Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 519 What kind of sexy operation is this? !

The powerful breeding ability of the lizard people is a good thing for Zhou Xu, and it can definitely become their main battle unit in the future.

At the same time, during this period of time, the mantra power in his body also recovered a lot, so he was thinking about upgrading some individual strengthening items.

In this way, as long as Boleven successfully recruits the lizard people on the southern border, they will be immediately strengthened and upgraded.

Facing the Ratmen later, it will be able to gain some confidence.

With this thought in mind, Zhou Xu began to think about the class panel in front of him again.

He now has two ideas. One is to strengthen individual arms, thereby improving the strength of some arms in the lizardman army.

Another idea is to continue to upgrade the passive project of 'Lizard Man Comprehensive Strengthening' to comprehensively enhance the strength of all Lizard Men.

Zhou Xu chose the latter after some deliberation.

When the overall strength is in place, having a particularly strong force can naturally become the key to victory.

On the other hand, if the overall strength is not in place, then the strength of one unit alone will not be able to achieve success alone, and it will be of little significance.

The powerful elite troops affect the upper limit, while the large number of main troops affects the foundation.

If you don’t even have a stable foundation, then why are you still struggling with the issue of whether there is an upper limit or not?

With this thought in mind, Zhou Xu focused his attention on the passive project of 'Lizard Man Comprehensive Strengthening'.

System prompt: Do you want to confirm the upgrade of 'Lizard Man Comprehensive Enhancement (Passive) (Level 1)'?


There was no increase in risk, so Zhou Xu made the affirmative choice without hesitation.

Soon, the power of Zhou Xu's mantra began to be injected into it, and the already lit 'Lizard Man Comprehensive Enhancement' icon lit up with a more dazzling light at this moment. With the injection of mantra power, the light gradually An entire icon is completely wrapped.

System prompt: Congratulations to ‘Zhou Xu’ for successfully obtaining ‘Lizard Man Comprehensive Strengthening (Passive) (Level 2)’

In terms of mantra consumption, the consumption has doubled compared to when this first-level item was unlocked.

The little mantra power that I had recovered in the past few days was suddenly gone by half.

Judging from this situation, if he doesn't take a good rest for ten days and a half, he really can't afford to upgrade this project to level three.

However, with a try mentality, Zhou Xu gave it a try.

System prompt: Do you want to confirm the upgrade of 'Lizard Man Comprehensive Enhancement (Passive) (Level 2)'?

System prompt: This operation is too risky for you. Do you want to continue?

Compared with the original "slightly higher risk", this risk level has at least increased by one level.

This unsurprising reminder made the protagonist Zhou Xu, who had listened to the advice, turned around and opened the project that had just been promoted to level 2 to take a look at the changes in the content.

Lizardmen Comprehensive Strengthening (Passive) (Level 2): ​​The Lizardmen under your command receive your ability blessings, and their overall physical fitness is slightly improved.

With a level change, the improvement range changes from a 'slight improvement' at level one to a 'small amount of improvement'. The difference between this should be quite obvious.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu directly ordered Wang Pengfei to call Soros.

"Thoros, see the king!"

Seeing Soros coming, Zhou Xu immediately spoke up and asked the question in his heart.

"Did you feel the increase in physical strength just now?"

Upon hearing this, Soros reacted immediately.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your blessing!"

After a few days, Soros, the 'king', has become very easy to pronounce.

Different from the slight bonus brought by Zhou Xu's innate ability, the level of enhancement that the 'Dragon Lord' class brings to the lizard people at this stage may not be large, but when it works, the lizard people will have an obvious feeling. The feeling of 'being blessed'.

The gods were willing to further bless them, which made Soros subconsciously think that his hard work during this period had been approved by the gods.

If this momentum continues, will my status in the future be able to surpass that of the high priest, or in other words, become the new high priest?

When he thought of this, Soros really got a little excited.

During this period, Zhou Xu didn't think too much. Seeing Soros being so excited, he just assumed that the strengthening effect was indeed effective.

But he knew that this level of strengthening was definitely not enough.

And now that I am unable to make a breakthrough on the class panel in a short period of time, I want to improve the combat power of the lizard people so that they can compete with the rat people in the south...

In addition to sending their troops from the Great Zhou Dynasty south to support them, the easiest way is probably to upgrade the equipment of the lizard people, or even simpler, don't upgrade the armor, and try your best to upgrade their weapons!

Although the Lizardmen's crystal weapons are sharp, their overall performance is really not good enough.

At the same time, it is not difficult to see from the previous conversation with Bam that the sharp crystal exists as an auxiliary material, and the crystal weapon made by the lizard people is equivalent to letting an auxiliary position attack the main C, and the effect can be Good thing there is a ghost.

Zhou Xu asked Soros about the issue of 'weapons production'.

"Thoros, can't the weapon craftsmen in the clan be able to make better weapons? Is it because of a lack of materials? Or is it a lack of technology?"

There are weapon craftsmen among the lizardmen. When Bolevin and the others surrendered, he also unlocked the corresponding professional projects.

At this moment, faced with this question from Zhou Xu, Soros spoke with an embarrassed look on his face...

"Reporting to the king, I cannot give an accurate answer to this question, because the clan has been using crystal weapons since I can remember. However, when I was a child, I heard some stories from some elders in the clan. "

"tell me the story."

"Legend has it that in ancient times, the old civilization ended with the collapse of the world. At that time, our ancestors were ordered to guard this temple, which also retained an elite fighting force, leaving a glimmer of hope for the survival of our family. "

Having said this, Soros took a breath.

"But after the destruction of the old civilization, some members of the high-level tribe suggested that troops should be sent to find other branches scattered around the world, so that they could return to the glory of the gods and gather more power for my Lord's awakening."

"At that time, this proposal was unanimously approved by everyone, so half of the elite combat force was divided, and the weapons and equipment preserved from the old civilization era were set off."

"Ten years have passed since then, and there has been no news from the elite combat force who left with their weapons and equipment."


"Later, in order to find their traces, the remaining elite combat forces set out with the remaining weapons and equipment. Then, there was no news."


At this moment, Zhou Xu's mood was in a mess.

[There is something MMP must say next! 】

[What kind of pit wall thing does grandma have? ! If you can't even guard your home well, what kind of crazy operation is this? ! 】

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