Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 510 Dragon Lord

During this period, the high priest led the lizardmen on the tribe's side to evacuate urgently, and the high priest who went south to join the large army of lizardmen suddenly felt a palpitation of his heart on this day.

Then he looked in the direction of the temple with a look of disbelief.

At that moment, all the strength in his body seemed to be completely drained away in an instant.

No one knows what this means better than the high priest.

【My Lord. Has fallen? 】

At that moment, the high priest's heart almost collapsed.

[No, it’s impossible, we have turned our backs on our Lord, and our Lord has withdrawn his blessings from us! 】

Compared to the death of the Dragon God, the high priest would rather believe that they were punished by the Dragon God.

As their creator, the strength of the lizard people basically comes from the blessing of the Dragon God.

It's not just the extraordinary means, once the blessing is lost, even the physical quality will definitely decline.

During this process, many lizard people in the distance obviously noticed that they were beginning to become weak. This feeling of weakness was too obvious and too strong, which directly caused a commotion.

During this period, despair began to appear on the face of the high priest.

In the current situation, facing the attack from the two forces of the Great Zhou and the Rat Men, without the blessing of the Dragon God, they will completely lose the power to resist.

At the same time, Zhou Xu, who was in the temple, certainly didn't know what happened to the lizard people. Even if he knew, he didn't care at the moment.

After briefly understanding the situation from Bam, his attention fell on his newly acquired rank of 'Dragon Lord'.

After having successfully put it into his pocket, Zhou Xu had nothing to rush about. Things had to be done one by one.

[So how should I confirm this? When the system prompted before, it seemed that the module was loaded? 】

With the thought flashing through his mind, Zhou Xu directly opened his system panel.

The system panel had always been very monotonous before, basically displaying one's personal attributes, but this time it was opened, it was obviously different.

Next to the 'Personal Attributes', there is an additional 'Professional' panel.

[Speaking of which, job rank is also a new word. Is it something similar to ‘career’? 】

With doubts in his mind, Zhou Xu clicked on the panel called 'Class', and what popped up was undoubtedly the class called 'Dragon Lord' that he had obtained before.

Looking at this rank, Zhou Xu was quite excited.

If you think about it carefully, this can be said to be the first time he has obtained a complete rank, and it is also the rank with the highest authority. It is completely different from the 'samples' and 'copies' he obtained before.

As if sensing his arrival, the thick fog that originally enveloped the entire panel dissipated slightly, revealing an icon at the bottom, which was successfully lit.

Immediately afterwards, two branches were derived from the icon, and the branches extended all the way upward. Wherever they passed, the dense fog receded, and finally connected to two gray icons, which appeared in front of Zhou Xu.

There is a feeling of playing a game to unlock skills, which is quite new for Zhou Xu.

[Let’s take a look at the icon that is lit by default first. 】

Zhou Xu himself has played a lot of games, and skills like this that are lit directly by default are generally basic skills.

With this thought in mind, Zhou Xu tried to touch the icon, and soon, a detailed interface appeared in front of him.

Dragon Lord (Level 1) (Passive): As the 'Dragon Lord', you have the power to command dragon units. The lizardmen units currently belonging to the lowest level of the dragon clan will take orders from you.

There is no doubt that it is indeed a basic skill. In the game, this should be something similar to a passive aura. As long as this aura is present, the lizardmen units belonging to the dragon clan will obey his orders.

The effect is also very simple and crude, there is nothing much to say.

The focus is on the later levels, from which it is easy to see that this skill can probably be upgraded.

[The first-level Dragon Lord can only make the lizardmen units obey my orders. In other words, if you want to command the dragonmen and dragons that Bam mentioned before, you need a higher level. But how to upgrade this? 】

Zhou Xu tried to perform the upgrade operation, but the system prompt sounded again soon.

System prompt: Do you want to confirm the upgrade of 'Dragon Lord (Level 1) (Passive)'?

System prompt: This operation is extremely risky for you. Do you want to continue?

Zhou Xu raised his eyebrows when he heard two system prompts in succession.

[The risk is extremely high...]


His greatest strength is that he listens to advice.

He tried to activate the temple's defensive barrier before and was almost drained by the barrier. Now he will definitely not take risks easily again.

After stopping his upgrade operation, Zhou Xu turned his attention to the two gray icons that had not been lit up yet.

Just like he clicked on the 'Dragon Lord' icon before, now he also successfully clicked on the detail pages of these two icons...

Lizardman Soldier Training (Passive) (Unlocked): You can start training the Lizardmen and let them go into battle as soldiers. The training efficiency is slightly improved.

Lizardmen Comprehensive Strengthening (Passive) (Unlocked): The Lizardmen under your command will receive your strengthening blessing, and their overall physical fitness will be slightly improved.

The descriptions of both projects are very simple and clear, but in terms of the improvement, they use the ambiguous word "slightly".

This made Zhou Xu frown, but then he understood a little bit.

The body values ​​of soldiers are themselves a very complex thing. When you are in good or bad condition, it will have a great impact.

It's the same training. When everyone devotes themselves to it, everyone's training effect will definitely be different.

Not to mention that everyone's training status may not be the same, which also makes it difficult to reflect this kind of thing through an accurate numerical value.

The attribute panel is the same. It adopts the star rating with its own range, which is more reasonable.

Unlocking these items obviously requires some kind of consumption.

Combining the corresponding related factors and the things that can be consumed, Zhou Xu blindly guessed that what was consumed should be the power of his mantra.

There was basically not much mantra power left in his body now. Under the premise that he needed to choose one of the two extremes, Zhou Xu thought about it for a while.

He now prefers 'lizard man comprehensive enhancement'.

From the current point of view, the 'Lizard Man Comprehensive Enhancement' coverage is wider, and after being unlocked at the same time, it should be effective immediately.

In comparison, the 'Lizard Soldier Training' project requires more time to be invested in order to see the effect.

System prompt: Do you want to confirm the unlocking and upgrade of 'Lizard Man Comprehensive Enhancement (Passive)'?

System prompt: This operation is slightly risky for you. Do you want to continue?

[Slightly larger? 】

Compared with the previous 'extreme risk', 'slightly large' has undoubtedly dropped several levels.

However, out of caution, Zhou Xu allowed himself to wait for another day before trying again.

Sure enough, this time, the system did not remind him of the risk.

System prompt: Congratulations to ‘Zhou Xu’ for successfully obtaining ‘Lizard Man Comprehensive Strengthening (Passive) (Level 1)’

As guessed before, unlocking these items depends on injecting the power of mantra!

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