, this matter cannot go wrong.

As a result, it directly led to a situation.

That is, the lizardman's casualties become his losses!

Now, Zhou Xu could no longer sit and watch the show.

But you said you wanted him to send a large force to the southern battlefield to support...

After fighting so many battles with the lizardmen and suffering so many casualties, he really couldn't send any decent large troops now.

But he could still get together a cavalry force for the time being.

After getting Thoros' answer and learning that there was room for cavalry to play on the southern battlefield, Zhou Xu nodded and then changed the subject.

"Speaking of which, does the green lizard priest still have the ability to accelerate the formation of energy channels?"

Zhou Xu did not ask the green lizard priest if he had the means to open the energy channel, but boldly stated his previous guess.

It turned out that he was right.

Soros shook his head.

"They've lost that power."

As for the reason for losing his power, Soros didn't dare to say, but Zhou Xu could guess it.

The profession of 'Green Lizard Priest' has also been unlocked on his side.

Judging from the current situation, according to his analysis and speculation, if he wants to unlock this ability, he may have to first let the level of the "Green Lizard Priest" professional project reach the prerequisites before he can unlock it.

Zhou Xu just tried it. At this stage, he wanted to upgrade the professional project level of the 'Green Lizard Priest' from level one to level two, but the system reminded him that the risks were huge.

It is not difficult to see from this that the cost of upgrading to the second level of the 'Green Lizard Priest' is higher than the cost of upgrading to the third level of the 'Lizard Man Comprehensive Strengthening', and I am afraid it is more than a little bit higher.

After all, this itself is a relatively vague unit of measurement.

"Okay, I understand, Thoros, please step back first."

"Yes! I'm resigning!"

Looking at Soros's leaving figure, Zhou Xu fell into deep thought.

[Should I save my strength for a period of time to unlock this ability of the 'Green Lizard Priest'? 】

Zhou Xu did some calculations in his mind.

[Forget it, forget it. Considering that you may need to unlock and upgrade subsequent skills, it will take a little half a year to successfully unlock them. 】

[Now the distance between the two world fragments is already quite close. At this time, the cycle of opening the energy channel has basically been shortened to eleven or two days. In less than half a year, it will most likely be shortened to less than ten days. Normal communication. That's enough, now it's more important to improve the lizardman's combat power. 】

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu turned to look at Wang Pengfei.

"Go and call Li Ce and Zhou Chongshan."


After receiving the order, Wang Pengfei quickly ran to deliver the order.

At this moment, Li Ce and Zhou Chongshan were on the Lizardmen's side. After receiving the order, they immediately put down what they were doing and rushed over.

"Li Ce (Zhou Chongshan), see the king!"

"No gift."

Sitting on the metal seat, Zhou Xu raised his hand to signal the two of them to refrain from courtesy.

"You have all made countless contributions in this campaign against the Lizardmen. Now that the war has come to an end, it is natural that you should be rewarded based on your merits."

Zhou Xu's voice paused.

"As a frontline commander, Li Ce commanded with restraint, stabilized the overall situation, and made great contributions. He was promoted to the rank of captain and was rewarded with three thousand coins and three pieces of silk."

"As a general, Zhou Chongshan charged into battle, beheaded enemy generals, and led troops deep into the enemy's formation many times. His contribution was also considerable. He was rewarded with a set of armor, two thousand coins, and two pieces of silk."

"Although Drogo and Silk are not here at the moment, I still reward them all at once. Li Ce, you are their commander. You will receive the reward for them."


Li Ce clasped his fists and settled the matter.

"Drogo and Silk have meritorious service in killing the enemy. They will be promoted to second lieutenants and will be rewarded with a thousand coins and a piece of silk."

Later, there were also some minor officers, and Zhou Xu also arranged rewards according to the recorded military merits.

After arranging all the rewards three times, five times and five times two times, Zhou Xu talked about the business with the two of them.

"I asked you two to come here this time because I have something to arrange."

Zhou Xu said, sorting out his thoughts a little.

"Now that the Lizardmen have surrendered to our Great Zhou, they can also be considered as our subjects, so they can no longer be allowed to fight against the Ratmen in the southern battlefield."

"But our military strength is not optimistic at the moment. My idea is to let Zhongshan lead a cavalry team and bring our weapons and equipment to the southern battlefield to support the large Lizardmen troops."

"In this way, while receiving assistance from our cavalry, the lizardmen's weapons and equipment can also be partially upgraded, thereby improving their combat power and increasing their chances of winning."

"During this period, Li Ce will be in charge of the lizard people. I plan to go back to Dazhou to deal with some things."

At this point, Zhou Xu, who seemed to have remembered something again, turned his eyes and fell on Wang Pengfei, who was already distracted.

"Oh, by the way, Pengfei, for this mission, I want you to serve as the supervisor and follow Zhongshan to the southern battlefield."

"Huh? Huh?!!"

Update sent, thank you to the book friend "Xian can meet but cannot seek - Da" for the reward!

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